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IGN's new top 100 games of all time -list completed

8th lutz

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"Everyone else" I know around here actually agrees that Mario 64 "Isn't a Mario game" and some of those also believe it is quite boring. I am not quite sure how you can say I am alone in this opinion. A few others in this very thread made some points that aren't quite as wild as mine are (haha!). If you look at the transition of two of the major franchises to the N64 - Mario & Zelda, you can see a night and day difference between proper adaptation. Zelda has always been an action/adventure game that centers around exploring, puzzle solving, and fighting. When they moved it from isometric to a tomb raider POV, it worked because the nature of the game was retained. Mario64 on the other hand was a laughable installation in the Mario franchise because they turned it into an adventure game. It's extremely slow and is nothing like a Mario game. A Mario game is typically fast paced - not quite like Sonic - but Mario is a sidescroller where you grab powerups & coins as you push from one level to another.


I love how two of you came to the conclusion I am a fanboy of something else because I don't love something that you hold true to your heart - I'll have you know I am not a fanboy of anything. I simply think Mario64 and GoldenEye are two horrible games. What is wrong with that?


GoldenEye had horrible controls and was totally pointless as a multiplayer game because you could see where everyone else was - where is the fun in that? Mario Kart 64 was a much better multiplayer console game. I think I am with you on that one.


I highly doubt everyone else here agrees Mario 64 is one of the worst games of all time though...lol ;) Infact, there's a good chance you may be the only one who thinks Mario is that bad...lol. Oh well. Infact, I bought Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time the day they came out... Mario 64 impressed me more than Ocarina. Ocarina's graphics aren't a whole lot better than Mario 64, it doesn't control any better. Ya, it has a great story, but the game is quite boring and tedious at times. I prefer Mario 64 because it's more gameplay oriented, whereas in Ocarina, a lot of the times you are just running around doing stupid chores, and getting lost sometimes. Not all that fun at times. In Mario 64, I only got stuck on figuring out a couple stars, but that was well after I got the 70 required to beat the game.


And I find it odd that you think Mario games are typically fast paced. I've always played Mario games slow and methodically, collecting nearly all of the coins and killing lots of badies and such. I dunno man, it's just that when someone says Mario 64 and Goldeneye are "horrible games", it just doesn't compute for me and I'm sure most others. A good example is, a lot of people love Nights... I could never get into Nights, and actually think it's too linear, and fairly boring. However, I'm not going to say it's one of the worse games of all time, because I know it's knowhere near that. I would rate it an 80% myself while I'd give Mario 64 a 95% and Ocarina a 90%. I don't think Mario 64 is the best game of all time, or even the best Mario. I'd probably say Mario 3 is the best Mario, then Yoshi's Island, and then Mario 64... ;) Mario's are rated so highly because they are always just so darn good and polished games. That's Miyamoto for you though. He's truly a master, as is Yu Suzuki...


Oh hey - on 8th Lutz's added numbers -


60. Prince of Persia - GEN, NES, PC, SCD, SGG, SMS, SNES, TG-16

59. Command & Conquer: Red Alert-PC, PSX

58. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!-nes

57. ICO-ps 2

56. NHL '94- GEN, PC, SCD, SNES

55. Final Fantasy II- GBA, PSX, SNES, WSC

54. Contra- ARC, GB, NES, SGG

53. Rome: Total War-PC

52. Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty- PC

51.Sonic the Hedgehog-GBA, GEN, SGG


Lots of good ones in there, too. I really liked Prince of Persia, but I never finished it because I ran out of time. I've never picked it up since that time. Thinking back, I think I played it on PC with a joystick - that's really kinda odd. Probably why I didn't do so hot.


Mike Tyson's P.O. was great. It's too bad that it eventually had to be stripped of "Mike Tyson" - but it's still a fun game. The NHL series was a lot of fun back then. FFII (IV) is one of my favorite FF games. Contra is a great classic. I never played Rome: TW, but I know a few people that liked it. Sonic also got his fair share of attention with his release on Genesis.


Anyone play Dune II or ICO? I've never played them.


Hey Shannon - You mentioned Sonic II as being better than Sonic I. I have both of these games, but I have only really played just a little bit of Sonic I. Do you want to talk a bit about that?


