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MADS 1.8.0 Out!


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Just got the info from Tebe that he has released new version of MADS assembler... so i looked into the huge source code examples and found several nice things like f.e.


- code examples by me (never knew that you have included them Tebe... ;))

- soft sprite routines (bitmap, charbased, interesting...one example is called Bomb Jack... Hint? look at Tebe's avatar... ;))

- packing routines

- several completed applications

- the demo source for the XE-videoupgrade board (!)

- and many more...


programmers should have a look...



Edited by Heaven/TQA
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Hell yeah,


I just got the same email. Tebe is great Atarian. His support with his tools is simply awesome. I'm right now at the TUM - The Ultimate Meeting in Karlsruhe/Germany. It's a traditional european demoscene meeting. In a couple of hours we (TAOS and CPU) gonna release a little intro for the XL/XE. Of course made with MADS!!


more info's about the release at Pouet.net




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I am living 30 km away of Karlsruhe... should I pop by tomorrow? why not...


cheers, Hve




too bad... the party ends this night..... next year heaven!! then we would have more than only 1 atari xl/xe release :)


competitions just ended... I gonna place the prod in pouet.net




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Just got the info from Tebe that he has released new version of MADS assembler... so i looked into the huge source code examples and found several nice things like f.e.


- code examples by me (never knew that you have included them Tebe... ;))

- soft sprite routines (bitmap, charbased, interesting...one example is called Bomb Jack... Hint? look at Tebe's avatar... ;))

- packing routines

- several completed applications

- the demo source for the XE-videoupgrade board (!)

- and many more...


programmers should have a look...




Sounds really cool. Are the docs available in English :?:



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Just got the info from Tebe that he has released new version of MADS assembler... so i looked into the huge source code examples and found several nice things like f.e.


- code examples by me (never knew that you have included them Tebe... ;))

- soft sprite routines (bitmap, charbased, interesting...one example is called Bomb Jack... Hint? look at Tebe's avatar... ;))

- packing routines

- several completed applications

- the demo source for the XE-videoupgrade board (!)

- and many more...


programmers should have a look...



Hi Heaven, Tebe's soft sprite routines in mads are very useful, they were included in the previous examples folder btw.. we've been working with them recently. watch this space for news to appear soon ;)
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Wonderful news, I am looking forward to check the new features. However, from the reading on MADS site there are some changes on using .TEST (IF condition) statement. As I uderstand, does it now becomes #IF and .ENDT becomes #END? Does the old way remains as it was? I like the new way (including handling WHILE), but have to know what the changes are, because it enormously impacts on my project using MADS (if new version is used, of course).

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soft sprite routines (bitmap, charbased, interesting...one example is called Bomb Jack... Hint? look at Tebe's avatar... ;))


You should really start learning Polish ;) More info about "Bomb Jack" conversion here, but I received next details from project leader (Krzysztof "Vega" Góra yestarday, so will put it into new article soon. If you didn't notice: IK+ project is in progress again...

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Kaz... first of all i should meet you guys in personal as we know each other for more than 15 years... ;) and as Poland is in EU why not just traveling there... ;) i visit your site frequently and i read the bomb jack news but i am sure that a lot of people here do not know the bomb jack stuff... is the game pic an atari pic or is it a photoshop "shrinked down" cpc pic?


twh... scheisse... ;) then they should not write 27.12. - 29.12. so for next year i know that i have to go on thursday...

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As I uderstand, does it now becomes #IF and .ENDT becomes #END? Does the old way remains as it was?


yes, .TEST = #IF, (.WHILE = #WHILE), .ENDT = #END, .ENDW = #END


mads 1.8.0 generates shorter and faster code for comparision (use new pseudo commands CPB, CPW, CPL, CPD), compares types .BYTE, .WORD, .LONG, .DWORD (old mads compares only .BYTE, .WORD)


mads 1.8.0 support directive #ELSE







.var i = 6  .byte

#if .byte i>#100 .and .byte i<#200 .or .byte i=#5
mva #$88 712
mva #$28 712

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