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Is this shipping cost justified?


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No, that's not justified at all, but I see it's one of those companies you can drop stuff off to sell so I'm not terribly surprised. That stuff could easily be shipped in two reasonably-sized boxes, and if shipped via DHL would not cost too much. The box with the power supplies would be the heaviest.



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Those companies are rip-offs all the way around, for the seller and the buyer. No one should use them. I can't see why anyone does, unless they're just intimidated by the idea of selling on eBay. I can't see why. It's a glorified flea market.


There is a bid on it. Amazing.


? What do you figure is in that thing marked "Atari Service"?

Edited by Brian R.
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To ship all that would cost a bit but probably not that much, look at some of the other auctions listed they have a small 8" tall angel figurine and shipping to PA where i live is $17.75 :|


I ship UPS when i sell on ebay and they tend to be pricey but i find them better with tracking and insurance claims , thats one risk you take on ebay you many not get big bux for you auction so unfortunately folks pad the shipping and handling, they state in their auction they charge for shipping handling and insurance and none of that is negotiable.

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Whenever I've sold on eBay, I've charged exact shipping cost only. Usually by USPS priority mail, so I use the provided boxes. I always include delivery confirmation to cover myself against claims it wasn't received, and pass that cost along. But I don't add in money for BS things like gas for the half mile to the post office, or my "time," or any other nonsense like that. If the tag says it cost $4.75 to ship, that's what the buyer pays. I hate it when I'm charged like $5.50 for shipping, I get the package and it says like $1.36 or something.

Edited by Brian R.
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I pity the fool that takes their stuff to one of these eBay stores that pads the shipping so much, bidders (smart ones, anyway) figure that into the bid and it goes for less, leaving way less for the seller when it's over.


I took a cello to one, once, since I didn't want to deal with shipping it. They quoted the shipping at $150! Needless to say, no one bid. Then the dicks charged me $10 to get my cello back. I got the last laugh when they went out of business!

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For me , I literally live within walking distance to the post office , so I never charge for handling or gas expenses , or BS stuff like that.


Lately , I've been using the Flat Rate boxes & envelopes just to avoid confusion when shipping. It seems as though my scale never matches the one at the PO anyway , so I just said the hell with it.

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In the past, I've waited until after the auction ended, gotten the buyer's address, and then taken it to the post office to get the shipping cost, then give the total to the buyer.

This seems a bit excessive--do you have a scale? If so, you can easily calculate accurate postage without having to make a trip to the post office.



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Only one bidder and it sold for $9.99. If the guy can do local pick-up (allowed for in the terms of the sale) he can save a bundle and screw the re-seller out of the shipping/handling fees. The person putting it up for sale is screwed now (because of that padded shipping charge) as they'll only be getting a percentage of $9.99.


I feel for the person who has yet to master selling on ebay by this time and must resort to these scam-auction houses. :ponder:

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No, that shipping cost is not justified, it's just another way of cutting eBay out of the fees as stipulated as part of the services - and a way for the package handler in these cases to make sure they get a bigger cut of whatever charge they have already applied for their services - and people stick it to eBay all the time, claiming that eBay is sticking it to them with the fees and all if fair, blah blah blah. Whatever. If you don't like the structure of eBay, don't use it. This is an issue that people go over and over again ad nauseam in these topics. If eBay were like PayPal and took a cut of the entire auction total, things might change (and of course some people would howl bloody murder). Bah humbug.

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In the past, I've waited until after the auction ended, gotten the buyer's address, and then taken it to the post office to get the shipping cost, then give the total to the buyer.

This seems a bit excessive--do you have a scale? If so, you can easily calculate accurate postage without having to make a trip to the post office.




No scale. I just didn't want to have the buyer pay more than they should, while at the same time not having to cover part of it myself by underestimating.


With the way things are now, with instant PayPal payments right after an auction closes, I can see my past method being a bit cumbersome, I'll admit. Could probably still do it that way. Maybe some buyers will appreciate knowing they won't pay more than they have to. But then, I haven't sold anything for a long time, and generally intend to keep whatever I have.


Long ago, when I bought, I'd type up letters that I'd include with money orders when I paid for items, in the before PayPal times.

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