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IGN's new top 100 games of all time -list completed

8th lutz

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Some odd choices in that section any way you look at it.


Dragon Warrior... the original for the NES... ranked way higher than FF7, FF2(4), Phantasy Star, and Final Fantasy Tactics. I need some of what these guys are smokin' and shootin' up with.


Of course, Dragon Warrior is coming to the DS soon, right? Gotta work up some enthusiasm for a franchise which isn't very popular here in North America.


Furthering the madness, the original Street Fighter II at #24? Not the universally superior Turbo version? Also of note, the versus fighting genre has no examples so far on this list other than Virtua Fighter and SF2. Unless Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, Tekken, and maybe even Guilty Gear appear further up the list, then something is very wrong.


On one hand, I think they have some fighting game snobs among their number. Along with Street Fighter 3, the worst of the fighting game hardcore choose Virtua Fighter and Street Fighter II as their golden idols, claiming all other games are mere button mashers.


Although, I do think the currently selling versions of Virtua Fighter and the upcoming Street Fighter II HD have something to do with these two games being the only fighting games so far on the list.


And where are the scrolling brawlers?

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Of course, Dragon Warrior is coming to the DS soon, right? Gotta work up some enthusiasm for a franchise which isn't very popular here in North America.


I don't know. Dragon Warrior 4 for the ds was released in Japan. I didn't hear about the game nothing about the gaming being released in North America yet.

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And where are the scrolling brawlers?


The games where you hit one button over and over again to kill 5 ethnically diverse people 20,000 times?


Probably number two.


Of course, Dragon Warrior is coming to the DS soon, right? Gotta work up some enthusiasm for a franchise which isn't very popular here in North America.


I do think the currently selling versions of Virtua Fighter and the upcoming Street Fighter II HD have something to do with these two games being the only fighting games so far on the list.


Defend the games you like instead of attacking those who disagree.



Edited by A Sprite
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Hmm. I linked back to the title page of IGN's feature and saw that they gathered IGN people from "US, UK, and Australia" to put the list together. They didn't mention anyone from Japan...IGN doesn't have an office in Japan. Regardless, I assume some of these people have knowledge of Japanese culture.


It is for this reason that Dragon Warrior (though they didn't call it Quest...) probably ranked as high as it did. I really love the original Dragon Warrior because it was one of the first RPG style video games that I played. It's tough to compare it to newer games (relatively speaking) such as FF2 SNES (FFIV) or FF7, etc...because it was earlier in the evolution chain of gaming. I believe Dragon Warrior ranks as high as it does because of the impact it had on the entire nation of Japan and because of how it gave an early boost to the evolution of the Japanese RPG genre.


Regarding some of the earlier classics mentioned - Some of them could appear towards the top of the list, but the gaming community just wasn't the same in those days. Take River Raid for the Atari 2600 - I played it a lot back in the day. I played it ...just the other day. It's still fun, but did it really have the impact that some of the "younger" games on this list had? I would argue that it didn't - but I imagine a lot of the River Raid lovers out there stopped playing video games long ago and are not contributing to the "gaming crowd" as it is acknowledged today with internet fanboards (like this one)


I am actually in agreement with a lot of this list so far. Each of us would order it differently if it were in our corner, but that is pretty much a given considering how tough it is to pull 100 games out of what is essentially a bottomless pit of titles.

Edited by ckrtech
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10 more games are on the list today. They can be found on post 3 in this thread or in this post. Here are the next 10 games:


20. Metal Gear Solid-PC, PSX

19. Doom-3DO, 32X, MAC, PC, PSX, SAT, SNES : ign didn't mention the jag. version :ponder:

18. Chrono Trigger- PSX, SNES

17. Super Mario World-GBA, SNES

16. Shadow of the Colossus-PS2

15. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night-PSX, SAT

14. Pirates! -MAC, NES, PC

13. Ms. Pac-Man- 5200, ARC, GB, GEN, LYX, SNES -Ign didn't mention the 7800 or the 2600 version :ponder:

12.Star Wars: TIE Fighter (Collector's CD-ROM) PC

11. StarCraft -MAC, PC

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13. Ms. Pac-Man- 5200, ARC, GB, GEN, LYX, SNES

...and the 7800 version is quite possibly the best version outside of the arcade!

