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Boxed Rescue Terra I in this lot


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There are probably more than 100 hard core collectors. There were 250 auctionauts that were recently made and all of them quickly sold out. Still I do agree the number is extremely small.


I consider "hardcore" collectors to be those that would pay crazy prices for games. The rest are regular collectors. Not all the 250 buyers of Auctionauts would be hardcore, but they would be collectors nonetheless.

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Yes but here is the thing. The rare or mint stuff is not going up in this hobby. It is actually tanking along with everything else. But you do bring up a good point that hobbies in general are tanking somewhat.


Where did you get that idea? Video Life, Eli's Ladder etc in mint complete shape seem to sell for more each time they are sold. Plus you are just looking at Atari which doesn't have many roots to the newer generations. If Nintendo continues to get as many new collectors in the next few years as it did in the past few years it will really take off. The games aren't nearly as rare or as hard to find in mint shape and they still sell for big bucks. Rescue Terra I would be worth $500 if it was an NES game.

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Yes but here is the thing. The rare or mint stuff is not going up in this hobby. It is actually tanking along with everything else. But you do bring up a good point that hobbies in general are tanking somewhat.


Where did you get that idea? Video Life, Eli's Ladder etc in mint complete shape seem to sell for more each time they are sold. Plus you are just looking at Atari which doesn't have many roots to the newer generations. If Nintendo continues to get as many new collectors in the next few years as it did in the past few years it will really take off. The games aren't nearly as rare or as hard to find in mint shape and they still sell for big bucks. Rescue Terra I would be worth $500 if it was an NES game.

All praise the NES. :roll:


Edit: You do know there are a ton of Nintendo sites out there and that this is mainly an Atari site. :ponder:

Edited by homerwannabee
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Yes but here is the thing. The rare or mint stuff is not going up in this hobby. It is actually tanking along with everything else. But you do bring up a good point that hobbies in general are tanking somewhat.


Where did you get that idea? Video Life, Eli's Ladder etc in mint complete shape seem to sell for more each time they are sold. Plus you are just looking at Atari which doesn't have many roots to the newer generations. If Nintendo continues to get as many new collectors in the next few years as it did in the past few years it will really take off. The games aren't nearly as rare or as hard to find in mint shape and they still sell for big bucks. Rescue Terra I would be worth $500 if it was an NES game.

All praise the NES. :roll:


If you want to play the investment game, probably. :P

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Yes but here is the thing. The rare or mint stuff is not going up in this hobby. It is actually tanking along with everything else. But you do bring up a good point that hobbies in general are tanking somewhat.


Where did you get that idea? Video Life, Eli's Ladder etc in mint complete shape seem to sell for more each time they are sold. Plus you are just looking at Atari which doesn't have many roots to the newer generations. If Nintendo continues to get as many new collectors in the next few years as it did in the past few years it will really take off. The games aren't nearly as rare or as hard to find in mint shape and they still sell for big bucks. Rescue Terra I would be worth $500 if it was an NES game.

All praise the NES. :roll:


If you want to play the investment game, probably. :P

Yes I agree with you on that one, but I don't like constantly cleaning my games in order to play them. :P

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Yes but here is the thing. The rare or mint stuff is not going up in this hobby. It is actually tanking along with everything else. But you do bring up a good point that hobbies in general are tanking somewhat.


Where did you get that idea? Video Life, Eli's Ladder etc in mint complete shape seem to sell for more each time they are sold. Plus you are just looking at Atari which doesn't have many roots to the newer generations. If Nintendo continues to get as many new collectors in the next few years as it did in the past few years it will really take off. The games aren't nearly as rare or as hard to find in mint shape and they still sell for big bucks. Rescue Terra I would be worth $500 if it was an NES game.

All praise the NES. :roll:


If you want to play the investment game, probably. :P

Yes I agree with you on that one, but I don't like constantly cleaning my games in order to play them. :P


I like many systems and collect for many systems. Mostly 2600,NES,PS1,Dreamcast,Xbox. I can honestly say NES has the best future when it comes to potential appreaciation pricewise. Not because I love the NES and I am a blinded fanboy but because there is strong evidence to support it.


If you are in it as a gamer and enjoy the Atari (no one belives that for a second) then you have nothing to worry about. If you are in it for the investment you should at least diversify a bit.

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Yes but here is the thing. The rare or mint stuff is not going up in this hobby. It is actually tanking along with everything else. But you do bring up a good point that hobbies in general are tanking somewhat.


