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Going out of business. My last hoorah!


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Oh, LOL, that is one of Shawn's repros. And here I thought this was some Phantom craftsmanship. :rolling:


Good looking cart, and one doesn't have to worry about quality given who built it. Honest question, CPUWIZ, is it actually worth $80-$120?


@therealred5: How about 35 cents for the chip that has Quadrun on it? I bet it cost about that much when it was still blank. :ponder:

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Oh, LOL, that is one of Shawn's repros. And here I thought this was some Phantom craftsmanship. :rolling:


Good looking cart, and one doesn't have to worry about quality given who built it. Honest question, CPUWIZ, is it actually worth $80-$120?




I can tell ya I paid more than that for it. Given that it is very nice and just recently a Gauntlet Prom chip by itself sold for $80 on eBay to Y-Bot. It's worth it. ;)

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Oh, LOL, that is one of Shawn's repros. And here I thought this was some Phantom craftsmanship. :rolling:


Good looking cart, and one doesn't have to worry about quality given who built it. Honest question, CPUWIZ, is it actually worth $80-$120?




I can tell ya I paid more than that for it. Given that it is very nice and just recently a Gauntlet Prom chip by itself sold for $80 on eBay to Y-Bot. It's worth it. ;)

That is exactly the point though, the chip is the only thing worth anything. The Pac Man board, Atari case and homemade gauntlet label are not worth more then $25...at least I hope you didn't pay more then that for it.

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I can tell ya I paid more than that for it. Given that it is very nice and just recently a Gauntlet Prom chip by itself sold for $80 on eBay to Y-Bot. It's worth it. ;)

That is exactly the point though, the chip is the only thing worth anything. The Pac Man board, Atari case and homemade gauntlet label are not worth more then $25...at least I hope you didn't pay more then that for it.


Yup. I did. Not much more than that though. I think it's worth it. You don't get many of these floating around out there. There has been private sales of these chips that have sold for $100 and more. I hope someone who really appreciates the time and effore that goes into these wins it and takes care of it. :)

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Dear Mongoloid,


You asked CPUWIZ what the VALUE was:

Dear Moron. That was before I knew he wanted to BUY one. Even you arent as gullable as to think this is the value if he was selling. Also, youre an unimtelligent hole. You are about the dumbest MFer Ive ever met. Your baloney means NOTHING. Anytime you want to put money on an IQ test, Lets do it, until then, keep your bitch mouth shut and my name out of it.

Youre the snot of a peasant.

You are clueless and you think you know evreything which does make me laugh.

News Flash, You dont know jack shit.


And he answered as to the value, irrespective of if it was a buying or selling price. Just the value. Do you understand that or do we need to send you back to remedial English?


Again DUMMY, english has nothing to do with a value and no, his value is biased but maybe you are that dumb not to realize that and you are also saying that Sr's Value is bogus. So have it your way. I know I put more value in an opinion when that opinion is biased for personal gain. I realize your dinosuar like brain cant compute that possibly but there is hope.


He said nothing about being in the market to buy a chip. Where do you read that? Nowhere. Yes, back to remedial English for you.

Just because he didnt come out and say that doesnt make it untrue and if he says he's not, its BS. Ask Niner if an offer has been made. I havent read this post in 2 days and I still havent read the rest since your reply and I really dont care whats posted. If CPU says he isnt looking to buy one I call BS. If youre tellin me Sr's opinion is less than CPUs when its an opinion with a purpose, I say BS once again.



You have zero clue about what technical skills I possess, so do yourself a favor and don't presume anymore because if you make any more of an ass out of yourself your assness will collapse on itself in the form of a black hole singularity that will suck whatever neurons you possess out of the jello mold of your little brain.


And if you actually did slap these in Answer shells with "authentic looking labels" and attempt to pass them off with no indication of their origin, that would mean you are committing forgery, and that would just confirm what a thug you are.


Im the thug but you run your mouth like you have a clue and call people names huh? Youre a punk, thats a fact and if we were face to face, youd put your tail between your legs and whimper away. Youre opinions arent fact no matter how much you like to think so. Zwackery, what is that, a whiners name is what it is and it fits you to a T. Funny how you call people names and think youre smarter than a anyone. Im no thug, you screw me, and then you get what you deserve. Thats it. If youre not a thief, then theres no reason to worry about me "being a thug". If you want to run your mouth, please do in person. Be a man and say it. Instead of a bitch. If defending myself from thieves and pompus holes without a clue who like to run their mouths like bitches, then call me a "thug" but Im not gonna take lip from anyone, especially one with an IQ of 12 like yourself.


I just love it when you and your little lapdog buddies start kvetching about opinions and then when CPUWIZ comes in and makes a couple statements y'all sit like good little doggies and STFU. Priceless. I had many a good chuckle over you chuckleheads.

Because your opinion means nothing and youre CPUWIZs bitch, we know.