No respect at all for the 7800!! I'm surprised they listed the 5200 version and not the 2600 version, and I bet quite a few other systems were left out as well.



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No respect at all for the 7800!! I'm surprised they listed the 5200 version and not the 2600 version, and I bet quite a few other systems were left out as well.

Pirates! -MAC, NES, PC


Uhh, they left quite a few out of there as well! :lol:


Pirates! rules. :lust:

I know. They didn't there research for showing all the platforms the game was on. They didn't respect the jaguar for not mentioning their version of doom.

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Not really any insanity in this section.


20. Metal Gear Solid


You know, I never once heard or read anything positive about the original Metal Gear until MGS was announced and suddenly became THE anticipated game. Everything I had heard about the original Metal Gear was how horrible it was. So, it was quite a suprise to see history rewritten with Metal Gear being a widely loved title.


For some reason this series keeps on getting high rankings in these lists. I've never understood why.



19. Doom


A sensible entry, I suppose. Although, I must admit I don't know anyone who would really play this nowadays for any reason other than nostalgia.



18. Chrono Trigger


Another game which gets a lot of love which seems almost entirely undeserved. But, then again, it has a long quest, variable endings, and even lets you play the game over with experienced characters. It doesn't look too shabby for the day either. It's definitely better than Dragon Warrior.


But if FF6 doesn't appear in the top 10, I still have to wonder what kind of bad weed the list writers are smokin'.



17. Super Mario World


This is another one which would never be on any list I'd make. It was OK for a pack-in game, but nothing I'd play when other options are available.


It's presence here makes me continue to really wonder what 4 Nintendo games the top 5 will have.



16. Shadow of the Colossus


This one got incredible raves. I've never tried it, so I have no opinion.



15. Castlevania: Symphony of Night


Another hardcore favorite here. I don't really see what's so great about this one. It's good, but as much as people rave about it, you'd think it would provide spontaneous orgasms or something.



14. Pirates


I remember playing this game for days at a time on a Tandy computer. Not hours, DAYS. It was just so amazing at the time.


It was one of the few games I bothered keeping an NES hooked up for. If it ever comes out on the Virtual Console, I'll be all over it like stink on shit. So, here's one I approve of heartily. ARRRRRRR!



13. Ms. Pac-Man


The 4th true classic game on the list. You'd think these article writers would have the intelligence to rate this one higher. It's only 25 years after this game launched and people from the hardcore to the casual still play it. Old people play it. Kids play it. There has never really been a time in the history of videogames when people weren't snapping this game up and eagerly playing it. It's still a marketable title.


Longevity like that deserves far more than a mere #13 on the chart. Our descendants will still know of this game when the next entry on this list isn't even a memory.



12. Star Wars: TIE Fighter


This is probably the most major "hardcore only" game in this section of the countdown.



11. Starcraft


Just like people are buying and playing Ms. Pac-Man 25 years after the fact, I think when Starcraft hits 25 years old, people will still be eager to play it. It's already 10 years old, and the effect is already seen. It's more than a little less casual than Ms. Pac-Man, but still has a solid appeal.



And soon we'll know the top 10. My questions are:


Where's Joust, Ultima IV, Final Fantasy VI, Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat II, Streets of Rage 2, Robotron....


Is Gradius going to be in the top 10?

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I could see Mortal Kombat II making the top 10. Those other games you mentioned are great games, especially Streets of Rage in my opinion but I don't see any of those getting into the top 10.


My guess is that we are going to see a few older games, Tetris for sure and hopefully Pitfall as well.

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The finall 11 games are on the list. They can be found on post 3 in this thread or in this post. Here are the final 11 games.


10. Resident Evil 4-GCN, PC, PS2, Wii

9. Final Fantasy III (US)- GBA, PSX, SNES

8. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past-GBA, SNES

7. Super Metroid- SNES

6. Half-Life 2-PC, XBX

5. Super Mario 64-N64

4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -N64

3. Civilization II-MAC, PC, PSX

2. Tetris-ARC, GB, MAC, NES, PC

1. Super Mario Bros.- Nes

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And is it any surprise that 84% of the games on the list are from 1990 or later? Seems to me that the industry started in 1972... I'd think that the 18 years before 1990 would at least be 25% of the list considering it's more than 50% of the industry's lifespan (1972 is 18 years to 1990, and 17 years since.)