Where did you get that idea? Video Life, Eli's Ladder etc in mint complete shape seem to sell for more each time they are sold. Plus you are just looking at Atari which doesn't have many roots to the newer generations. If Nintendo continues to get as many new collectors in the next few years as it did in the past few years it will really take off. The games aren't nearly as rare or as hard to find in mint shape and they still sell for big bucks. Rescue Terra I would be worth $500 if it was an NES game.

All praise the NES. :roll:


If you want to play the investment game, probably. :P

Yes I agree with you on that one, but I don't like constantly cleaning my games in order to play them. :P


I like many systems and collect for many systems. Mostly 2600,NES,PS1,Dreamcast,Xbox. I can honestly say NES has the best future when it comes to potential appreaciation pricewise. Not because I love the NES and I am a blinded fanboy but because there is strong evidence to support it.


If you are in it as a gamer and enjoy the Atari (no one belives that for a second) then you have nothing to worry about. If you are in it for the investment you should at least diversify a bit.

What you may not realize what you are doing though is this. It is basically the equivalent of going on a Washington Redskins site with the handle of BuyRedskins and then proclaiming how the Cowboys are all that and how the Redskins suck this year and if you want to cheer for a team that will probably go to the Super Bowl than you best cheer for the Cowboys. And yes the Cowboys are better than the Redskins this year. No doubt about it but the fact is that you are still fronting for the Cowboys on a Redskins site. This is exactly what you are doing with the Nintendo. Saying that people are more connected to the NES and that the Atari will never see any value. Who knows you might be correct in this assumption, but the fact remains this is an Atari fan boy site. It is called AtariAge for crying out loud. And also one little fact for you. The Atari 2600 was the number one system in America for over 7 years from 1977 to 1984 the Atari 2600 was the king of systems. That is a whole generation of people who grew up with the Atari 2600 and not the NES. It is hard to believe in my opinion that a whole generation of people will forget about the System they grew up with and only focus on the Nintendo. You are right, the NES has more connection for the younger people, but for people in their mid 30's it was the Atari 2600 and when the NES came along they were more interested in girls than the NES. So stick that in your Nintendo loving cap and smoke it.

Edited by homerwannabee
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What you may not realize what you are doing though is this. It is basically the equivalent of going on a Washington Redskins site with the handle of BuyRedskins and then proclaiming how the Cowboys are all that and how the Redskins suck this year and if you want to cheer for a team that will probably go to the Super Bowl than you best cheer for the Cowboys. And yes the Cowboys are better than the Redskins this year. No doubt about it but the fact is that you are still fronting for the Cowboys on a Redskins site. This is exactly what you are doing with the Nintendo. Saying that people are more connected to the NES and that the Atari will never see any value. Who knows you might be correct in this assumption, but the fact remains this is an Atari fan boy site. It is called AtariAge for crying out loud. And also one little fact for you. The Atari 2600 was the number one system in America for over 7 years from 1977 to 1984 the Atari 2600 was the king of systems. That is a whole generation of people who grew up with the Atari 2600 and not the NES. It is hard to believe in my opinion that a whole generation of people will forget about the System they grew up with and only focus on the Nintendo. You are right, the NES has more connection for the younger people, but for people in their mid 30's it was the Atari 2600 and when the NES came along they were more interested in girls than the NES. So stick that in your Nintendo loving cap and smoke it.


I have a long reply and a short reply to this. Here is the short one.


Dude you need help.

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What you may not realize what you are doing though is this. It is basically the equivalent of going on a Washington Redskins site with the handle of BuyRedskins and then proclaiming how the Cowboys are all that and how the Redskins suck this year and if you want to cheer for a team that will probably go to the Super Bowl than you best cheer for the Cowboys. And yes the Cowboys are better than the Redskins this year. No doubt about it but the fact is that you are still fronting for the Cowboys on a Redskins site. This is exactly what you are doing with the Nintendo. Saying that people are more connected to the NES and that the Atari will never see any value. Who knows you might be correct in this assumption, but the fact remains this is an Atari fan boy site. It is called AtariAge for crying out loud. And also one little fact for you. The Atari 2600 was the number one system in America for over 7 years from 1977 to 1984 the Atari 2600 was the king of systems. That is a whole generation of people who grew up with the Atari 2600 and not the NES. It is hard to believe in my opinion that a whole generation of people will forget about the System they grew up with and only focus on the Nintendo. You are right, the NES has more connection for the younger people, but for people in their mid 30's it was the Atari 2600 and when the NES came along they were more interested in girls than the NES. So stick that in your Nintendo loving cap and smoke it.


I have a long reply and a short reply to this. Here is the short one.


