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*UPDATE * File false Payal claims - get free Atari games!

Pant Load

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*** See update below ***



Here's a fun scam you can all try. It goes like:


1. Buy an inexpensive Atari game from a sucker seller (like say, me) who happens to think that keeping shipping prices as low as possible is good eBay policy. Be sure that the seller is shipping by 1st class regular mail w/o tracking information. If they ship an Atari game for less than $5 (like for $2 as I do), its a good bet there's no tracking on the package.


2. Wait a few days after the auction, then file a dispute on PayPal for not getting the item.


3. Immediately escalate the dispute to a claim. This is very key. This blocks the seller from responding to the dispute and only gives him two options - to either enter tracking information, or to give a refund. Since you already know there's no tracking on the package, the seller can only offer refund.


4. Sit back and enjoy imagining the frustrated seller trying to explain to PayPal what's going on here, and him only getting BS form letters back from PayPal that say 'Our seller policy states to use tracking on all packages'. The seller may actually once get a response back from an actual person at PayPal, but it don't matter. They don't care and won't do anything about it.


5. Wait ten days. The seller will then get another BS PayPal form letter that says, "After careful consideration of the evidence provided in the case detailed below, we have completed our investigation and decided in favor of the buyer."


And bingo! Free games! No problem and no risk! Do this all you want - PayPal won't do an thing to stop it.


For further details on how the "free games through PalPal claim" scam works, contact Kenneth Flowers / 'gamecollector66', who just successfully pulled this move on me.


Always here to help the Atari collector,

Pant Load

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Yeah but see... even with insanely cheap shipping... it is only like 50 cents more for delivery confirmation. Sorry that you got screwed. Too many people want something for nothing these days.

If you pay for postage (buy a shipping label) w/paypal its either free with priority or like $0.18 with First Class.


CYA is my philoshophy.

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I have had a few people file claims on me, all bogus I am sure due to them usually being filed the last few days it's allowed to do so. Delivery Confirmation has saved my ass every time. One guy owns a store and I actually saw my items that I sold him for sale in it while a claim was being filed on me. What a joke...Some people...

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Even when I offer free shipping (which I do on cart only auctions) I always use DC. ALWAYS. It's buyers like that who make it imperative that you should charge all of your buyers for DC. Don't let a package leave home without it.


On the other hand, with those international buyers, there is no recourse with Airmail.

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It doesnt matter. Policys dont matter as well. Paypal does what they want. they are refunding a guy who sent back a Broken piece of junk sega Master gun in return for another one, he kept the gun game that went with it and they are refunding him the shipping too. so my friend is getting screwed out of $31 of which $7 was shipping, and the douchebag on the other end is getting a light gun thats perfect and a cib gun game and it shipped for free and all he had to do was send back a gun that was demolished. Infact, he has email proof that the guy says it shoots off just a hair and he would like a replacement and even though the dude bought no insurance which is supposed to null any return in the policy he has (or had since i think he's calling it quits this month or next), he still offerd to exchange it and he got sent back some BS that wasnt the gun he sent. Now how does the gun shoot off by just a hair and then it arrives totally broken to bits insode the same nice cusioned packaging that it was sent in the 1st place and NO broken pieces are inside the box which means it didnt happen on its way back. its fraud, Ebay is fraud. I have about 3 pkgs over 6 weeks old never arrived to me. Paypal and ebay is a joke and should be shut down. They flat out dont care about anyones policy or if the buyer follows it and they need to be investigated because Ebay dont give a rats ass as long as theyre getting their fee money. Ther is absolutely no point in stating a return policy if they are going to just give your money away. And even Revsdr from here screwed me this month as nothing has ever arrived though it shipped supposedly 3 times now. People like that revsdr need to be banned from here completely. Im not the first he's screwed but i should be the last! Theres more than enough proof for his dismissal. YEa the scamming is bad all around right now and ther is most defianately a road trip to be taken this spring to straighten some of these crooks out, buyers and sellers. I need a vacation anyway so I'll take it and have fun showing up and meeting these crooks face to face which is why i have a mounting list of personal info on crooks. Everytime someone screws me or Mark over i just go and hit that info button for the transaction and get their contact info and file it away with their dasterdly deeds. The list has grown and there is definately a road trip to take care of some of these crooks this year. They wont even know who i am which is the best part! Cheers ;)

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I forgot, I even had one guy try to change the claim from first saying it never arrived to saying it was the wrong item after I threw down the DC number, sorry just felt like venting for a sec, always use DC man.

