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Boxed Rescue Terra I in this lot


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To be honest I have known about this auction for awhile, but since it has reached $153 it is not much of a secret anymore. :P




Well... for the people who didn't see it.. posting it here may have helped drive up the cost/value since those are the only one's you are helping by posting it.


Hopefully that helps you keep the cost up on Atari.. since that seems so dear and near to your heart. :ponder:

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To be honest I have known about this auction for awhile, but since it has reached $153 it is not much of a secret anymore. :P




Well... for the people who didn't see it.. posting it here may have helped drive up the cost/value since those are the only one's you are helping by posting it.


Hopefully that helps you keep the cost up on Atari.. since that seems so dear and near to your heart. :ponder:

Hmm, if that was entirely true than why didn't I show this auction when it was only $56. :ponder: Also, I have stated over and over again. That I am here for the long term, not the short term. Why would I care about raising the prices in the short term? It has absolutely nothing to do with the long term. Fact is almost everybody on this board will sell at one point in their lives. In fact I am willing to bet that you will also sell at one point in your life too. I just happen to be someone who is planning ahead of time to sell at one point. I know I have said more than a few times that I am a speculator. But get one thing straight I am not a pure speculator. If I was I would buy one thing and one thing only. Popular Atari 2600 games. 20 years from now the stuff that will be worth the most will be these games. Frogger, Pacman, Donkey Kong, Mario Bros, Pitfall, Pitfall II. If I truly wanted to speculate I would of focused on these games and these games alone. Instead of having over 400 different games I would of had a 100 boxed froggers, 100 boxed Pacman's, 100 boxed Donkey Kong's, and so on and so on. Many of the rare games now that people find so valuable will eventually be overtaken by the more common and popular games in regards to price. So yes I am a speculator, but I am also a collector in regards to having different games. Many of which I know will never ever be worth anything. So ask yourself if I was pure speculator than what is the point in getting games that will never raise in price. :ponder:

Edited by homerwannabee
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To be honest I have known about this auction for awhile, but since it has reached $153 it is not much of a secret anymore. :P




Well... for the people who didn't see it.. posting it here may have helped drive up the cost/value since those are the only one's you are helping by posting it.


Hopefully that helps you keep the cost up on Atari.. since that seems so dear and near to your heart. :ponder:

Tell me what gives you the right to chastise me when in this thread you openly talk about being a scalper and buying 4 Wii's when the policy was clearly buy only one. I may be a quai-speculator, but at least I am not a scalper.


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To be honest I have known about this auction for awhile, but since it has reached $153 it is not much of a secret anymore. :P




Well... for the people who didn't see it.. posting it here may have helped drive up the cost/value since those are the only one's you are helping by posting it.


Hopefully that helps you keep the cost up on Atari.. since that seems so dear and near to your heart. :ponder:

Tell me what gives you the right to chastise me when in this thread you openly talk about being a scalper and buying 4 Wii's when the policy was clearly buy only one. I may be a quai-speculator, but at least I am not a scalper.




Homer.. I admit when I do something without hiding behind the "collector/speculator"status. :roll:


I don't have an issue with someone who buys to resell, I don't have an issue with someone who buys hoping to hit the cash cow in the future ( yourself ) and I don't have a problem with side deals.


But what gets my goat is the threads of which you are hyping up the increase or decrease of what Atari games are worth.. as all it seems to me..is that you are more worried about how much your stuff is worth..now and into the future than what the games actually mean in regards to collecting.


Anytime I see you post, I automatically feel it's so you can make sure the cost on any game..whether they are yours or not.. hits top dollar.


I wasn't concerned about the Rescue Terra 1, I already have a boxed copy.. but the few people who did their homework looking through the auctions might have had a better chance of getting a pretty good deal, without the increase of auction traffic that this post created.


Also, regarding when I bought the Wii's, I knew exactly what I was going to do with them. I didn't have to get on here and hype up what I thought they were worth..the Ebay community did that for me. And due to this, I have to say I am happy to have my Wii as well.


I NEVER set a price..of let's say $18,000. :ponder:

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To be honest I have known about this auction for awhile, but since it has reached $153 it is not much of a secret anymore. :P




Well... for the people who didn't see it.. posting it here may have helped drive up the cost/value since those are the only one's you are helping by posting it.


