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Bidding Partners Wanted


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How many times have you seen an Ebay auction overseas that has that one or two games in a huge lot that you really really need,BUT the seller wont ship overseas,WONT accept paypal or the shipping fees would be astronomical .. i have plenty of times.

Well i have a solution to this,create a bidding partners list of partners that are in the sellers own country,your partner will place the bid for you,they will deposit money into the sellers account for you(once you have paid the partner with paypal),its simple really,the buyer will pay all shipping cost and the auction amount,they will get there games they want and for the partner they will get whats left of the auction items for free (its like a fee).Then if your partner needs something in your country then you will do the same for them.

I have already a partners in America and England,i am after partners in Europe,especially Germany and more in America and England ....so pm me if you are interested :)

Edited by pangasinan
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This is a good thing to have as long as you get trust worthy traders. Heck I think I've got about 5 guys from all different spots in the world that do this with me, mind you it's only due to years of trading\selling to each other that has let to this type of trust.

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