Dude you need help.

OK, short answer to this. This is a site devoted to Atari. Don't spout off about how people want Nintendo more than Atari. If I were to spout off on Atari on a Nintendo site I would get seriously flamed. Capisce?


Edit: Also nice to see how you used an Ad Hominem instead of addressing the issue.

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If I were to spout off on Atari on a Nintendo site I would get seriously flamed.

...and you'd get flamed (or more likely laughed at) because you'd be wrong...last time I checked, Nintendo is hotter than ever and Atari is dead.

OK, even if that is true. Why say this on a Atari centered site. I am sure there are many Nintendo sites out there that would love this type of attitude. But this type of talk seems out of place on an Atari related site. :ponder:

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Homer.. your speculating and wanting the Atari collectors to increase as a way of increasing the cost of atari related games is not going to happen.


I understand your thoughts and although they may seem real to you, you are actually very wrong as to the long term desire for the Atari products.


Who are your main collectors? Who are your new collectors? Who just want to play some of the old games..as in the Flashback?


Atari is in the minds of the late 30's and early 40's as a way of getting back into a time when we were children and had no worries.. it's a way to get lost in the past without the added stress of the now.


What is going to happen to Atari when we are done? Are our kids going to embrace the Atari as we have.. no. It wasn't their era.. it was ours. When we are gone..Atari is gone.. believe it or not.


Sure some of our kids may hold onto some of the dads/moms games..just as a way to remember..but hard core collectors.. no..they will be gone.


Marco/CPU/Wonder..and the likes will continue to hold Atari up as the major players.. but very few if any "new" collectors will go to the extreme regarding purchases and collections as the main Atari collectors of now.


Homer.. this is a game system..sure it is an important part of the gaming world.. buy so is Nintendo, Sega, Sony..ect...What is important to you or me..may not be important to others..


If you are only in this as a way to gain financial rewards later.. sell off your games and seek financial advaise and make some very sound investment choices.. Atari isn't wise to invest in.. plain and simple.


Collect to collect.. not for future financial gain..

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If I were to spout off on Atari on a Nintendo site I would get seriously flamed.

...and you'd get flamed (or more likely laughed at) because you'd be wrong...last time I checked, Nintendo is hotter than ever and Atari is dead.

I would say dead is a bit extreme the Atari 2600 has one of the best homebrew scenes around?? ....but I know what it's like trying to get a point across to Homer - lol

I honestly own more Nintendo games then Atari if we are talking all systems made by both companies. It's close but Nintendo would win if I did a count.



Nostalgia only goes so far man, I know millions of people owned Atari systems but as you have been told millions of times, emulation is fine for 99% of them, those being the ones that even want to play them anymore.

Think about how many people used to own records but have upgraded (CD'S, Ipod's, MP3's, etc..) I used to have 100's and 100's of records and while I do feel nostalgic when I see them I have no need to collect them. I view them as useless and outdated. I own everything on CD now and don't intend on ever owning a record player again. I threw mine away. Is this starting to make sense to you yet?

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Homer.. your speculating and wanting the Atari collectors to increase as a way of increasing the cost of atari related games is not going to happen.


I understand your thoughts and although they may seem real to you, you are actually very wrong as to the long term desire for the Atari products.


Who are your main collectors? Who are your new collectors? Who just want to play some of the old games..as in the Flashback?


Atari is in the minds of the late 30's and early 40's as a way of getting back into a time when we were children and had no worries.. it's a way to get lost in the past without the added stress of the now.


What is going to happen to Atari when we are done? Are our kids going to embrace the Atari as we have.. no. It wasn't their era.. it was ours. When we are gone..Atari is gone.. believe it or not.


Sure some of our kids may hold onto some of the dads/moms games..just as a way to remember..but hard core collectors.. no..they will be gone.


Marco/CPU/Wonder..and the likes will continue to hold Atari up as the major players.. but very few if any "new" collectors will go to the extreme regarding purchases and collections as the main Atari collectors of now.


Homer.. this is a game system..sure it is an important part of the gaming world.. buy so is Nintendo, Sega, Sony..ect...What is important to you or me..may not be important to others..


If you are only in this as a way to gain financial rewards later.. sell off your games and seek financial advaise and make some very sound investment choices.. Atari isn't wise to invest in.. plain and simple.


Collect to collect.. not for future financial gain..

