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Combat II and Haunted House II for Atari 5200


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The definition of Piracy is to steal and to sell. Who said anything about selling? Or stealing? Just copying and giving! I am making a point that is all. I have not done anything illegal!


The definition of software piracy is not "to steal and to sell", it's copyright infringement which basically means any unauthorized copying without the author's permission.


Perhaps you're not familiar with the lawsuits the BSA, MPAA, and RIAA have filed against people who were just copying and giving. You *CAN* go be forced to pay fines and in extreme cases go to jail for copying software. Like I said, it's a loaded subject. Whether or not you agree with it, any copying to another person without permission from the copyright holder is illegal. You may not agree that it *should* be, but it is. Even if you're just giving a copy to your bestest friend, who promises never to tell anyone, it's still illegal because it's not yours to give until the copyright owner says that you can. Some people are generous enough to let their hard work be freely copied, but those who don't should never be criticized for it.


I feel like you're just going to react to this instead of trying to learn something. If I'm not explaining it clearly please let me know.

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The definition of Piracy is to steal and to sell. Who said anything about selling? Or stealing? Just copying and giving! I am making a point that is all. I have not done anything illegal!

Just a warning to you--do not post the binaries to these games here in these forums. If a homebrew author does not want to distribute the binary for his or her game, that is their right and something I will respect on this site. Also, if you do dump the binaries and post them somewhere else, do not come back here and point people towards them.


Thank you,



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The definition of Piracy is to steal and to sell. Who said anything about selling? Or stealing? Just copying and giving! I am making a point that is all. I have not done anything illegal!


The definition of software piracy is not "to steal and to sell", it's copyright infringement which basically means any unauthorized copying without the author's permission.


Perhaps you're not familiar with the lawsuits the BSA, MPAA, and RIAA have filed against people who were just copying and giving. You *CAN* go be forced to pay fines and in extreme cases go to jail for copying software. Like I said, it's a loaded subject. Whether or not you agree with it, any copying to another person without permission from the copyright holder is illegal. You may not agree that it *should* be, but it is. Even if you're just giving a copy to your bestest friend, who promises never to tell anyone, it's still illegal because it's not yours to give until the copyright owner says that you can. Some people are generous enough to let their hard work be freely copied, but those who don't should never be criticized for it.


I feel like you're just going to react to this instead of trying to learn something. If I'm not explaining it clearly please let me know.


You mean I cant give a copy of a game that I own to my friend? If thats the law then ok. I dont necessarily agree with it. Then why dont they shut down the entire emulation industry? No one owns all the roms that are dumped and emulated today. I see your point as to respect the authors. But know one cares about the authors who wrote the original games for the atari 800 and then converted by somebody else to be sold as a cart to prophit for themselves! Do you see what I am saying? Anyway this thing sure has blown out of proportion. I do see what your saying though. You are just being bureaucratic in your argument. That is not a insult!

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The definition of Piracy is to steal and to sell. Who said anything about selling? Or stealing? Just copying and giving! I am making a point that is all. I have not done anything illegal!

Just a warning to you--do not post the binaries to these games here in these forums. If a homebrew author does not want to distribute the binary for his or her game, that is their right and something I will respect on this site. Also, if you do dump the binaries and post them somewhere else, do not come back here and point people towards them.


Thank you,



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You mean I cant give a copy of a game that I own to my friend? If thats the law then ok. I dont necessarily agree with it. Then why dont they shut down the entire emulation industry? No one owns all the roms that are dumped and emulated today. I see your point as to respect the authors. But know one cares about the authors who wrote the original games for the atari 800 and then converted by somebody else to be sold as a cart to prophit for themselves! Do you see what I am saying? Anyway this thing sure has blown out of proportion. I do see what your saying though. You are just being bureaucratic in your argument. That is not a insult!


Thanks for calming down. Like I said it's a loaded subject.


That's correct that you can't give a copy to your friend. Not just games, but you can't make copies of most CDs or DVDs for your friends either. From a practical perspective nobody is going to find out and you won't get in trouble, but that doesn't change the law. Youtube is filled with people using unauthorized songs and video clips, they get put up faster than they get taken down. Are they likely to get in trouble? Probably not, they're mostly teenagers that are just having fun and aren't aware they're violating anything.


A lot of times the copyright owner is a company that doesn't exist any more and it being so long ago you're lucky to find anyone who ever worked at the company, much less someone who can properly grant permission. In some cases, like Intellivision, the Blue Sky Rangers who programmed the original games went on to release their own emulator and packages of games for it. Since they're actively marketing it and easy to contact, it's clearly a violation to distribute any of their games (other than the demos). Some company that released a game for the Atari 800 and hasn't existed in 15 years, well, that's pretty much fair game. If the author pops up, it's the decent thing to do to respect their wishes. There's a further issue with old computer software that isn't well defined legally so far as I know. You have the right to make one archival copy (not a copy to give to your friends, but one for yourself in case the original gets damaged) With old computers, you can't buy new disks anymore and the old ones are degrading and will eventually stop working. So that's a big reason for people making cart versions, it's not that they're trying to profit so much as preserve the software from being destroyed.