Man, they never can get these lists right...lol. Sonic #51 HAHA...Such BS. That game floored everyone in the early 90's... That game should easily be in the top 25 and probably in the top 10... Mike Tyson's Punch out should also be in the top 25. FFII could probably also be easily in the top 25. I agree that Sonic 2 is better than Sonic 1, and I feel it's probably the best 2d Sonic, but it is so similar to Sonic 1 that I think it would be stupid to list the Genesis Sonics seperately. Whereas Mario 1, 2, and 3 on the Nintendo are very different and probably should be listed differently. Same with SMW 1 and 2.

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These arguments are beside the point. If Mario 64 or Halo (because of the great co-op and multiplayer) ended up as #1, I might not agree, but at least I could kind of understand it. My problem is going to be when a PS2 era Madden ends up on the top 50, or when something like Gun beats out Street Fighter 2 and Galaga.

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My opinion, just as relevant as yours, is that you really don't care whether you're right.


This was all about getting that rant out of your system.


I wish more people would do it.


Exactly. The tough part is that we all have to read the discussion as words on a screen rather than get to joke around about it in the same room. Sometimes I'll write something, read it over again and be like...eeeeehh..that might sound like an attack on someone when it is really just a strong point I am trying to make for my side of the discussion.


I guess that is why we use these: :D I guess I just don't use them enough as I should.


Just as much as I want to state my opinion, I *want* to hear everyone else's. That is what makes discussion boards great.


...... :D




So here's my take on Goldeneye.


It sucks. No, seriously.


Compare it to Half-Life 2 or Halo 3, and they'll eat it alive, even in multi-player. Plus, everyone is made of half melted cheese bricks. They stare through lifeless eyes. It's disturbing, like something Silent Hill threw up at a homecoming party.


But, it must have done something right, or it'd be forgotten as fast as EA's attempts to steal it's identity.


Looking over PC games at the time, I see demons with chainguns, and women you can pay to see dance or shake their nipple pixel. You can kill both, it's practically encouraged.


Multi-player is frags and rocket jumps. Ayn Rand's vision of cultural nirvana, no doubt, but all she had was chess.




In dances this console barbarian Goldeneye, with location based damage and sniper rifles. Plus now the women can shoot back. You do the math how that changed the game.


Quake64, Doom64, and Duke Nukem69 tried to convert the pagan hordes, but it was too late.


The masses demanded their virtual murder sprees be more applicable to real life.


And console gamers were along for the ride.

Edited by A Sprite
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Off-topic: Quake 64 sucks really bad (because of controls and save system).


I agree with some games but please, Contra better than The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening? Contra is just another linear/boring impossible game (and dated because of that I might add) in my opinion. Zelda provides so much more depth and enjoyment that I can't see how it can be ranked lower, at least OoT or ALttP will beat it.


The top should belong to Super Mario World though, that's perfection.

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I suppose a lot of this has to do with the way you look at it -


Do you take IGN's list and compare it to your own feelings about games - OR - Do you take IGN's list, examine the popularity of the games and how the masses feel (most likely including yourself), and then discuss their order as right or wrong.


I guess I basically look at it from my own personal point of view. Obviously there isn't one be all, end all "top 100" list of all the games out there - but - When a list appears, we can all come together and battle it out with a frame of reference.

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One thing that annoys me is that some people say that the classic "first in the series" is the best even though better games have come out since but because of the impact it had on them, they still regard the original as a better game. I think that happened with Contra and Sonic (there are better shooters and clearly Sonic 2 is better than the original, at least in my opinion).

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I suppose a lot of this has to do with the way you look at it -


Do you take IGN's list and compare it to your own feelings about games - OR - Do you take IGN's list, examine the popularity of the games and how the masses feel (most likely including yourself), and then discuss their order as right or wrong.


I guess I basically look at it from my own personal point of view. Obviously there isn't one be all, end all "top 100" list of all the games out there - but - When a list appears, we can all come together and battle it out with a frame of reference.


My own preferences are irrelevant, really. Siren won't make the list. Neither will any Parodius. Most people will never even play "The Marriage." And mass appeal would turn any list into Madden vs. GTA vs. Halo, vs. Pokemon vs. Link, Cloud, and Sephiroth vs. Guitar Hero vs. Hearts vs. Poker anyways.


Mortal Kombat would be there.


In the end, we're all left to define what makes something good - my own definition of good, is to rate a game based on how well it did what it was meant to do, as decided by both the designers, the players, and those who were inspired by the game to create something in turn.

