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Burnout Paradise Demo


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Finally got around to trying this out. I'm a fan of the series, I especially loved the Crash Courses. Unfortunately it appears they are no more. Looks like Stunt Course is the replacement. Basically you can drive around and set up jumps, and flips and crashes as many times as you want in a set time limit. Maybe it'll grow on me but I don't like it as well as the one time crash, rack up as much damage as you can because there is no going back feel of the Crash Course. The demo reminded me of Test Drive Unlimited crossed with Burnout. Not necessarily a bad thing, but the demo as a whole kind of had that deja vu thing going on for me. The graphics were top notch for sure. (Altho TDU was no slouch either) I dunno, it didn't really blow me away like I was hoping it would. Maybe it will be better with a better understanding of the streets and ramp layouts and with some rocking tunes (Music seems to be absent in the demo) Anyone else try the demo? What did you think?

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Yuck. They took Burnout to the sandbox! Cats shit in these things for a reason, you know.


I have a deep-rooted contempt for this game. EA has taken an arcade-style racer and burdened it with tedious adventure elements. Burnout used to be all about the exciting aspects of driving, but now they've thrown in all the boring parts to make it seem like the players are getting more value for their money.


Let me ask you this... if you take a juicy cut of steak, then throw it into a meat grinder with an equal amount of cereals and fillers, do you get more for your money? No, what you get is dog food.

Edited by Jess Ragan
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I've been playing this demo for a few days (on PS3 but hey..) and I really like it. Sure, it's a major change for Burnout, but then so was Burnout 3 (and I still play 2). I'm definitely going to get it, looks a load of fun, like the best bits of GTA without all the 'criminals are cool..really' crap.


And on the 360, you still have the absolutely awesome Burnout: Revenge to go back to whenever you want some more structured carnage.

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i downloaded the demo on my ps3,i think its cool.i had a blast playing online with the demo,but i will not pay $60 for the full game.also,the dj on the game,dj atomica or whatever his name is,sounds just like the wwf announcer from the late 80's/early 90's,sean mooney.i even had my brother hear the dj,and he said the same,thats sean mooney!!!we marked out for that.

Edited by wccw mark
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  • 3 weeks later...

Since there is already a topic made here about the game...




IGN gave it 8.8. Sweet! It's a shame they took out Crash mode but I think I can live. I will however get very annoyed about having to drive all the back to where you started a race when you lose. I'll buy it next month.

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It's unfortunate to see that in a climate of creativity and innovation, the video game media is still clamoring for the same old tiresome sandbox experiences. IGN may love it, but some of us (who have to pay for our games, rather than having them sent to us for free) would rather have Burnout than yet another generic racing game with an unnecessary hub and a dumpster load of forced attitude. Looks like payola wins and the consumer loses again!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just noticed that to play Burnout online, you have to have the HDD. Not sure if Burnout is the only 360 game to require the HDD (seems I recall Crackdown requiring it but I could be wrong... and I know Final Fantasy requires it) but it makes me wonder if there are some Arcade bundle owners who haven't noticed this yet until after opening their Burnout game?





Edited by Mendon
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