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need sega saturn


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Why in the world do you have to come into a conversation where you could've provided some useful input and instead try to rip on me and make a general nuisance of yourself?


Let me ask you some questions -- Why am I "wrong in just about every respect"? If you review my statement that you conviently posted into your message, you'll notice that the only thing that I stated is that the Christmas Nights Sampler did not come with it, something which you also stated in your response.


Why do you have to put quotes around "selling"? With the exception of your blatent slandering of us on the other page, we have never had a dissatisfied customer.

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That's debatable...I remember seeing quite a few unhappy GOAT store customers on the JI2 forums. In any event, you'd probably be better off just "selling" your stuff on ebay.


Okay, let me say this real slow for those of us that are slow...


I post all the time at JI2 and there has never been a dissatisfied customer. If you were 'dissatistified,' you also _never emailed us or called us_ so that is your own fault. If you might notice, we also hosted Jagfest 2K1, which was a hit with everyone in attendance.


Now, would you quit being a moron to me every time I post? You are becoming quite the annonyance.

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Don't worry too much about A. I believe he knows how much of pain he is and thats why he does it. He seems to seek negative attention because he doesn't know how to get any positive attention, but thats just my opinion. I hate to even feed his perturbed ego, thats why I'm not using full names (like it'll help!).


Just remember, the truth always comes out...


As always,

Markimus of K.

The Goat Is Great!

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The strange thing is that I've seen (and continue to see) more Sega Saturns in the various pawn and junk shops around here than Atari stuff.


Average price of a complete unboxed Sega Saturn in my area...$25-$45. Why so many of these things end up unwanted in pawn shops (with N64 and PS units beginning to accumulate lately) is beyond me...I didn't realize that so many Saturns were in use.

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well ahem! i did start this topic to look for a sega saturn and im glad i found one!


where the hell do ya have to live to find a pawn shop? i thought those were only on tv.


as far as many saturns building up also where do you live to have the saturn be popular?


ive know a few people who had the jag and one even has a 3do and neogeo, but when i get my saturn in the mail it will be the very first one i ever actually get to see...

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Originally posted by Atariken64:

well ahem! i did start this topic to look for a sega saturn and im glad i found one!


where the hell do ya have to live to find a pawn shop? i thought those were only on tv.


as far as many saturns building up also where do you live to have the saturn be popular?


ive know a few people who had the jag and one even has a 3do and neogeo, but when i get my saturn in the mail it will be the very first one i ever actually get to see...


I live in Massachusetts. I never realized that the Saturn was so popular either...back in 95, I thought I was one of the few that owned one in this area. Very bizarre...

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Saturns appear in a lot of places around Milwaukee, but games never do. I really don't understand how it works, but I often will find a used Saturn or two for about $40.00, and I will find one, maybe two used games in the entire store.


I saw a Jaguar used in a store today and I couldn't believe it. It was the second time I've ever seen a Jaguar in Milwaukee in the wild.

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Originally posted by GOAT Dan:

Saturns appear in a lot of places around Milwaukee, but games never do. I really don't understand how it works, but I often will find a used Saturn or two for about $40.00, and I will find one, maybe two used games in the entire store.


I saw a Jaguar used in a store today and I couldn't believe it. It was the second time I've ever seen a Jaguar in Milwaukee in the wild.


Same deal here...other than VF1 and a few common titles like Daytona and some of the sports games, games are pretty much impossible to buy.


On my awesome trip to Funcoland this evening (where I scored a complete mint boxed NES action set) I noticed that they had some Saturn controllers, AC cables and two games..one was NBA 97 and the other was Crypt Killer which I REALLY wanted to add to my collection. Unfortunately, it was the game only (and extremely scratched...I doubt it would work without some treatment)...no case or manual which I kind of prefer. Those damn US Sega Saturn cases are so friggin hard to come by and they are so fragile...the hinges in particular! Yes, I know you could use standard cases and store the manuals separately like my copy of Nights, but I like to keep games as they originally came; case, game and manual all together.