How clever of him--did PayPal refund his money?




No they didn't but I wouldn't have been shocked if they did.

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I forgot, I even had one guy try to change the claim from first saying it never arrived to saying it was the wrong item after I threw down the DC number, sorry just felt like venting for a sec, always use DC man.

How clever of him--did PayPal refund his money?




No they didn't but I wouldn't have been shocked if they did.

Neither would I, which is why I was wondering.



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Remind me not to cheat you Phantom i might wake up one morning with you waiting for me with a baseball bat! :)

LOL! I dont use utensils :twisted: and if they set things right, I am forgiving :)

If not, I have my ways :woozy:

I cant stand cheaters in games nor love or money.

:spidey: Dont cheat on me dammit! :spidey:

SpiderPhanto SpiderPhanto does whatever a SpiderPhanto does! :D

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I've had all transactions completed, even if a few have gone a tad wrong. On top of that, I've had all completed with positive feedback for both sides.


Let me say this, though: I won't be dealing with some people again. I won't run them down, but I won't deal with them, either.


By the way, Phantom, I'm not a crook. So if you come to my home in Oklahoma City, I hope it's to have a beer and a round of 'Vaders or something. :)

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I've had all transactions completed, even if a few have gone a tad wrong. On top of that, I've had all completed with positive feedback for both sides.


Let me say this, though: I won't be dealing with some people again. I won't run them down, but I won't deal with them, either.


By the way, Phantom, I'm not a crook. So if you come to my home in Oklahoma City, I hope it's to have a beer and a round of 'Vaders or something. :)


Again, I only mess with flat out crooks. ,If something was a miss a lil and it was or wasnt completely resolved then thats no biggie, things happen and sometimes you dont see eye to eye. I can wait forever for a package patiently and have but none of the crook sellers have a a postage receipt(who sends an item and dont keep a receipt?) and the crook buyers think its walmart so how can you win when if theyre going to scam you, theres nothing you can do about it period and Paypal helps to promote this with their actions. For example, Mark sent 6 pictures of the gun before and after for proof along with 3 emails the buyer sent stating that the gun shot off just a hair. The crook buyer in this instance sent no proof into paypal and sent a one paragraph comment and a claim and they win. Whats wrong with that picture? A hell of a lot obviously.


Anyhow, I dont bother good people but I never forget crooks and eventually, the bad deeds catch up to people one way or another. Sometimes that another is a chance visit from me.


But the beers sound good so if Im in the area, we can pound a few and play some Madden or Atari football. Your choice lol. Cheers :)

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Yeah but see... even with insanely cheap shipping... it is only like 50 cents more for delivery confirmation. Sorry that you got screwed. Too many people want something for nothing these days.




After a seller gets ripped off he is then subject to 100 emails asking why he can't ship overseas.

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This is exactly why I hate PayPal. Some think it's a tool of convenience but it's a tool for theft. One of the reasons for me not using it on my auction. I blocked this prick from bidding also. :x


That gave me a thought. You should block this douche too. Its a chicks paypal account and some cowboy that made the claim. I hope She likes the Neg Mark left because of her boyfriends shannaigans. I bet he didnt get any that week!


Block away, heres (his)hers ID and she must have named her acct after him lol!



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Nobody has mentioned the 'karma effect'.


It's true, if you screw somebody over for $5 you will have something like a car repair for $50. I have observed many people bragging to me about a scam they pulled and then I watch and 88 percent of the time they have something .happen that costs them more......sometimes MUCH more to make up for it. Try it sometime....it's consistency is amazing!


I don't pretend to know how it works and who does the 'bookeeping' but SOMEBODY or SOMETHING evens things out


Oh, another thing I notice, the longer the interval between the scam and the reprocussion delivery, the worse the they get what they have coming to them. Again, the consistency is just stunning.


That to me would be the ultimate 'afterlife occupation'! And I hope I get that job in time to have the true thrill of 'sticking it to' everybody in all three Bush administrations (daddy+2 drunk daddy!) that itself would bew worth dying for!



But I think therew is a long and rapidly extending list of dead Iraqi's that deserve that job more than anybody!


Gee, that itself would seem to be too big of a job for ewven 1,000 Iraqi lives!



But I digress.......


Where was? Oh yeah, perhaps 'Pant load' should change his name to 'headload'


You are true scum......

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