Hopefully that helps you keep the cost up on Atari.. since that seems so dear and near to your heart. :ponder:

Tell me what gives you the right to chastise me when in this thread you openly talk about being a scalper and buying 4 Wii's when the policy was clearly buy only one. I may be a quai-speculator, but at least I am not a scalper.




Homer.. I admit when I do something without hiding behind the "collector/speculator"status. :roll:


I don't have an issue with someone who buys to resell, I don't have an issue with someone who buys hoping to hit the cash cow in the future ( yourself ) and I don't have a problem with side deals.


But what gets my goat is the threads of which you are hyping up the increase or decrease of what Atari games are worth.. as all it seems to me..is that you are more worried about how much your stuff is worth..now and into the future than what the games actually mean in regards to collecting.


Anytime I see you post, I automatically feel it's so you can make sure the cost on any game..whether they are yours or not.. hits top dollar.


I wasn't concerned about the Rescue Terra 1, I already have a boxed copy.. but the few people who did their homework looking through the auctions might have had a better chance of getting a pretty good deal, without the increase of auction traffic that this post created.


Also, regarding when I bought the Wii's, I knew exactly what I was going to do with them. I didn't have to get on here and hype up what I thought they were worth..the Ebay community did that for me. And due to this, I have to say I am happy to have my Wii as well.


I NEVER set a price..of let's say $18,000. :ponder:

I guess what I am trying to say is that you are sort of like the pot calling the tea kettle black. As you can see me announcing this had no effect on the price. I just pointed it out because it is an item that you do not see everyday and most people already knew about it. Hence there was a negligible increase is the actualized price. The lot went for $200 with a game system and 14 other boxed games. Oh yeah, me posting about this really had an effect on the price of Rescue Terra I. :roll:

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Without making this into another long winded bitchfest.


You didn't say anything at $53 because you might buy it.

Once it was out of your reach you would rather it hit the higher prices so you advertised it.


Did it help? A little bit. The winner saw it. Wether you were effective or not in pushing up the price doesn't mean you didn't try.


Honestly I don't care if these deals sell for little or alot. Unless I'm the buyer or the seller ;) It does irk me when people do things and then deny it. Just admit it. Who cares.


Nothing wrong with wanting a game cheap and not telling anyone. Nothing wrong with sharing an auction and hoping it does well. Just remember some people here root for prices to go down as much as you root for them to go up. So you will get an occasional boo but often those aren't the ones who will bid anyway so it doesn't really matter.

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Rescue Terra I was not a contest. My guess is that there are probably 100 to 150 Rescue Terra I's boxed that are known to exist. 100 from the great find of 1999 and about 50 others over the years.


My box has a "win $5000 contest" sticker and offer sheet. I see that Atarimania has a picture of it but the scan on Atarige does not. I knew there was a find of these a few years ago. I'm curious how many have the sticker and if the ones from "the find" don't have it. Thanks again for pointing out the auction. This was never even on my want list until recently because it was out of my price range.



Edited by y-bot
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Rescue Terra I was not a contest. My guess is that there are probably 100 to 150 Rescue Terra I's boxed that are known to exist. 100 from the great find of 1999 and about 50 others over the years.


My box has a "win $5000 contest" sticker and offer sheet. I see that Atarimania has a picture of it but the scan on Atarige does not. I knew there was a find of these a few years ago. I'm curious how many have the sticker and if the ones from "the find" don't have it. Thanks again for pointing out the auction. This was never even on my want list until recently because it was out of my price range.



Well I am glad to help in some way. :) Well I personally got one of the last ones from the find and mine definetly has the win $5,000 sticker. It is my understanding that Venturevision quickly went out of business and was absorbed by Imagic who later made the sequal of Rescue Terra I into the game Laser Gates. My guess is that because they went out of business so quickly that they never had a chance to actually award the $5,000 prize to anyone.

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nice score!


parting out the extra stuff from the auction that you don't need will help get the price down - I think this is about a $150 game CIB


I wonder if that contest was ever actually conducted. My guess would be no given the timing of the contest with the market crash, but I'm still curious if anyone even actually submitted the required picture. Could there be some poor soul out there still bitter about never hearing back from Venture Vision?

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nice score!


parting out the extra stuff from the auction that you don't need will help get the price down - I think this is about a $150 game CIB

Only in the Atari 2600 world can something become harder to get and cheaper at the same time. At the time I got mine I paid $280 for it and it was easier to get and people said it was a bargain. Now it is harder to get and cheaper. The paradoxical nature of this would make any economist scratch their heads.

