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8-bit demos (including a peak at Vector)


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so no trick except of "boosting" up the scanlines to an approx 80x60x9 custom screen via display list...


Well, it's not simple use of DL - that would be far too slow. These are new tricky gfx modes - 9++ and 10++.


ps. why is nobody wondering how we made the 160x200x30(!!!) colored hirez gfx... and the best.... used that for realtime effects as well... (knowing that they use 200 DLIs!!!)


You know Heaven, that a few years ago I said, it's impossible. :)

The plasma is 256-color, unfortunately the flower uses only a few of them.


I described 9++/10++ and TIP in a Polish zine. How about translating these to English? Will someone be interested? Is "ABBUC" alive? Or "Mega Magazine"?

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re: polish TIP,9++ etc... tricks...


yes...i am interested in english docs... :) unfortunatly my polish is very very poor... abbuc is alive and there is the intertnet... and atariage...


please translate them... ok?


in which magazine do you have published the stuff???



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Thanks to the authors of "numen". Excellent stuff! I liked the Rubik's Cube especially :love:


I am just curious: What does "numen" mean? Is this a polish word and if yes for what?


Why do you need DLIs for your HIP pictures? :? If I understood right, then HIP is just interlacing of a Gr. 9 with Gr. 10 picture. So, you could change this durig VBI (colors as well) or didn't I get the point?





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you definitly need DLIs because of the different handling of

the background color...in the way i have understood HIP.


in mode10 $d012 holds the background and in mode9 $d01a...


but it could be that fox used a clever gfx converter which does

handle this via algorithm... so no time consuming DLIs are needed



for the readers who never read my HIP-FAQ...


in mode10 due to the fact that gtia needs more dma cycles to read the color registers the picture is moved 1/2 mode10 pixel to the right...and this is how you can increase the resolution via interlacing between mode9 and mode11...



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I am just curious: What does "numen" mean? Is this a polish word and if yes for what?

No, it's not Polish. :) http://numen.scene.pl click 'info'.


Why do you need DLIs for your HIP pictures? :? If I understood right, then HIP is just interlacing of a Gr. 9 with Gr. 10 picture. So, you could change this durig VBI (colors as well) or didn't I get the point?


Interlacing frames means much flickering, so a good interlace is always every scanline.[/url]

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in mode10 $d012 holds the background and in mode9 $d01a...


but it could be that fox used a clever gfx converter which does

handle this via algorithm... so no time consuming DLIs are needed


Of course I don't put DLI every line.


for the readers who never read my HIP-FAQ...


in mode10 due to the fact that gtia needs more dma cycles to read the color registers the picture is moved 1/2 mode10 pixel to the right...and this is how you can increase the resolution via interlacing between mode9 and mode11...



GTIA and DMA ??

Looks like you definitely need my new docs. :)



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well... i try to explain how i have understood this:


you can do interlacing in different ways:


1. do simple double buffering (every VBL you switch complete video ram...) this method cause very obvious flickering

2. do it more like on a TV set... flip the scanlines as well, vertically... this reduces the flickering to a minimum if the hue of the pixels differ not too much...


and in case of HIP...you need DLI:


1. vbi 2. vbi


DList1 DList2


gr9 (0) gr10(0) dli-bit set

gr10(1) gr9 (1)

gr9 (2) gr10(2) dli-bit set

gr10(3) gr9 (3)

gr9 (4) gr10(4) dli-bit set

... ...


(x) is the number of the scanline in each video-buffer...



i think this is something similar to "interleave" interlacing... ;) but i am not a TV technician... :)


here are the DLIs


1. vbi 2. vbi




pha pha

lda #$40 lda #$80 ; switching to correct gr-mode (gr9, gr10)

sta wsync sta wsync

sta gtiamode sta gtiamode

lda #0 lda #14 ;setting correct background-color

sta $d01a sta $d01a

lda #$80 lda #$40 ;switching to next gr.mode (see displaylist)

sta wsync sta wsync

sta gtiamode sta gtiamode

lda #14 lda #0 ;and dont forget the background color!

sta $d01a sta $d01a

pla pla

rti rti


i hope its a little bit clearer... (unfortunatly the two dlis are hard to read :() please visit: http://www.s-direktnet.de/homepages/k_nadj/hip.html




ps. fox... are you interlacing mode11 + mode10 to get 9*16 = 154 colours on 160x200 rez????

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ok.... here are some informations how we managed to get so much colors on the screen of numen and a very new trick how to use the VSCROL register to cheat GTIA...and speed up mode9+ and mode 10+ (Vector modes...)





have a look... thanks fox for providing the english text.



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