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I suppose a lot of this has to do with the way you look at it -


Do you take IGN's list and compare it to your own feelings about games - OR - Do you take IGN's list, examine the popularity of the games and how the masses feel (most likely including yourself), and then discuss their order as right or wrong.


I guess I basically look at it from my own personal point of view. Obviously there isn't one be all, end all "top 100" list of all the games out there - but - When a list appears, we can all come together and battle it out with a frame of reference.


My own preferences are irrelevant, really. Siren won't make the list. Neither will any Parodius. Most people will never even play "The Marriage."

I'd normally say my favorites won't make the list, but Nintendoage did just do a story on Kick Master for the NES, so perhaps it's about to break out as a "lost" gem. If it ends up on this list ANYWHERE, I will completely endorse the list, even if 007 Nightfire is #1.

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The issue that I see with this is making it so generic. It's like comparing apples to oranges to cucumbers to volkswagens. A much better approach would be the top 100 from each decade, each genre, etc. Top 100 fighting games. Top 100 adventure games. Top 100 games of the 80's. So on and so forth. Maybe then they could even take the best out of all those categories and make that big massive generic list like "Best of the Best of the Best 100 Ever of All Time."

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I'd be interested in results based on a large scale poll, preferably broken down by demographic groups. Problem is you need a lot of people to make the results meaningful, and a web poll will just get spammed by bots.

I don't think individual voters should be expected to rank their games. They should just give a short list of their favorite games of all time, and each game gets 1 vote. There's no point trying to pick which of a few "best games ever" is the "most bestest", even moreso given the apples vs oranges comparisons you get into.


My problem is going to be when a PS2 era Madden ends up on the top 50

Some version of Madden deserves to be on the list, but I don't know which one, as I've not played very many of them. If we go by the standards of the day when it was released, I'd agree the PS2's aren't the best and I'd nominate one of the earlier Genesis versions instead.

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I'd be interested in results based on a large scale poll, preferably broken down by demographic groups. Problem is you need a lot of people to make the results meaningful, and a web poll will just get spammed by bots.

I don't think individual voters should be expected to rank their games. They should just give a short list of their favorite games of all time, and each game gets 1 vote. There's no point trying to pick which of a few "best games ever" is the "most bestest", even moreso given the apples vs oranges comparisons you get into.


My problem is going to be when a PS2 era Madden ends up on the top 50

Some version of Madden deserves to be on the list, but I don't know which one, as I've not played very many of them. If we go by the standards of the day when it was released, I'd agree the PS2's aren't the best and I'd nominate one of the earlier Genesis versions instead.


I was mocking the idea that a small group of people could hope to even pick any list such as that. My personal list would include Cybernator for SNES, but I can GUARANTEE that won't be on any "best 100." ;)

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10 more games are on the list today. They can be found on post 3 in this thread or in this post. Here are the next 10 games:


50. Super Smash Bros.-N64

49. Guitar Hero II- PS2, X360

48. Shining Force II-Gen

47. God of War-PS 2

46. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2-DC, MAC, N64, PC, PSX

45. Battlefield 1942-MAC, PC

44. Panzer Dragoon Saga-SAT

43. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn-MAC, PC

42. The Legend of Zelda- Nes

41. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island-Snes

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The issue that I see with this is making it so generic. It's like comparing apples to oranges to cucumbers to volkswagens. A much better approach would be the top 100 from each decade, each genre, etc. Top 100 fighting games. Top 100 adventure games. Top 100 games of the 80's. So on and so forth. Maybe then they could even take the best out of all those categories and make that big massive generic list like "Best of the Best of the Best 100 Ever of All Time."


That does make a lot more sense doesn't it... :D And Super Mario World 2 should probably be in the top 25 atleast, as it's one of the greatest platformers of all time... ;)

Edited by kevincal
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10 more games are on the list today. They can be found on post 3 in this thread or in this post. Here are the next 10 games:


40. Gran Turismo 3 A-spec -PS 2

39. Super Mario Bros. 3- NES

38. Final Fantasy Tactics-PSX

37. Pokémon Blue Version- GB

36. Grim Fandango-PC

35. Grand Theft Auto III -PC, PS2, XBX

34. Deus Ex - MAC, PC, PS2

33. Fallout-MAC, PC

32. Halo: Combat Evolved -XBX

31. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask-N64

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Seeing Super Mario 3 at #39 makes me wonder what 4 Nintendo brand games they'll stereotypically cram into the top 5.