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nice score!


parting out the extra stuff from the auction that you don't need will help get the price down - I think this is about a $150 game CIB

Only in the Atari 2600 world can something become harder to get and cheaper at the same time. At the time I got mine I paid $280 for it and it was easier to get and people said it was a bargain. Now it is harder to get and cheaper. The paradoxical nature of this would make any economist scratch their heads.


The range over this last year has still been high, but with the trend going downward. The people who really, really, really wanted it paid a high premium at first, and thus it had a perceived value attached to it. Now the perception is somewhat different and the market reflects that. The number of what might be considered serious Atari collectors is a rather finite pool after all. Rescue Terra I has still retained enough value that it isn't going for super cheap, or even got low enough to be attractive for flipping, and for that segment of Atari collectors it still has significant rarity and value. My sense is that Atari 2600 collectors don't bid on things they already have to keep the value artificially inflated (unlike a certain eBay bidder who disturbs the Atari Jaguar market by bidding on things he already has...come to think of it, there are a couple of Colecovision collectors like that, too).


My only real concern with what some game is worth in terms of monetary value is for insurance purposes. I buy games to play first and foremost and then to collect one as a way of a part of history I find interesting and two as a way to live my dream of having a big Atari library.

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nice score!


parting out the extra stuff from the auction that you don't need will help get the price down - I think this is about a $150 game CIB

Only in the Atari 2600 world can something become harder to get and cheaper at the same time. At the time I got mine I paid $280 for it and it was easier to get and people said it was a bargain. Now it is harder to get and cheaper. The paradoxical nature of this would make any economist scratch their heads.


The range over this last year has still been high, but with the trend going downward. The people who really, really, really wanted it paid a high premium at first, and thus it had a perceived value attached to it. Now the perception is somewhat different and the market reflects that. The number of what might be considered serious Atari collectors is a rather finite pool after all. Rescue Terra I has still retained enough value that it isn't going for super cheap, or even got low enough to be attractive for flipping, and for that segment of Atari collectors it still has significant rarity and value. My sense is that Atari 2600 collectors don't bid on things they already have to keep the value artificially inflated (unlike a certain eBay bidder who disturbs the Atari Jaguar market by bidding on things he already has...come to think of it, there are a couple of Colecovision collectors like that, too).


My only real concern with what some game is worth in terms of monetary value is for insurance purposes. I buy games to play first and foremost and then to collect one as a way of a part of history I find interesting and two as a way to live my dream of having a big Atari library.

To tell you the truth if I had a relatively stable income I probably would not worry about it as well. They say everything is cyclical. At the moment almost every Atari 2600 collectible is on a downward turn as of late. Even super rare boxed games has gone down something which personally I never ever thought could happen has happened. I personally wish I had more money at the moment. It is a great time to buy games I don't have. It is just surprising though in 2007 where video games rank as a collectible. From what I have seen it ranks behind Baseball cards, Comics, Coins, Pez Despensers, Hot Wheels, Typewriters, Glass Bottles, Toys, Paintings, Sport Cars, Barbie Dolls, G.I. Joe Dolls, books, wines, pens, guns, Toasters, Radio Tubes, Vinyl Albums, Shoes, Purses, Watches, Cameras, Sports Cards. Freak the only thing that seems to be cheaper now adays is pogs. To tell you the truth I really can't fathom why this is the case. Rationally old video games like the Atari 2600 should get more respect. But the fact of the matter is they don't. It seems to me as this hobby gets older and older things become cheaper and cheaper. Many adults spent hours and hours as kids playing the Atari 2600 . From all perspectives the nostolgia factor should be huge. But the simple fact is that it is not. From what I can gather old video games especially the Atari 2600 is the most disrespected hobby that you can come across. There were over 26 million Atari 2600 systems that were sold. Yet we have less than 500 hard core collectors nationwide. No matter how many times I think about I just don't get it.

Edited by homerwannabee
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There were over 26 million Atari 2600 systems that were sold. Yet we have less than 500 hard core collectors nationwide.


The number of "hardcore" collectors nationally would probably be less than 100. And therein lies the problem. If 20 copies of a game are made available or if a few collectors fall off the scene, the price drops dramatically. If a couple of collectors come onto the scene the prices rise dramatically. I would say that the prices of boxed games now are about right. They should maybe drop a little more to reach the kind of levels they were at before you entered the scene. Marco and CPUWIZ have both been warning for a while now that the prices would eventually return to "normal" levels and this is happening now.


