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Going out of business. My last hoorah!


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Geez, you make it sound like you have to actually own an Atari and rare games just to hang around here. :)


I'm very sorry if it seemed this way. I do see how you would think that. I have just lowered the price. I just am focusing on other things right now. I'll be around though. After the auction is over it might be awhile before you guys here from me again. Thanks guys. :)

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Bummer you have to sell, a little advice though... It is pretty rare that you will find someone that wants to buy all these at once, at least at that price. Seperate them if you want to sell them, I think that's the only way you will get your asking price.


Maybe they would sell. He would do better to split these up and to list them after Christmas. The week before Christmas has to be the worst week out of the year to sell something on eBay.

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Geez, you make it sound like you have to actually own an Atari and rare games just to hang around here. :)


I'm very sorry if it seemed this way. I do see how you would think that. I have just lowered the price. I just am focusing on other things right now. I'll be around though. After the auction is over it might be awhile before you guys here from me again. Thanks guys. :)

Hey, that's ok, you gotta do what you gotta do.


I guess I don't quite understand why you are bothering to include the system too. Is this an extra one you have? Was it your only 7800? Anybody that would buy this lot almost certainly has a number of 2600/7800 systems already, this would only add to the shipping charge and would add almost nothing to the total value of the lot.

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Gads, no bidders at all! That had to be worth a lot more than $800!


Guess Xmas is a bad day to have an auction end...

Or the fact that this lot is simply not worth $800. Loose carts, except for the extremely rare, really took a downturn in 2007. The Quadrun in the lot is the highest value cart. While Gauntlet and Malagai are using actual Answer chips, the fact is that they are reproductions in the sense that they are not original assembly carts off the line from back in the day. Glib, Crazy Climber, Boing, TCM, Gas Hog, and Mr. Do's Castle are nice carts, but they, and more significantly the rest of this lot, suffer from the loss of loose cart value.


Atari 7800 system, Controllers, Quikshot joystick, Cable Tv adapter w/cable, and the following games:


Games rarity is beside the game. The best site for information and to check rarity WWW.ATARIAGE.COM


Gauntlet-R10-Not a Repro- Original Answer Software Prom-Pro Label-Handmade by a respected ATARIAGE MEMBER


Malagai-R9-Not a repro-Original Answer Software Prom-Handmade by myself-Just an end label


Quadrun-R9-(Holy Grail)-Label 9/10 if not a 10/10


Glib-R9-Label 9/10


Gravitar-R8-Silver Label 9/10- with manual!


Crazy Climber-R8-Label 9/10


Boing!-R8-Label 6/10


Gas Hog-R8-Label 6/10


Rubik's Cube-R8-Label 9/10


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre-R7-Label 7/10- with manual!


Mr. Do!'s Castle-R8-label 6/10


Pengo-R7-Label 7/10


Marauder-R6-Label 9/10


Threshold-R5-Label 8/10


Jawbreaker-R5-Label 7/10


Miner 2049er-R5-Label 5/10


H.E.R.O.-R5-Label 7/10


Gyruss-R5-Label 6/10


Space Adventure(Zellers)-R5-Label 6/10- Little writing on label


Mr. Do!-R5-Label 5/10-Little torn


Cruise Missle-R4-Label 8/10


Sea Hawk-R4-Label 8/10


Sea Hunt-R4-Label 6/10-label bubbling


Star Trek-R4-Label 6/10


Krull-R4-Label 8/10


Spitfire Attack-R4-Label 6/10


Star Ship-R4-Label 8/10


Private Eye-R4-Label 5/10


Skate Boarding-R4-Label 5/10-Screwholes exposed


Titlematch Wrestling-R4-Label 5/10-Screwholes exposed


Commando-R4-Label 5/10 Faded


Pitfall II-R4-LAbel 6/10-Little writing on label


Koolaid Man-R4-Label 7/10


Mean 18 Golf-R7-Atari 7800-PAL Version-Label 8/10


Common games are R1-R3 not listed BUT!! there is a total of 18 common games with their manuals, an Atari Advantage poster, Atari Catalog, Robotron 2084 game for the 7800 system, and last but not least the COMPLETE IN THE BOX -INDY 500- RACING GAMES COMPLETE WITH DRIVING CONTROLLERS!!

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I honestly thought this was a good price. I know it's hard to sell so many at one time. I know that the LOOSE CARTS don't sell as high as Boxed BUT the argument can be made about the Answer Software Carts. They are PROM not EPROM or EEPROM chips which make them authentic. I understand that they are just the chip but please don't refer them as Reproduction after- market carts. Cause they are not. A lot of effort goes into setting these puppies into a 4k board to make them playable. I did say that they are PROM CARTS which would give the good collector an idea that they are not the manufaturer assembled cart but the chip that makes the game work is real. I tried. Maybe I'll split em up. We'll see. Thanks guys.

