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Indus CP/M for LDW2000/CA2001...? Yes!


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O.K> short info only. Trub from Poland make a special copy of Indus RamCharger board with few modification. More info you can find at: http://trub.atari8.info/index.php?ref=cpm (both: Polish and English language), with fully schematics for LDW and short modification for CA too. Poit for Trub :thumbsup:


Nice!!! What Dos did the LDW use? Did it load Synchromesh/Super Synchromesh within the Dos (as with Dos XL)?


Do you know if Trub sells the boards? (Although doesn't look too difficult to create with the info provided.)



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Although Sikor has created this thread for the news, I suggest to look here, if you are interested.

That is the thread from which everything started :)

Of course, the extension applies to Indus GT disk drive too. LDW system disk contains DOS XL 2.35. The Synchromesh (GTSYNC) displays "LDW Super 2000" instead of "Indus GT", however this is only difference. The two drives even use the same firmware in ROM (version 1.20).

I don't produce the boards, sorry.

Edited by trub
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