$200 - isn't that just your opinion? And of course you want to keep the value inflated to justify your little worldview. In case you missed the value discussion, please see above (or get someone who has a higher reading level to you to read it and then explain it to you).

I wouldnt sell mine for wayyyyyyy more than that MORON! You know jack shit!

Only way I sell that one is if I get a 100% real one and even then I may not and yes, i wouldnt sell it for less that that EVER! So GFY!


I appreciate that you took the time to check out my AA profile and post a pic of monkey penis - is that a self-portrait by the way? I didn't realize you were that far along in the animal kingdom - but I don't swing that way, so have fun with your buggery and bestiality.

No, this was a family picture of your beginnings. Have a great New Year you Dumb hole!

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And this post should have been locked after Zwackerys whining but Im sure it will be now and will be my fault for responding to such a moron. Im not posting to answer that douchebag ever again. Next time, im going straight to Al and I expect Zwackery to be handled the same as Al would anyone else who posted that BS and that Im a Mongoloid and I dont even want to hear about my response because if he didnt run his bitch mouth in the first place, my post doesnt happen but some people never get called out for their Name callin, troublemaking posts. F U Zwackery. Im done with your dirtball ass forever. Keep my name out your posts or you will have a problem. Cheers

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Dear Mongoloid,


You asked CPUWIZ what the VALUE was:

Dear Moron. That was before I knew he wanted to BUY one. Even you arent as gullable as to think this is the value if he was selling. Also, youre an unimtelligent hole. You are about the dumbest MFer Ive ever met. Your baloney means NOTHING. Anytime you want to put money on an IQ test, Lets do it, until then, keep your bitch mouth shut and my name out of it.

Youre the snot of a peasant.

You are clueless and you think you know evreything which does make me laugh.

News Flash, You dont know jack shit.


And he answered as to the value, irrespective of if it was a buying or selling price. Just the value. Do you understand that or do we need to send you back to remedial English?


Again DUMMY, english has nothing to do with a value and no, his value is biased but maybe you are that dumb not to realize that and you are also saying that Sr's Value is bogus. So have it your way. I know I put more value in an opinion when that opinion is biased for personal gain. I realize your dinosuar like brain cant compute that possibly but there is hope.


He said nothing about being in the market to buy a chip. Where do you read that? Nowhere. Yes, back to remedial English for you.

Just because he didnt come out and say that doesnt make it untrue and if he says he's not, its BS. Ask Niner if an offer has been made. I havent read this post in 2 days and I still havent read the rest since your reply and I really dont care whats posted. If CPU says he isnt looking to buy one I call BS. If youre tellin me Sr's opinion is less than CPUs when its an opinion with a purpose, I say BS once again.



You have zero clue about what technical skills I possess, so do yourself a favor and don't presume anymore because if you make any more of an ass out of yourself your assness will collapse on itself in the form of a black hole singularity that will suck whatever neurons you possess out of the jello mold of your little brain.


And if you actually did slap these in Answer shells with "authentic looking labels" and attempt to pass them off with no indication of their origin, that would mean you are committing forgery, and that would just confirm what a thug you are.


Im the thug but you run your mouth like you have a clue and call people names huh? Youre a punk, thats a fact and if we were face to face, youd put your tail between your legs and whimper away. Youre opinions arent fact no matter how much you like to think so. Zwackery, what is that, a whiners name is what it is and it fits you to a T. Funny how you call people names and think youre smarter than a anyone. Im no thug, you screw me, and then you get what you deserve. Thats it. If youre not a thief, then theres no reason to worry about me "being a thug". If you want to run your mouth, please do in person. Be a man and say it. Instead of a bitch. If defending myself from thieves and pompus holes without a clue who like to run their mouths like bitches, then call me a "thug" but Im not gonna take lip from anyone, especially one with an IQ of 12 like yourself.


I just love it when you and your little lapdog buddies start kvetching about opinions and then when CPUWIZ comes in and makes a couple statements y'all sit like good little doggies and STFU. Priceless. I had many a good chuckle over you chuckleheads.

Because your opinion means nothing and youre CPUWIZs bitch, we know.


$200 - isn't that just your opinion? And of course you want to keep the value inflated to justify your little worldview. In case you missed the value discussion, please see above (or get someone who has a higher reading level to you to read it and then explain it to you).

I wouldnt sell mine for wayyyyyyy more than that MORON! You know jack shit!

Only way I sell that one is if I get a 100% real one and even then I may not and yes, i wouldnt sell it for less that that EVER! So GFY!


I appreciate that you took the time to check out my AA profile and post a pic of monkey penis - is that a self-portrait by the way? I didn't realize you were that far along in the animal kingdom - but I don't swing that way, so have fun with your buggery and bestiality.

No, this was a family picture of your beginnings. Have a great New Year you Dumb hole!

All I have to say is wow. Just wow. I wonder if you can tell how far you actually are treading. Thin ice would be an underestimation, because you are sinking fast.

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