Oh well. Just another tedious list.

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Hmm. Another typical list. A lot of those games aren't exactly originals, and nothing in the top 10 should be even vaguely derivative.

Katamari Damacy should be in there for a start, right alongside Tetris (which I'm glad got a place).


Still, these lists are all edited by people whose first taste of gaming was the NES. They'll always have a blind nostalgia for Nintendo games.


Also, can we lay Mario 64 to rest now? It showed how a 3D platform game should work, sure, but it's been bettered several times over in recent years (not least by Mario Galaxy).


And as for bloody Ocarina of Time. Good enough game but SO overrated. Even in the Zelda canon, I reckon Wind Waker had more personality and inventiveness in the first island than Ocarina had in the whole game. But that's just my opinion. We all have our own and consequently, lists are ultimately useless. :)

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The finall 11 games are on the list. They can be found on post 3 in this thread or in this post. Here are the final 11 games.


10. Resident Evil 4-GCN, PC, PS2, Wii

9. Final Fantasy III (US)- GBA, PSX, SNES

8. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past-GBA, SNES

7. Super Metroid- SNES

6. Half-Life 2-PC, XBX

5. Super Mario 64-N64

4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -N64

3. Civilization II-MAC, PC, PSX

2. Tetris-ARC, GB, MAC, NES, PC

1. Super Mario Bros.- Nes


I don't agree with Mario 64 being this high, even though the game defined the 3d platformer and such. I'd rate it somewhere between 10-15 though. Ocarina of Time... is also too high imo. That one should be a bit behind Mario 64... Somewhere between 20-25. Tetris, that deserves to be in the top 10 for sure, but not 3rd. I'd say closer to 10th. Super Mario Bros. being 1st... Well, it's kind of hard to argue with this one. After all, the game by itself did rejuvenate the entire videogame market. And look at how much the market has grown since then. Mario Bros. by itself had created an entire generation of gamers. Male and Female. You really can't beat that. Although I'm sure someone who grew up in the 2600 era will argue that Pac-Man or another classic Atari game did the same thing in the 70's... ;)

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I didn't think the editors did the research on systems some of the games were on.


There were some questionable picks. I don't know how Mafia got on the list. I felt Dragon Warrior was overrated on this list. It is one of the first jrpgs. I always felt Dragon Warrior 3 or 4 was the best of the nes Dragon Warriors. I don't think this is enough to rank it over Final Fantasy 7. I didn't like the lack of classis games on the list. I didn't see galaga. Galaga is still being played after 26 years. This game is an ageless classic. It is a basic shooter, but it is a very addicting game.


I am happy to see final Fantasy Tactics being ranked 38th. I consider that game to the best strategy/RPG hybrid ever. The 2nd best This game had plenty of plenty of side quests and it was great all around game. The 2nd best strategy/RPG hybrid to me was Arc The LAD 2. It was a toss up.


I have to disagree with Shining Force 2 to being ranked Higher then Phantasy Star 4. I own both games and both are great. Shining force 2 was a great game that brought storyline to the strategy/RP hybrid genre. Phantasy Star 4 had a lot of side quests, and illustrated cutscenes. I didn't recall rpgs during that era having illustrated cutscenes at the time. I am happy to see Phantasy Star 4 getting its ranked. It was not highly thought of when the game was released. This game in the shadows of Final Fantasy 6.


I am shocked on how back Final Fantasy 7 was ranked. This was one of the major reasons why the ps 1 sold a lot of systems. It was a very game that aged poorly.


I can't argue with Final Fantasy 6 or Super Mario Bros in the top 10. Super Mario bros. being number 1is almost always a given. That game was one of the most important games in video game history.


Final Fantasy 7 or 6 always been debated on what is the best Final Fantasy game or best rpg for that matter. I played Final Fantasy 6, and it was a great game for its time and I understand how Phantasy Star 4 got overshadowed by it.


I didn't understand Super Mario 3 being ranked at 39. This game was one of the best platform games of all time in my opinion. This game was a big deal. When I was growing up, this was a game that almost any kid you know owned if they were into videogames. This game was very impressive for a nes game at the time. The scary thought it what the game would've been like like with the same Mega Memory Chip Kirby's Adventures had.