That's really all that's interesting about these lists, seeing how big of batshit insane Nintendo fanboys the list compilers are.


The placement of Panzer Dragoon Saga on the list as better than Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy II (4 jap) is enough to tell they have no sense whatsoever. And I don't even like FF2/4.


But at least they got their plug for Nights in early. That's important. They need to advertise the new Nights title. The casual gaming readers are only going to read that first group of 10.


Notice how pre-NES gaming is being viciously snubbed? Yeah there's Space Invaders, Star Wars Arcade, and the slightly novel hardcore-catering choice of Archon. But where's Adventure, Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Robotron, Asteroids, Galaga, Pitfall, and any number of others which have proven their longevity?

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Seeing Super Mario 3 at #39 makes me wonder what 4 Nintendo brand games they'll stereotypically cram into the top 5.


That's really all that's interesting about these lists, seeing how big of batshit insane Nintendo fanboys the list compilers are.


The placement of Panzer Dragoon Saga on the list as better than Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy II (4 jap) is enough to tell they have no sense whatsoever. And I don't even like FF2/4.


But at least they got their plug for Nights in early. That's important. They need to advertise the new Nights title. The casual gaming readers are only going to read that first group of 10.


Notice how pre-NES gaming is being viciously snubbed? Yeah there's Space Invaders, Star Wars Arcade, and the slightly novel hardcore-catering choice of Archon. But where's Adventure, Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Robotron, Asteroids, Galaga, Pitfall, and any number of others which have proven their longevity?

Exactly, it really sucks when game lists like these seem to forget games from 1972-1984. The is a huge chunk of games that are getting neglected. Too bad.

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One of my altime favorite games made the list at #89, that game is Alone in the Dark. One big problem I see is the lack of research that IGN put into this list. Alone in the Dark was never released for the PSX or SAT. The second game in the series One Eyed Jack's Revenge was released for the PSX and SAT but not the first one which is what is listed.

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10 more games are on the list today. They can be found on post 3 in this thread or in this post. Here are the next 10 games:


40. Gran Turismo 3 A-spec -PS 2

39. Super Mario Bros. 3- NES

38. Final Fantasy Tactics-PSX

37. Pokémon Blue Version- GB

36. Grim Fandango-PC

35. Grand Theft Auto III -PC, PS2, XBX

34. Deus Ex - MAC, PC, PS2

33. Fallout-MAC, PC

32. Halo: Combat Evolved -XBX

31. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask-N64


What the hell is Mario 3 doing in 39th place. That's complete BS... Majora's Mask better than Mario 3? HAHA... HAHAHAHAHA...... :|

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Majora's Mask didn't do anything for me. Then again, I only first played it like 5 years after it came out. I did however get Ocarina the day it came out and loved it, even though I didn't beat it. I only played Majora for a couple of hours, and was totally unimpressed. It just seemed like too quirky of a game. And obviously not as much time was put into it than was put into Ocarina...


Now Mario 3... I mean cmon, that game was insanely good when it came out. EVERYONE in my neighborhood, school...everywhere were playing and talking about the game. It really was a freaking phenomenon. It's still a blast to play to this day. Mario 3 needs to be in the top 25 ATLEAST. And if it were me, in the top 10.

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Notice how pre-NES gaming is being viciously snubbed? Yeah there's Space Invaders, Star Wars Arcade, and the slightly novel hardcore-catering choice of Archon. But where's Adventure, Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Robotron, Asteroids, Galaga, Pitfall, and any number of others which have proven their longevity?

Exactly, it really sucks when game lists like these seem to forget games from 1972-1984. The is a huge chunk of games that are getting neglected. Too bad.

It isn't just pre-NES. It's pre-Genesis.


I did a count by half-decade of games 100-31:


1980-84: 3

1985-89: 9

1990-94: 16

1995-99: 21

2000-04: 16

2005-07: 5


Blindspot, maybe? :roll:

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10 more games are on the list today. They can be found on post 3 in this thread or in this post. Here are the next 10 games:


30. Metroid Prime-GCN

29. Dragon Warrior-nes

28. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness-MAC, PC

27. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic-MAC, PC, XBX

26. Half-Life-MAC, PC, PS2

25. SimCity 2000-MAC, PC, N64, PSX, SAT, SNES

24. Street Fighter II: The World Warrior-ARC, PC, SNES

23. Super Mario Kart-snes

22. System Shock 2- PC

21. X-COM: UFO Defense- PC, PSX

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