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... BUT the argument can be made about the Answer Software Carts. They are PROM not EPROM or EEPROM chips which make them authentic. I understand that they are just the chip but please don't refer them as Reproduction after- market carts. Cause they are not.


Yes they are.



Main Entry:re·pro·ducePronunciation: \ˌrē-prə-ˈdüs, -ˈdyüs\ Function:verb Date:circa 1611 transitive verb : to produce again: as a: to produce (new individuals of the same kind) by a sexual or asexual process b: to cause to exist again or anew <reproduce water from steam> c: to imitate closely <sound-effects can reproduce the sound of thunder> d: to present again e: to make a representation (as an image or copy) of <reproduce a face on canvas> f: to revive mentally : recall g: to translate (a recording) into sound


I agree that the chips inside the carts are authentic and from the same production run as the original Answer releases. That being said, however, compared to the original Answer releases, they were not assembled at the same time (factory batch, along with Answer labels and associated boxes and manuals). I do not at all think you are being deceptive, but I think you are seriously overvaluing these reproductions based on the internal chip.

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I agree that the chips inside the carts are authentic and from the same production run as the original Answer releases. That being said, however, compared to the original Answer releases, they were not assembled at the same time (factory batch, along with Answer labels and associated boxes and manuals). I do not at all think you are being deceptive, but I think you are seriously overvaluing these reproductions based on the internal chip.


I think you are putting too much value on a label because lets face it, the game is the same game inside any of those made with real labels on them. And they value at what? $500?

And these are over valued??? A 100% Repro goes for near as much.

A repro label is much better than a repro prom.

I totally disagree with your opinion on their value and they will only go up with age IMHO. ;)

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I think you are putting too much value on a label because lets face it, the game is the same game inside any of those made with real labels on them. And they value at what? $500?

And these are over valued??? A 100% Repro goes for near as much.

A repro label is much better than a repro prom.

I totally disagree with your opinion on their value and they will only go up with age IMHO. ;)


Hi, welcome to the party, you are wrong, too.


Too much value on a label? You are not giving enough. Try looking at the differences between the presence or absence of a label on Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, or Boing. Look at the differences in prices on, for example, a Crazy Climber with a shiny label and one that has seen serious mistreatment. The fact is that the condition of the artifact - i.e., the actual cartridge itself as well as ancillary items like a manual, box, and so on - and the particulars of its manufacture are of tantamount importance (as all the various price guides and the discussions on the internet indicate). If a person wants to play the game, all that person needs is an emulator and a ROM. My point is that any aspect or component of reproduction in a reproduction means a loss of equivalent value relative to the original item (be it a video game, a car, or a painting).*


Finally, as a person who has been selling these, of course your opinion is biased as to its value.


Note that I have not made any disparaging remarks about the quality of the reproduction as it is obviously very well made.


* = Of course, this topic has an interesting wrinkle given that these are mass produced artifacts. Some people are willing to pay a lot for a reproduction of an original that has a very high value, as they see the cost of the original being so high that an expensive copy has some sort of commensurate increase in value based on the cost of the very expensive original.


(If you want to continue this line of inquiry with me, please read "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" - http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/...ge/benjamin.htm - and then I'll continue conversing with you, otherwise I am going to ignore you, as I generally do with all of your postings.)

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I agree that the chips inside the carts are authentic and from the same production run as the original Answer releases. That being said, however, compared to the original Answer releases, they were not assembled at the same time (factory batch, along with Answer labels and associated boxes and manuals). I do not at all think you are being deceptive, but I think you are seriously overvaluing these reproductions based on the internal chip.


I think you are putting too much value on a label because lets face it, the game is the same game inside any of those made with real labels on them. And they value at what? $500?

And these are over valued??? A 100% Repro goes for near as much.

A repro label is much better than a repro prom.

I totally disagree with your opinion on their value and they will only go up with age IMHO. ;)

The cart does matter. The chip inside is only part of the equation. Yes the chip is original and authentic, but the cart case and the label are reproductions. I do agree that a repo cart with an authentic chip is more valuable than a repo game inside and out, it still is nowhere near the value of the original real deal. A repo game usually cost about $20-$25 a Repo cart with an authentic chip costs about $50 to $100 And of course the real deal is much higher than that. You are right that the Repo cart will probably go up in value, but don't ever expect it to be ever the same exact value of an original cart with an original game.

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I'll add my two cents :)

Gauntlet carts with actual labels go for several thousand dollars. I think there is only 3 or 4 of them in existence. The chip alone is worth about $100, this price will probably go down also depending on how many leak out. The guy selling them is smart, he sells a few then sits on them, keeping the price high. Who knows, the dude could have hundreds or even thousands of them. If thats the case then they will be going for $20 some day. I'm not trying to crap on your sale but thinking that your chip is worth anything close to an actual Gauntlet, and saying it is an R10 is really not true. It's probably more like an R8, possible R9 but I have a feeling there is several left that will pop up.

