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Zaxxon, Zaxxoff? (5200 vs CV)

Jess Ragan

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So, which version of Zaxxon do you prefer? I've been playing the 5200 version after getting my system back up and running, and I'm amazed at how improved it is over its ColecoVision counterpart. The first thing you notice right away is that the scrolling is extremely smooth, resulting in more responsive gameplay and a more enjoyable gaming experience. The second thing is that the character sprites are more faithful to their arcade counterparts. Cannons look like cannons rather than orange mounds and fuel tanks are their proper color.


Now for the bad news. The game lacks the rich detail of the arcade version, typically dropping a few enemies onto a vast blue expanse. The ColecoVision game didn't measure up to the arcade version either, but it does have the cables running through the castle as well as the underground missile silos. Worst of all, the boss battle in the 5200 version of Zaxxon really sucks. The giant robot is tiny and the pacing during the fight is horrendous! If you don't destroy Zaxxon a few seconds after it appears, it launches a missile that destroys you in an instant. You don't get a (slim) chance to intercept the missile by firing at its warhead... the moment it's launched, it's "say goodnight, Gracie!"


So what's your personal preference? And no, you don't get to say Zaxxon on the Sega Genesis Collection... this battle is strictly between the 5200 and ColecoVision.

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The 5200 version certainly lacks a lot, the dogfight scene is drab, and the actual Zaxxon at the end look lame...BUT, I think the CV Zaxxon is on par with 2600 PacMan. It's an absolutely horrible port. The graphics are fine, but the "scrolling" kicks and pops and farts and bucks so bad it's near unplayable. The sound of the ship flying sounds more like the pseudo-crowd cheering on the intellivision sports games. I also think the control is great on the 5200, the stick is perfect for a gameslike Zaxxon, although the squishy fire buttons are a bear. The CV controls are fine but way too stiff imo, and you have the opposite problem with firing. Instead of mushy buttons you have to practicially hammer the fire buttons.

5200 version is the better of the 2 IMO. Not even close really.

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The 5200 is the same as the Atari 8bit's 16K version of Zaxxon. there was also a 32K (or maybe it was 24K) version of the same game and it corrects the problems with the 5200 version -- the launching missiles are back, and the space fight is better, etc. If someone could port this bigger A8 version, and also turn on auto-firing, it'd make the best Zaxxon version among those early 80's systems!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i definately preferred the cv version, it just seemed more playable. though, iirc, there was an adam version that i preferred to the arcade game and I thought it was better than the actual arcade sequel (i think they were both called super zaxxon, tho colecos super zaxxon was just an expanded version of the original game.) truth be known, also, I prefer the 2600 version of zaxxon to the 5200 version.


ahh... finally found some rudimentary info and quick pics...




i remember that the final boss looked diff on adam...

Edited by Godzilla
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This thread just jogged my memory -- I dug out my Sega Genesis Collection on PS2 -- it has coin-op Zaxxon on it!


The PSP version has Super Zaxxon, but I'm not sure what's so super about it. Just looks like regular Zaxxon with a few graphic touch-ups and a big blocky dragon replacing the big blocky robot from the original game.

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