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It's annoying because between the multicart and originals I own, plus the other various ROMs out there, these two games are the only ones technically I don't have access to. So be it, maybe I'll find them someday to add if they don't get dumped...

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Sorry...but six of one half dozen of the other. I'd really like to know what's worse, distributing a game *file* that is absolutely NOT the original product (as there is no cartridge, box, or instructions), or hoarding a $30 game and then selling at a 400-500% + priofit on ebay.

At least the guy dumping and distributing the rom isn't milking the community for profit.


I certainly respect Al's decision to not allow any roms that the original author(s) do not want distributed to not be distributed. However, if the rom being dumped allows a hobbyist to enjoy a game without paying some ridiculous price to a profiteer then go man go.

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re: the name change idea -- I am pretty sure I have already seen the game sold as "Scary Mansion II", by the way. Doesn't Atari 2600.com still sell that version?


re: this thread -- must we totally ruin this forum with nasty temper tantrum/hate-filled comments? Just because you can say something, doesn't mean you should. I never bought Haunted House II 3D either back in the day but I had a hand in testing pre-release ROMs. I was too busy and just never got around to it, and then years later I wished the ROM was out there too. My loss -- I'll have to play the old buggy pre-release one , or fork up the higher dollars for a copy. But I'm not going to come to the very haven for 5200 homebrewers and start a ruckus over it.


re: the money-making motivation idea. Nobody programs Atari homebrews with the sole purpose of making money , because you don't make much considering the near-astronomical amount of time spent coding/learning, and the amount of soldiering /elbow grease to clean those carts. But yes, of course we earn various amounts of pocket change, depending on how many copies we sold. (side-note: I remember John S. commenting on how many HH's moved and it was reportedly over 200, so used copies are out there. Koffi moved close to that too (erm, I think .. never really tracked it); AdvII was quite a bit more than that surprisingly, so thus AA , Raccoon and I got a bit more money than we expected. Not sure of other games but the 5200 market is NOT very big).


Anyway, I don't feel guilty for pocketing a bit of money. When the homebrew is all said and done, two things make it worthwhile. The first is reading praise (or even constructive comments) for your game. Considering the lack of reviews toward most homebrews (something I've noticed), the next thing that gives a homebrewer a sense of satisfaction is earning some bucks, in my case blowing it on my wife & family to compensate for hours spent in front of a PC.


In summary, play games, support homebrewers, and drink your coffee! (_)3

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re: the name change idea -- I am pretty sure I have already seen the game sold as "Scary Mansion II", by the way. Doesn't Atari 2600.com still sell that version?


Looking at Mean Hamster Software Web site


I see they have it listed with that title "Scary Mansion II" so I think they must have released/re-released it themself with that title, maybe had something to do with the Haunted House title causing a problem with copyright issues ?

Also noted as long sold out.


Just checked the Atari2600.com for sale pages and did not see this game by either title


I have a original copy of this game with the "Haunted House II 3D" title that I bought thru the AA Store in 2002 includes

the cart and instruction (originaly did not come with the box) also still has the Mean Hamster 90 day warranty sticker on the back.

I have listed it on ebay with the reserve at 43.00 which is what I paid for it back in 02.


Here is a link to the Ebay auctionHERE



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The author does have the right not to distribute the binary for his or her game im just glad that there are people out there that are stll makeing games for the 5200,2600,colecovisionIntellivision,etc thay also have the right to make as much as thay can out of it im just thankfull for all the effort that thay put in. any way i like the original box and maual sorry i just had to put my 2 cents in :)

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re: the name change idea -- I am pretty sure I have already seen the game sold as "Scary Mansion II", by the way. Doesn't Atari 2600.com still sell that version?


Looking at Mean Hamster Software Web site


I see they have it listed with that title "Scary Mansion II" so I think they must have released/re-released it themself with that title, maybe had something to do with the Haunted House title causing a problem with copyright issues ?

Also noted as long sold out.


Just checked the Atari2600.com for sale pages and did not see this game by either title


I have a original copy of this game with the "Haunted House II 3D" title that I bought thru the AA Store in 2002 includes

the cart and instruction (originaly did not come with the box) also still has the Mean Hamster 90 day warranty sticker on the back.

I have listed it on ebay with the reserve at 43.00 which is what I paid for it back in 02.


Here is a link to the Ebay auctionHERE




That auction cleared something up for me as I have the original release as well but couldnt find a box - I didnt think it came with one however I saw some auctions with boxes that had the 2nd release label - no box for first release ;)

Edited by Goochman
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