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Ad for Captain Beeble in computer magazines


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I know this is a long shot but I thought I'd ask anyways...


Does anybody remember ever seeing an ad for Captain Beeble in any of the computer magazines?


I could have sworn I saw one not to long ago but I can't find it. I've looked through Antic, Analog, Compute, and Softside but I can't seem to find it.



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On Digital Press, check the first page of the Computers - Older gallery in the Pictures and Video section ;-)



Atari Frog



Thanks for the response but for the life of me I can't find the section your talking about. I found the Pictures and Video section but I don't see the Computers - Older section.



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On Digital Press, check the first page of the Computers - Older gallery in the Pictures and Video section ;-)



Atari Frog



Thanks for the response but for the life of me I can't find the section your talking about. I found the Pictures and Video section but I don't see the Computers - Older section.




I found it. Thanks.



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On Digital Press, check the first page of the Computers - Older gallery in the Pictures and Video section ;-)



Atari Frog



Thanks for the response but for the life of me I can't find the section your talking about. I found the Pictures and Video section but I don't see the Computers - Older section.




I found it. Thanks.




Well, I found the section but unfortuntely it's not there. :( But thank you anyways.



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Definitely is. On the first page (of seven) in the Computers - Older gallery.



Atari Frog



Here is how I found it -- think it is the one referenced.


Digital Press (home)


Select "Picture & Videos" (left side)


Advertisement Gallery (center)


Select a gallery -- "computers - older" (right side)


The Captain Beeble thumbnail is on the first page, center column, 5th down. It is actually a "dual" ad from Inhome Software, and it's a little difficult to see until expanded. ("Just say the magic word")



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Definitely is. On the first page (of seven) in the Computers - Older gallery.



Atari Frog



Found it.




Thanks Larry and atarimania.


I guess I need some new glasses or a new brain.


Unfortunetly it's too low-res for what I want it for but at least I know I'm not going insane. :) Now I just need to keep looking through my magazines until I find it.



Edited by Allan
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