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I just got a FREE VS. Super Mario Bros arcade!


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I got a phone call from one of my friends at work and he told me that the salvation army had two arcades that they were getting rid of and if anybody wanted them then they could come get them for free. When I got their they had Vs. Super Mario Bros and a cabnet for a golf game but had a burnt in image of pac-man. The pac-man one had power but the screen didnt' work wich sucks. I got the mario game and am tempted to go back and get the other but am not sure if it is worth it or not. I'm not sure how easy it would be to fix. The VS. Super Mario Bros works perfect but is missing the 1P, 2P and 2P A button. It still works I just have to reach inside to hit the 1P switch. This is the first arcade that I have ever had and I am very excited. The A and B buttons work fine and the joystick works almost perfect it but sometimes the right direction isn't responsive but not too bad. The sticker around the border of the screen is obbiously a Mario Bros arcade sticker but the panel on the top has the Super Mario Bros panel. The stickers on the sides are ripped off which sucks but isn't that big of a deal. I would like to refurbish it and make it look new but seeing as I'm new to dealing with arcades I was wondering if anybody could tell me someplace that I could get 3 buttons from and maybe get the stickers for the sides made. I am on a secluded island in Alaska so this would obviously be something that I would have to order online. I was also curious as to how common this arcade is. I read about them before but this is the first time that I have ever seen one in person. If anybody can give me any information on this arcade I would appriciate it and I am very very happy to join the family of arcade owners.


Here are some pics if anybody would like more just let me know


Edited by theking21083
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Lucky bastard

This is by far the best find that I have ever come across. I am completely schocked that one of these made it onto Kodiak Island and is still around. It's in really good condition and won't take much effort to refurbish this beast. I think the hardest part will be finding a way to make new Nintendo stickers for on the side. The sticker on one side is missing and on the other it's about half gone.

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I just did a quick search and you can get custom stickers made from a lot of different companies. I didn't check any prices, but they're out there. I found this one at the top of the list (may be better ones):




I googled custom stickers large.


And if it was me, I'd go back for the golf one just to customize it :) BTW, awesome find!!!!



Edited by nathanallan
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The Vs. Series were designed primarily as a kit to retrofit Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Popeye, and Mario Bros. machines. Being as such, they require the same special monitor that these coin-ops used. These monitors use inverse voltage levels for their video signals as compared to most arcade monitors. Commercially available converters allowed one to use any standard open frame monitor in your game.


Almost all Vs. games ran on identical hardware, with the notable exception that four special PPUs (video chips) were also made, each containing a different palette (each of which appears to arrange the colors completely randomly). Most boards could be switched to a new game simply by swapping the program ROMs, though the appropriate PPU would also have to be used - if not, the game would appear with a completely garbled palette. Several of the later Vs. games employed further measures of protection by using special PPUs which swapped pairs of I/O registers and/or returned special data from normally unimplemented regions of memory - attempts to run these games in other Vs. systems would result in the game failing to even start.



So from what I understand I can swap out the board with the different Vs. game boards. It also sounds to me like I can swap the board with Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Popeye, and Mario Bros. boards. That would be awesome cause I would love to have Donkey Kong. If anybody knows anything could you please help fill me in on this.

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I just did a quick search and you can get custom stickers made from a lot of different companies. I didn't check any prices, but they're out there. I found this one at the top of the list (may be better ones):




I googled custom stickers large.


And if it was me, I'd go back for the golf one just to customize it :) BTW, awesome find!!!!



I would realy like to go pick up the golf cabinet but seeing as I'm in the military and move around alot I think that having two cabinets would be a huge pain in the butt. This suck because I could do alot with it seeing as it has a track ball in the cabinet.

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I just did a quick search and you can get custom stickers made from a lot of different companies. I didn't check any prices, but they're out there. I found this one at the top of the list (may be better ones):




I googled custom stickers large.


And if it was me, I'd go back for the golf one just to customize it :) BTW, awesome find!!!!



I would realy like to go pick up the golf cabinet but seeing as I'm in the military and move around alot I think that having two cabinets would be a huge pain in the butt. This suck because I could do alot with it seeing as it has a track ball in the cabinet.

You may want to alert people on www.arcadecontrols.com forums about the find, there are always people there in search of cabs to either restore or install MAME on.

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The Vs. Series were designed primarily as a kit to retrofit Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Popeye, and Mario Bros. machines. Being as such, they require the same special monitor that these coin-ops used. These monitors use inverse voltage levels for their video signals as compared to most arcade monitors. Commercially available converters allowed one to use any standard open frame monitor in your game.


Almost all Vs. games ran on identical hardware, with the notable exception that four special PPUs (video chips) were also made, each containing a different palette (each of which appears to arrange the colors completely randomly). Most boards could be switched to a new game simply by swapping the program ROMs, though the appropriate PPU would also have to be used - if not, the game would appear with a completely garbled palette. Several of the later Vs. games employed further measures of protection by using special PPUs which swapped pairs of I/O registers and/or returned special data from normally unimplemented regions of memory - attempts to run these games in other Vs. systems would result in the game failing to even start.



So from what I understand I can swap out the board with the different Vs. game boards. It also sounds to me like I can swap the board with Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Popeye, and Mario Bros. boards. That would be awesome cause I would love to have Donkey Kong. If anybody knows anything could you please help fill me in on this.



You can swap out the vs. boards easily since they conform to the JAMMA standard, but it would be

extremely difficult to swap with any of those other boards since they dont conform to that standard.


However, if the original wiring harness is still in the cabinet, you might be able to connect the

Mario Bros. board without too much trouble.

Edited by warmachine
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Your friends give away cool stuff. :)

My friend didn't give it to me. A guy from the salvation army called my friend/co-worker at work and told him that they had 2 arcades at the salvation army that they needed to get rid of or they were going to the dump. My friend called me and I went and got the one arcade, saving it from a trip to the dump. Unfortunately the broken one will end up in the dump becasue I don't have room for it.

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That's awesome, now I just have to convince my wife to let me take it out of the garage and bring it inside the house. She says that it looks tacky. I've already made a few improvements to it I just need to order the new buttons , put some trimming on the left side, and get new Nintendo stickers for the sides. I have always wanted to get a bunch arcades once I retire from the military and buy a house, I just happend to get an early start. I'm just worried that when I move in a couple of years that it will get damaged in the move from Alaska. I had a desk and a table destroyed in my move here, because the moving companies suck.

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