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Has anyone tried out Turok yet?


I stopped and picked up the demo (with T-shirt) today and was just starting to really get into the game when company came over. So I only got to play about 20 minutes, but can say this about the game: graphically the game looks GREAT, dino's are well animated, has some awesome new weapons, the AI is very - very smart, and the atmosphere of the game had me smelling mold in the air and feeling drenched in sweat from the humidity.


Not sure if its something I have to turn on in the settings or not, but during my gameplay there was NO compass on the screen showing me the direction to an objective or enemies in the surrounding area. For a couple minutes this bothered me as I'm used to a "helping hand" in most FPS games, but then I got so caught up in the action that I no longer noticed it.


This game is going on my MUST BUY list.






(End Note: noticed that this is a Touchstone release.... sort of funny because I thought Touchstone was owned by Disney and with the amount of blood, guts, and cussing in Turok, there ain't no "mouse ear's" on this game!)

Edited by Mendon
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Has anyone tried out Turok yet?


I stopped and picked up the demo (with T-shirt) today and was just starting to really get into the game when company came over. So I only got to play about 20 minutes, but can say this about the game: graphically the game looks GREAT, dino's are well animated, has some awesome new weapons, the AI is very - very smart, and the atmosphere of the game had me smelling mold in the air and feeling drenched in sweat from the humidity.


Not sure if its something I have to turn on in the settings or not, but during my gameplay there was NO compass on the screen showing me the direction to an objective or enemies in the surrounding area. For a couple minutes this bothered me as I'm used to a "helping hand" in most FPS games, but then I got so caught up in the action that I no longer noticed it.


This game is going on my MUST BUY list.






(End Note: noticed that this is a Touchstone release.... sort of funny because I thought Touchstone was owned by Disney and with the amount of blood, guts, and cussing in Turok, there ain't no "mouse ear's" on this game!)


What what? Demo...DEMO!? where where???

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  • 1 month later...

After playing the full version of Turok for about 2hours now, there is one thing about the game that I don't like and its really taking away some of the fun of the game for me: the unbalance in the power of guns vs. the knife.


I can have a human enemy running in a straight line directly at me, and it will take a TON of bullets to bring him down. Yet, that same enemy will fall with one slash of the knife. Same with the dino's: I can get knocked on my back several times and fire a ton of bullets into them before they fall, but let me get close to a dino and I can jump on his back and take it down with one throat slash.


I had noticed this unbalance in the demo but wrote it off to "Eh, its a demo... a work in process... and I'm sure it won't be the same within the released game". But it is and while it may not bother anyone else, I really don't like this unbalance and find myself ignoring some of the cool weapons within the game just to have a better chance of staying alive with the knife.


I'm not saying the game is terrible and a waste of money.... I still think the atmosphere of the game is great; the graphic's are great; the A.I. (so far) is smart; the weapons (like the sticky bomb) are awesome; and the dino's are animated incredibly. But I do not like that the knife is a much more powerful killing instrument than a shotgun or an automatic weapon.





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I just beat it today and overall I am pretty happy with it. I haven't tried to online yet, mostly wanting to try the Co-Op. My biggest complaint besides the A.I. is the lack of splitscreen multiplayer. One of my favorite features of the old N64 Turok games was the splitscreen multiplayer. I'm also hoping that they will release some downloadable like side missions or something actually worth buying.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did anyone try out the co-op on this game and if so how was it?

I love co-op games and would get this if the co-op was a decent experience.


For those interested....


Amazon has new copies for sale for the 360 for $39.99.

It's a Gold Box deal so be sure and click on your gold box.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've never been a fan of turok, in general. It's always been a sub par game graphicaly, with ass controlls. Nice concept, hunting down dinosaurs with a knife and bow, but always a crappy game IMO.


Well, the other day, I played an OXM demo that had Turok on it, and I gotta say, I was imm pressed. Damn impressed. The graphics kicked arse, the controlls were perfect for a change, and the game was just over all awesome. It impressed me enough, that I actually went out and bought the game the next day. Yeah, that was great. I played the heck out of it, and really like it. And that's something that I always wanted to say, and never thought I would about Turok.


Only think i don't like...Unreal. Why the HELL is every god damn game played on the unreal engine? It's an Ok engine (and awesome for eye candy) But it seems so limited in ways. Or maybe I'm playing the wrong games. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Halo series, but the first on was in a way so much cooler, cause it had it's own ground up engine with it's own quirks and problems that was lost when they switched to the unreal engine. Just my Opinion, but jeez, a little more variety in game engines would be appreciated.


other than that, I'm pretty sure that first dude you fight with on the planet, was a berzerker ripped streight off the game Unreal itself. :lol: Maybe I'm just imagining it, but when I was following him, I kept saying "what the hell's he doing here? This isn't unreal....well it is....but ......doh, you know what I mean"


Anyhow...Awesome game If you like FPS games, I'd say get it, if you like Turok...uh...you'll have to judge for yourself (since if you could tolerate the graphics and controll issues on previous games, this might actually turn you off to it :P )

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