That's the thing. I do realize that Nintendo is hot. I also realize that it would probably be wiser to invest in Nintendo since the company is very strong. But I don't care. I am still going to go for the Atari 2600. I never liked the fact that it is too easy to collect for the NES system. That's why people bid insane amounts on sealed games with the NES. But what I am trying to point out is not about investment potential. I am talking about people ripping on Atari on an Atari centered site. If you are going to do that. It probably would be best to do that on a NES fan site.

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Quick question - How many homebrew games do you own?

I have one Yankeemania

I couldn't resist that one. It is a hack off of Megamania which is my favorite game and it has the Yankees team on it as well. I don't usually collect for Homebrews for one reason. You never can collect them all. The homebrewers keep churning them out one after another. I try to stick with NTSC Atari 2600 games that are America or Canada based.

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I try to stick with NTSC Atari 2600 games that are America or Canada based.


I thought you sold most of your games, no?

No I sold a lot of my valuable games that I did not have a complete collection of that company of. For instance I sold almost all my Avalon Hill games. I sold my Panda games. And some games made by Atari. But I still have a decent collection such as

Every Sears game

Every Tigervision game

Every Activision game

Every Parker Brothers game

Every U.S. game.

Every Dataage game.

Every M network game.

Every 20th Century Fox game.

Every CBS Electronic game.

Every Konami game.

And I still am only one away from having a complete Coleco collection.

It took me a long time to get a complete set even loose of these companies. So there is some sentimental value.

Before I went on my selling spree in the summer I had over 458 games. Now I probably have a little over 400 games.


Also I still have a decent rare game collection

1. 2 Atlantis II's

2. Pepsi Invaders

3. River Patrol

4. Tooth Protectors

5. Rescue Terra I in a near mint box

6. Coleco Berenstein Bears Sealed

7. Glacier Patrol Sealed.

8. Vulture Attack

9. Water World.

10. Room of Doom Sealed.

Edited by homerwannabee
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Quick question - How many homebrew games do you own?

I have one Yankeemania

I couldn't resist that one. It is a hack off of Megamania which is my favorite game and it has the Yankees team on it as well. I don't usually collect for Homebrews for one reason. You never can collect them all. The homebrewers keep churning them out one after another. I try to stick with NTSC Atari 2600 games that are America or Canada based.

Well then I hope at a bare minimum you show your support for keeping Atari alive by playing the roms via emulation? You are concerned for the future of the hobby and Homebrew games are it. Do you at least play them?

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Quick question - How many homebrew games do you own?

I have one Yankeemania

I couldn't resist that one. It is a hack off of Megamania which is my favorite game and it has the Yankees team on it as well. I don't usually collect for Homebrews for one reason. You never can collect them all. The homebrewers keep churning them out one after another. I try to stick with NTSC Atari 2600 games that are America or Canada based.

Well then I hope at a bare minimum you show your support for keeping Atari alive by playing the roms via emulation? You are concerned for the future of the hobby and Homebrew games are it. Do you at least play them?

I haven't played Yankeemania in awhile. But I did play the heck out of it the first couple of days and even got a max score of 999,999. As far as playing my regular games. I do that by participating in Atari 2600 High Score club. If you take a browse you will see that I am 13th at the moment. :)

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Quick question - How many homebrew games do you own?

I have one Yankeemania

I couldn't resist that one. It is a hack off of Megamania which is my favorite game and it has the Yankees team on it as well. I don't usually collect for Homebrews for one reason. You never can collect them all. The homebrewers keep churning them out one after another. I try to stick with NTSC Atari 2600 games that are America or Canada based.

Well then I hope at a bare minimum you show your support for keeping Atari alive by playing the roms via emulation? You are concerned for the future of the hobby and Homebrew games are it. Do you at least play them?

I haven't played Yankeemania in awhile. But I did play the heck out of it the first couple of days and even got a max score of 999,999. As far as playing my regular games. I do that by participating in Atari 2600 High Score club. If you take a browse you will see that I am 13th at the moment. :)

but no homebrews? The reason comics, bb cards, etc.. are still going strong is because people still buy the new products right?

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Quick question - How many homebrew games do you own?

I have one Yankeemania

I couldn't resist that one. It is a hack off of Megamania which is my favorite game and it has the Yankees team on it as well. I don't usually collect for Homebrews for one reason. You never can collect them all. The homebrewers keep churning them out one after another. I try to stick with NTSC Atari 2600 games that are America or Canada based.

Well then I hope at a bare minimum you show your support for keeping Atari alive by playing the roms via emulation? You are concerned for the future of the hobby and Homebrew games are it. Do you at least play them?