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Finally, as a person who has been selling these, of course your opinion is biased as to its value.

All 3 of you act as if the value of the prom cart is being pawned off as close to 90% of the 100% real things value. I, whether i sold them or not, do not believe that they will be worth $20 one day nor do I think that $100 even, for a Malagai Prom Cart is comparatively out of whack when the other is worth $500. Ive seen repros of the 2 on Double enders which are complete fakes go over the $100 mark often. A repro if you are a member of AA is much cheaper than if not usually.

You say Im biased, fact is, when you look at the actual values were speaking about, I believe theres no Bias on my part at all. I much rather have this fake label with real Prom and spend $450 less or so. So maybe you spent $500+ on the "real deal" and feel slighted but to say Im biased based on the values I suggest and that the Prom Cart is undervalued IMO moving fwd, you would think Id had said its worth $300 or more with these statements but have it your way. You 3 must be experts on values. I stand by my evaluation that the Malagai Prom Cart if worth between $70 -$100 and it may go up in value, especially the set of 14 with special labels unique to that set. The Gauntlet Prom Carts , of which i have the only other label of this version. is worth atleast $200 to me and I expect that will go UP in value. I could be wrong but dont tell me that I am biased because I sold these and another thing, I let these go cheap to members, I was advised to tuck them away for a few years but figured I'd let people have a chance at em and was having a few made into carts fro myself anyhow.

I only had 2 gauntlet Proms and one wasnt from the dude you speak of (nor was 2 of my Malagais). One I had for quite sometime. I traded one of them for making the Malagai Carts + cash and there is only 2 of these with this label so I doubt they are going to plummet to some value thats less than 100$ and a real Gauntlet is still quite impossible to find. So maybe you 3 own the original and are biased is some way but I think my value assesments are not only good, but conservative and it has nothing to do with bias because I sold them as you state. I welcome anyone you trust to make a accurate value judgement on them to come state their opinion here and anyone reading this feel free as well. You can crap all over it if you want but to say Im biased for my projections of the comparative values of the original and this authentic prom cart is silly. I say stating that any Prom Cart where the original holds this much value in its original state, and staing that its less than a Minimum $50 when put together in a cart is biased for some reason we are unaware of on your part. It would be nice to hear Al or CPUWIZs opinions among others so if you read this, please chime in. I really dont care what any of ya think about it but to say Im biased with the conservative figures I stated is silly, period.

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(If you want to continue this line of inquiry with me, please read "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" - http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/...ge/benjamin.htm - and then I'll continue conversing with you, otherwise I am going to ignore you, as I generally do with all of your postings.)

I know because youre so smart!


I'm impressed you state opinion as fact!



Hi, welcome to the party, you are wrong, too.-Zwackery

WOW, I'm wrong!!!! or MAYBE thats an Opinion????

Thats your Opinion of everyone that disagrees with your OPINION

yet you state it like its FACT!

ALWAYS you do, just like you have above.

You think youre so great (for what??? we are still clueless)!

You live in your lil world that thinks you know everything and you are always right.

What happens when you find out you are wrong????

What Happens then???



Now please do ignore me as I dont wish to deal with your offensive childish jabs. Youve ignored every one of my posts USUALLY but this one I suppose and the best part is you dont even realize how dumb your ending statement sounds! Have it your way, stay out of responding to anything I have to say then. There was absolutely no reason to address me if so... and to think I missed your silly lil jab on the first read. You must be proud.

After all, youre a genius, and you do know everything. Just Ask, well.... You! :roll:

Edited by Phantom
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We can easily test this theory...


I have a Quadrun with no labels. Real chip.


I'll give anyone my label-less loose Quadrun and let's say $35.00 in sexy cash for a mint loose Quadrun with both original labels in an original case. Just like it came from the Atari Club many moons ago.


(If my PM box fills with offers, I will post my e-mail address. Please be patient. It may take me a while to get back to everyone's offers.



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I think you should just redo the auction. Timing is everything on eBay IMO. I have a collectible from my youth listed on eBay (I did 10 day auction & made sure it ended on a Sat evening). Now that folks have that holiday $, you never know....


Good luck




Saturday and Sunday nights are usually your best bet tp end auctions for video games.

There are a lot of people with Ebay and PayPal gift certificates right now.


Also if you split it all up, tomorrow is $.10 listing day.

You could make more than you were originally asking.


But before you list that Quadrun, please see my amazing offer in my previous post.

This won't last forever!

(Okay, it probably will last forever...nevermind...)

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