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I've only played 5 of the top 10. I think Super Metroid might belong, as it's, to me (a Genesis fanboy who hates the SNES) Super Metroid and Gunstar Heroes are the best 2D "modern era" games ever made, so at least one of them belongs somewhere in a place of honour. Still, Galaga they are not.


Super Mario may belong there as it revived the industry, but number one... I don't know. I mean, even if it had never come along, we'd still all be playing games on computers at the very least. It's an amazingly fun game at least.


I never played 95% of OoT, so no comment.


Tetris. Sure, why not. It should probably be #1. It's probably the most pure game on the planet.


RE4 is a great game. I'm playing it through right now for the first time and am well over half way. It's a really good time. I don't think it's #10 all time great though. I can think of a ton of classic arcade games I like more. A lot more.


FF3. Final Fantasy is the worst popular series ever. 1, 2, 7, X, whatever. Boring. Stupid.


I'd maybe have put Tetris in there, and that's about it.

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And is it any surprise that 84% of the games on the list are from 1990 or later? Seems to me that the industry started in 1972... I'd think that the 18 years before 1990 would at least be 25% of the list considering it's more than 50% of the industry's lifespan (1972 is 18 years to 1990, and 17 years since.)


Oh well. Just another tedious list.


Indeed, it's a list for the post-NES crowd. That's why SMB is #1. It didn't establish the industry, but it established the Nintendo era.

I always thought Tetris is overrated, but everybody else seems to think it's awfully important, so whatever.

I never liked Civ2 that much, it's just a bland Windows app trying to rehash the original, and with a lot less atmosphere. I'd still rather run Civ1 through dosbox instead of playing Civ2.

Zelda: OOT isn't nearly as fun as the 2D Zeldas, but everybody else seems to love it so I can't argue with it I guess.

FF3 was just more of the same after FF2. Got tired of FF's melodrama around this time, wasn't sufficiently interested to finish it.

How can Ultima 7 be so far down the list, and that incredibly dull "Dragon Warrior" so high? Ultima 3:Exodus came out before DW on the NES, and was a much more interesting game. Against the awesomeness of U7 there's just no comparison. Obviously a list by Japanese linear RPG fans.

Star Control 2 would likely be my #1.

Papyrus' NASCAR Racing was better than Gran Turismo, and an incredible game in 1995.

DOOM should be higher, although the game I really got into was DOOM2, but they're basically the same game. Just look at all the editing that's been done for these games.


But what am I expecting, nobody can put a list together that anybody else will agree with. I'll generally agree with Zelda3, Super Metroid, and SMB1 having high rankings. The whole list shows a lot of post-NES console gamer bias though, especially in the RPG department.


They really showed their ignorance by omitting the 7800 from the systems list for Ms. Pac Man. It's not only one of the best versions, both it and the console it runs on were developed by the same people who did the arcade version. How can you omit that platform from the list?

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I keep seeing people complaining about the lack of games from before the late 80's in this list. I started playing video games in the mid-70's when I first saw a Pong machine at my local arcade. But I'll be honest with you. Many of those early games are great only in our memory's. I'll take Street Fighter Alpha over Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Tempest 2000 over Tempest and Pulstar over Defender any day. Sorry, but that's just I feel.


I know just because a system has better technology doesn't make it's games better. But better technology can and has made quite a few games better. And I think this list shows that.

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Wow - Atari and Amiga are massively snubbed here aren't they? Even games that were famous on the systems that are on this list (Archon, Dune II) are not credited as being on those systems.


It's like the systems didn't exist. Good thing publishers like EA didn't rely on revenue from the Atari 800 or Amiga early on!

Oh, wait...

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I keep seeing people complaining about the lack of games from before the late 80's in this list. I started playing video games in the mid-70's when I first saw a Pong machine at my local arcade. But I'll be honest with you. Many of those early games are great only in our memory's. I'll take Street Fighter Alpha over Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Tempest 2000 over Tempest and Pulstar over Defender any day. Sorry, but that's just I feel.


I know just because a system has better technology doesn't make it's games better. But better technology can and has made quite a few games better. And I think this list shows that.


Speaking of Tempest 2000... It wasn't in the top 100 anywhere was it!? It should be in the top 50 atleast imo...

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