I haven't played Yankeemania in awhile. But I did play the heck out of it the first couple of days and even got a max score of 999,999. As far as playing my regular games. I do that by participating in Atari 2600 High Score club. If you take a browse you will see that I am 13th at the moment. :)

but no homebrews? The reason comics, bb cards, etc.. are still going strong is because people still buy the new products right?

Good point on that. Hey, at least I have one hombrew for the Atari 2600 there are some here who don't have one. I also have gone to 3 different conventions and have gone to every SoCal video game meet since they started back up. I also got a few Video Game Collector Magazines as well. And when Albert was selling original Atari 2600 games off the site a year and a half ago I did pick up a few of those games as well. So even though I have not bought a ton of Atari homebrew games, I feel that I have contributed in other areas that are just as important in keeping the community alive. :)

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I try to stick with NTSC Atari 2600 games that are America or Canada based.


I thought you sold most of your games, no?

No I sold a lot of my valuable games that I did not have a complete collection of that company of. For instance I sold almost all my Avalon Hill games. I sold my Panda games. And some games made by Atari. But I still have a decent collection such as

Every Sears game

Every Tigervision game

Every Activision game

Every Parker Brothers game

Every U.S. game.

Every Dataage game.

Every M network game.

Every 20th Century Fox game.

Every CBS Electronic game.

Every Konami game.

And I still am only one away from having a complete Coleco collection.

It took me a long time to get a complete set even loose of these companies. So there is some sentimental value.

Before I went on my selling spree in the summer I had over 458 games. Now I probably have a little over 400 games.


Also I still have a decent rare game collection

1. 2 Atlantis II's

2. Pepsi Invaders

3. River Patrol

4. Tooth Protectors

5. Rescue Terra I in a near mint box

6. Coleco Berenstein Bears Sealed

7. Glacier Patrol Sealed.

8. Vulture Attack

9. Water World.

10. Room of Doom Sealed.



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I try to stick with NTSC Atari 2600 games that are America or Canada based.


I thought you sold most of your games, no?

No I sold a lot of my valuable games that I did not have a complete collection of that company of. For instance I sold almost all my Avalon Hill games. I sold my Panda games. And some games made by Atari. But I still have a decent collection such as

Every Sears game

Every Tigervision game

Every Activision game

Every Parker Brothers game

Every U.S. game.

Every Dataage game.

Every M network game.

Every 20th Century Fox game.

Every CBS Electronic game.

Every Konami game.

And I still am only one away from having a complete Coleco collection.

It took me a long time to get a complete set even loose of these companies. So there is some sentimental value.

Before I went on my selling spree in the summer I had over 458 games. Now I probably have a little over 400 games.


Also I still have a decent rare game collection

1. 2 Atlantis II's

2. Pepsi Invaders

3. River Patrol

4. Tooth Protectors

5. Rescue Terra I in a near mint box

6. Coleco Berenstein Bears Sealed

7. Glacier Patrol Sealed.

8. Vulture Attack

9. Water World.

10. Room of Doom Sealed.




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Quick question - How many homebrew games do you own?

I have one Yankeemania

I couldn't resist that one. It is a hack off of Megamania which is my favorite game and it has the Yankees team on it as well. I don't usually collect for Homebrews for one reason. You never can collect them all. The homebrewers keep churning them out one after another. I try to stick with NTSC Atari 2600 games that are America or Canada based.

Well then I hope at a bare minimum you show your support for keeping Atari alive by playing the roms via emulation? You are concerned for the future of the hobby and Homebrew games are it. Do you at least play them?

I haven't played Yankeemania in awhile. But I did play the heck out of it the first couple of days and even got a max score of 999,999. As far as playing my regular games. I do that by participating in Atari 2600 High Score club. If you take a browse you will see that I am 13th at the moment. :)

but no homebrews? The reason comics, bb cards, etc.. are still going strong is because people still buy the new products right?

Good point on that. Hey, at least I have one hombrew for the Atari 2600 there are some here who don't have one. I also have gone to 3 different conventions and have gone to every SoCal video game meet since they started back up. I also got a few Video Game Collector Magazines as well. And when Albert was selling original Atari 2600 games off the site a year and a half ago I did pick up a few of those games as well. So even though I have not bought a ton of Atari homebrew games, I feel that I have contributed in other areas that are just as important in keeping the community alive. :)

Until you buy a homebrew game I don't want to hear any more crying about why nobody cares about Atari and everybody collects NES. The fact is if you want new people to join this hobby homebrews is most likely the only way that will happen. Marvel comics doesn't keep pumping out comics based on who shows up to the comic book shows, it is because people are buying the new product. Does it not make sense????

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