In relation to your comment about it being an unappreciated hobby, I would say that its hard to call the hobby "unappreciated" when a single cart with a T for a handle and a mottled label can sell for $3k or a CIB game can sell for $5k. Sure, the hobby is not large and it will probably stay that way, but its the nature of computer game machines. Most people will play them ehile they're new and upgrade to the next big thing and never convern themselves with the old technology again. Whereas some of the other hobbies you mention (such as matchbox cars), the old stuff is just as effective, if not superior to the new stuff. Whereas the humble A2600 just doesn't cut it if you want to play Halo.


I think its a great thing for collectors to be able to enter the scene and collect 99% of games with minimal $.

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nice score!


parting out the extra stuff from the auction that you don't need will help get the price down - I think this is about a $150 game CIB

Only in the Atari 2600 world can something become harder to get and cheaper at the same time. At the time I got mine I paid $280 for it and it was easier to get and people said it was a bargain. Now it is harder to get and cheaper. The paradoxical nature of this would make any economist scratch their heads.


The range over this last year has still been high, but with the trend going downward. The people who really, really, really wanted it paid a high premium at first, and thus it had a perceived value attached to it. Now the perception is somewhat different and the market reflects that. The number of what might be considered serious Atari collectors is a rather finite pool after all. Rescue Terra I has still retained enough value that it isn't going for super cheap, or even got low enough to be attractive for flipping, and for that segment of Atari collectors it still has significant rarity and value. My sense is that Atari 2600 collectors don't bid on things they already have to keep the value artificially inflated (unlike a certain eBay bidder who disturbs the Atari Jaguar market by bidding on things he already has...come to think of it, there are a couple of Colecovision collectors like that, too).


My only real concern with what some game is worth in terms of monetary value is for insurance purposes. I buy games to play first and foremost and then to collect one as a way of a part of history I find interesting and two as a way to live my dream of having a big Atari library.

To tell you the truth if I had a relatively stable income I probably would not worry about it as well. They say everything is cyclical. At the moment almost every Atari 2600 collectible is on a downward turn as of late. Even super rare boxed games has gone down something which personally I never ever thought could happen has happened. I personally wish I had more money at the moment. It is a great time to buy games I don't have. It is just surprising though in 2007 where video games rank as a collectible. From what I have seen it ranks behind Baseball cards, Comics, Coins, Pez Despensers, Hot Wheels, Typewriters, Glass Bottles, Toys, Paintings, Sport Cars, Barbie Dolls, G.I. Joe Dolls, books, wines, pens, guns, Toasters, Radio Tubes, Vinyl Albums, Shoes, Purses, Watches, Cameras, Sports Cards. Freak the only thing that seems to be cheaper now adays is pogs. To tell you the truth I really can't fathom why this is the case. Rationally old video games like the Atari 2600 should get more respect. But the fact of the matter is they don't. It seems to me as this hobby gets older and older things become cheaper and cheaper. Many adults spent hours and hours as kids playing the Atari 2600 . From all perspectives the nostolgia factor should be huge. But the simple fact is that it is not. From what I can gather old video games especially the Atari 2600 is the most disrespected hobby that you can come across. There were over 26 million Atari 2600 systems that were sold. Yet we have less than 500 hard core collectors nationwide. No matter how many times I think about I just don't get it.


I sell most of the kinds of collectibles you mentioned above for a living and I can tell that the trends are the same as video games. The rare or mint stuff is going up or staying the same and the medium rarity/average condition and below stuff is tanking. It's been pretty steady over the past couple of years.



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There were over 26 million Atari 2600 systems that were sold. Yet we have less than 500 hard core collectors nationwide.


The number of "hardcore" collectors nationally would probably be less than 100. And therein lies the problem. If 20 copies of a game are made available or if a few collectors fall off the scene, the price drops dramatically. If a couple of collectors come onto the scene the prices rise dramatically. I would say that the prices of boxed games now are about right. They should maybe drop a little more to reach the kind of levels they were at before you entered the scene. Marco and CPUWIZ have both been warning for a while now that the prices would eventually return to "normal" levels and this is happening now.


