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VIC 20 has 3 channels all in different octave. there are no options regarding sound just volume. Can someone please help me in transfering or adapting the VIC-sound values into Pokey? I would patch the STA SOUND0-Channel into JSR patch_sound and would return to the game after doing the POKEY conversion instead of scanning the VIC sound channels. Same thing I have done for the joystick routine. it's unbelievable how large the joystick routine of MetaLLamas is compared to a simple LDA STICK0... ;)


but ok... VIC-20 was developed several years ago as OEM video game chip but noone wanted to have one by MOS/CBM so decided to make a computer... ;)

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btw. should we stay as true as possible to the original or should we enhance little bit the gfx? f.e. with DLIs or music soundtrack? the c64 version is little bit enhanced...


Simple answer: Do both! :)


One version as original as can be and another version that is enhanced.





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are they played back like the sfx example in the RMT archive? (the same that i use in Beyond Evil)

Yes, exactly - all except death "crash". I've made them very fast just before leaving my home (i was late in work, but no problems with it, hopefully).


Regarding ingame music - i may try to do something but i'm now busy with another project. But maybe someone else will try to make some 3-channel ingame music.


Or just leave the FX, just make them play on separate voices to avoid "cutting" the sound.


Do as you want

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ehm... can someone help me regarding Miker's soundfx rmt file? i am using the RMT-framework sfx.a65 in the archive... i exported Miker's RMT from RMT 1.26 with $4000 and the sound fx enabled in the export dialog. then I copied the feature headerfile into the rmt_feat.a65 and assembled the example but it does not work...


anybody here who can help?


FEAT_SFX		equ 1
FEAT_CONSTANTSPEED		equ 0	;(1 times)
FEAT_COMMAND1		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_COMMAND2		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_COMMAND3		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_COMMAND4		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_COMMAND5		equ 1	;(1 times)
FEAT_COMMAND6		equ 1	;(2 times)
FEAT_COMMAND7SETNOTE		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_PORTAMENTO		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_FILTER		equ 1	;(9 times)
FEAT_FILTERG0L		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_FILTERG1L		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_FILTERG0R		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_FILTERG1R		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_BASS16		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_BASS16G1L		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_BASS16G3L		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_BASS16G1R		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_BASS16G3R		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_VOLUMEONLYG0L		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_VOLUMEONLYG2L		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_VOLUMEONLYG3L		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_VOLUMEONLYG0R		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_VOLUMEONLYG2R		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_VOLUMEONLYG3R		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_TABLETYPE		equ 1	;(1 times)
FEAT_TABLEMODE		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_TABLEGO		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_AUDCTLMANUALSET		equ 1	;(1 times)
FEAT_VOLUMEMIN		equ 0	;(0 times)
FEAT_EFFECTVIBRATO		equ 1	;(2 times)
FEAT_EFFECTFSHIFT		equ 1	;(5 times)
;* --------END--------

; example by raster/c.p.u., 2006
STEREOMODE	equ 0			;0 => compile RMTplayer for mono 4 tracks
;							;1 => compile RMTplayer for stereo 8 tracks
;							;2 => compile RMTplayer for 4 tracks stereo L1 R2 R3 L4
;							;3 => compile RMTplayer for 4 tracks stereo L1 L2 R3 R4
icl "rmtplayr.a65"		;include RMT player routine
opt h-					;RMT module is standard Atari binary file already
ins "mets_sfx.rmt"			;include music RMT module
opt h+
MODUL	equ $4000			;address of RMT module
KEY		equ $2fc			;keypressed code
org $6000
ldx #<text
ldy #>text
jsr $c642				;print info text to screen
lda #$ff				;initial value
sta sfx_effect
ldx #<MODUL				;low byte of RMT module to X reg
ldy #>MODUL				;hi byte of RMT module to Y reg
lda #0					;starting song line 0-255 to A reg
ldy #<vbi
ldx #>vbi
lda #$07
jsr $e45c				;Start VBI routine
lda #255
sta KEY					;no key pressed
lda KEY					;keycode
cmp #255
beq waitkey				;no key pressed
and #63
lda (121),y				;keycode -> ascii
cmp #'1'				; < key '1' ?
bcc loop
cmp #'9'				; >= key '9' ?
bcs loop
and #$0f				;A=1..8
;	lda #3
sta sfx_effect			;VBI routine is watching this variable
jmp loop
lda sfx_effect
bmi lab2
asl @					; * 2
tay						;Y = 2,4,..,16	instrument number * 2 (0,2,4,..,126)
ldx #1					;X = 3			channel (0..3 or 0..7 for stereo module)
lda #12					;A = 12			note (0..60)
jsr RASTERMUSICTRACKER+15;RMT_SFX start tone (It works only if FEAT_SFX is enabled !!!)
lda #$ff
sta sfx_effect			;reinit value
jmp $e462				;end vbi
sfx_effect dta 0			;sfx number variable
text dta c'Press 1-8 for some SFX',$9b
run start				;run addr
;that's all... :-)

Edited by Heaven/TQA
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ps. when i compare Miker's RMT file to the supplied SFX.RMT in the 1.26 then could it be that miker has the start-game jingle made like a song with 4 channels and so the RMT player is playing that (but interesting i can not hear that anyway...) and so all 4 channels are used? in the example RMT song line 0 is complete empty...there are no lines at all...

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Heaven - look at the instrument names - they're corresponding with the task they are made for.


The "song" at 00 position is just that "dead crash" mentioned above. And it has to be played as "song" as it was done on 4 channels for better effect.


Is that (more) clear? :)

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its definitly some assembler issue... MADS won't compile the SFX.A65 correct and in my source which is 100% the same it does not load the RMT module to $4000... why the hell...


ok....issue fixed...


first lesson... save the source there where you think it will be when assembled (text saved the file to other folder than the one which i assembled all the time...tss...)


second lesson... changed following in the source


MODUL equ $4000

org $4000

ins 'mets_sfx.rmt',6 ;include music RMT module


the OPT H- and OPT H+ are XASM specific and seems to be included in MADS separatly...


now i have the sounds...

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nearly there... i would say 99% finished.


- flashy colour bonus in place

- text mode fixed (cbm font included for "original feeling")


small issues:


- raster bar fx

- boundary bar flashing when hit by shot

- sound fx (implement Miker's sounds)

- decision overscan yes or not or patch gameplay/text to 20 chars screen.




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It might sound a little strange, but what about reserving one colour and then using that with a DLI to change the colour every scan line to get nice rainbow effects (possibly with the colours changing each frame too). This special colour could then be used for the laser, explosions and other bits and would add a nice funky colourful look. :)

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just got this email...


"hehe, that looks cool, nice idea to get the original Vic code going on the 800, looking nice so far .

And of course I'd be happy for you to make it available once you've finished ."


so...fullspeed ahead... guess who wrote that... ;)

That's neat huh! I guess Jeff is still an A8 fan :)
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just got this email...


"hehe, that looks cool, nice idea to get the original Vic code going on the 800, looking nice so far .

And of course I'd be happy for you to make it available once you've finished ."


so...fullspeed ahead... guess who wrote that... ;)


Ahem... i hope you mentioned that it wasn't entirely your idea to get the VIC code running on the A8? =-)

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