In relation to your comment about it being an unappreciated hobby, I would say that its hard to call the hobby "unappreciated" when a single cart with a T for a handle and a mottled label can sell for $3k or a CIB game can sell for $5k. Sure, the hobby is not large and it will probably stay that way, but its the nature of computer game machines. Most people will play them ehile they're new and upgrade to the next big thing and never convern themselves with the old technology again. Whereas some of the other hobbies you mention (such as matchbox cars), the old stuff is just as effective, if not superior to the new stuff. Whereas the humble A2600 just doesn't cut it if you want to play Halo.


I think its a great thing for collectors to be able to enter the scene and collect 99% of games with minimal $.

I guess game play really does mean nothing too 99.9 percent of society who would rather have the latest game with all the nice fancy graphics over a classic game which is much funner to play. Still I thought simpler graphics would be perfect tie in. Since it represents a simpler time in someones life. There are probably more than 100 hard core collectors. There were 250 auctionauts that were recently made and all of them quickly sold out. Still I do agree the number is extremely small. I am literally one in a million when it comes to collecting hard core for the Atari 2600. Not 1 in a 100 or even 1,000 or even 10,000. But I am one in a million. To make that more understandable I could literally go to Los Vegas and be the only hard core collector there. That in my eyes is freaking amazing. Is there really another hobby that has had as much influence that less people collect for. I don't think so.

Edited by homerwannabee
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nice score!


parting out the extra stuff from the auction that you don't need will help get the price down - I think this is about a $150 game CIB

Only in the Atari 2600 world can something become harder to get and cheaper at the same time. At the time I got mine I paid $280 for it and it was easier to get and people said it was a bargain. Now it is harder to get and cheaper. The paradoxical nature of this would make any economist scratch their heads.


The range over this last year has still been high, but with the trend going downward. The people who really, really, really wanted it paid a high premium at first, and thus it had a perceived value attached to it. Now the perception is somewhat different and the market reflects that. The number of what might be considered serious Atari collectors is a rather finite pool after all. Rescue Terra I has still retained enough value that it isn't going for super cheap, or even got low enough to be attractive for flipping, and for that segment of Atari collectors it still has significant rarity and value. My sense is that Atari 2600 collectors don't bid on things they already have to keep the value artificially inflated (unlike a certain eBay bidder who disturbs the Atari Jaguar market by bidding on things he already has...come to think of it, there are a couple of Colecovision collectors like that, too).


My only real concern with what some game is worth in terms of monetary value is for insurance purposes. I buy games to play first and foremost and then to collect one as a way of a part of history I find interesting and two as a way to live my dream of having a big Atari library.

To tell you the truth if I had a relatively stable income I probably would not worry about it as well. They say everything is cyclical. At the moment almost every Atari 2600 collectible is on a downward turn as of late. Even super rare boxed games has gone down something which personally I never ever thought could happen has happened. I personally wish I had more money at the moment. It is a great time to buy games I don't have. It is just surprising though in 2007 where video games rank as a collectible. From what I have seen it ranks behind Baseball cards, Comics, Coins, Pez Despensers, Hot Wheels, Typewriters, Glass Bottles, Toys, Paintings, Sport Cars, Barbie Dolls, G.I. Joe Dolls, books, wines, pens, guns, Toasters, Radio Tubes, Vinyl Albums, Shoes, Purses, Watches, Cameras, Sports Cards. Freak the only thing that seems to be cheaper now adays is pogs. To tell you the truth I really can't fathom why this is the case. Rationally old video games like the Atari 2600 should get more respect. But the fact of the matter is they don't. It seems to me as this hobby gets older and older things become cheaper and cheaper. Many adults spent hours and hours as kids playing the Atari 2600 . From all perspectives the nostolgia factor should be huge. But the simple fact is that it is not. From what I can gather old video games especially the Atari 2600 is the most disrespected hobby that you can come across. There were over 26 million Atari 2600 systems that were sold. Yet we have less than 500 hard core collectors nationwide. No matter how many times I think about I just don't get it.


I sell most of the kinds of collectibles you mentioned above for a living and I can tell that the trends are the same as video games. The rare or mint stuff is going up or staying the same and the medium rarity/average condition and below stuff is tanking. It's been pretty steady over the past couple of years.



Yes but here is the thing. The rare or mint stuff is not going up in this hobby. It is actually tanking along with everything else. But you do bring up a good point that hobbies in general are tanking somewhat.

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