Needless to say, I passed on Crypt Killer. It was 9.99 anyway.

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Originally posted by Adrian M:

Those damn US Sega Saturn cases are so friggin hard to come by and they are so fragile...the hinges in particular! Yes, I know you could use standard cases and store the manuals separately like my copy of Nights, but I like to keep games as they originally came; case, game and manual all together.


Needless to say, I passed on Crypt Killer. It was 9.99 anyway.




Sega CD/Saturn Replacement cases







[ 04-07-2002: Message edited by: Lemmi ]

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Originally posted by Atariken64:

10 bucks for a bare scrathed cd game? jesus-god! no wonder its sat there since the dawn of time or at least since it got there. sure its not corpse killer? i have that for 32x cd got it sealed for 4$ but i might be confused about this games title.


No, it was definitely Crypt Killer by Konami. Corpse Killer was in the Sega CD seciton (3 copies to be exact).

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I'm just now getting into the Saturn myself.

I remember always reading reviews of the games and so forth, but I never really thought to myself "I want a Saturn" but then again I was all up in that Jaguar stuff to even think about anything else!


I owned a Saturn once in '99 "I paid like $30 for it used at a local flea market" and it came with Virtua Kids (ahhhh) and I had that crappy NHL Hockey Game (the FREE one ;-)


I ended up selling it and now, thinking about gaming in general oppose to just Jaguar (as the Jaguar is slowly starting to get tired on me) I'm looking for Saturn and 3DO and possibly CD32 stuff! (quite interested in the CD32 actually, considering I've only known about it for a couple of years now and keep hitting up eBay to find one)


3DO has quite a bit of titles the Jaguar CD promised to have, so I kinda want to get those titles.


As it stands right now , at least in Indiana, I coudln't find a 3DO or Sega Saturn in this state if my life depended on it! I went to 4 Flea Markets, Pawn Shops don't/won't carry that stuff around here, 3 different video game x-changes (they had saturn games, but were way too expensive! like $14 used and it's all beat up! ahh)

I did see about 4 different 3DO titles but they didn't have the machine else I would have bought it.


I just won Enemy Zero for the Sega Saturn for $8 from eBay (NEW) pretty sweet deal IMO!

I also won a Sega Saturn package with 2 guns and 2 controllers from eBay last week for $54! Hopefully it'll be in my mailbox sometime this week!


eBay is a dreaded place, but you actually _can_ find some good deals if you lucky enough! I just hate it when you have a cd game and they sell it at $.99 cents and it's like $6.99 to ship? argh , outrageous! I only charge $2.00 for media and $4.25 for priority with tracking!


Also gonna watch out on that Sega Sattelite Cartridge to play any import title! (which is interesting as well!)


Keep in touch Atariken, we're taking this Saturn ride toghether ;-) I'm hoping Enemy Zero lives up to my expectations.

Anyone else got any games in mind that would be a MUST aside from Daytona, VF,VF2 and Sega Rally?




Clint Thompson

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Originally posted by Clint Thompson:



I'm just now getting into the Saturn myself.

I remember always reading reviews of the games and so forth, but I never really thought to myself "I want a Saturn" but then again I was all up in that Jaguar stuff to even think about anything else!


I owned a Saturn once in '99 "I paid like $30 for it used at a local flea market" and it came with Virtua Kids (ahhhh) and I had that crappy NHL Hockey Game (the FREE one


I ended up selling it and now, thinking about gaming in general oppose to just Jaguar (as the Jaguar is slowly starting to get tired on me) I'm looking for Saturn and 3DO and possibly CD32 stuff! (quite interested in the CD32 actually, considering I've only known about it for a couple of years now and keep hitting up eBay to find one)


3DO has quite a bit of titles the Jaguar CD promised to have, so I kinda want to get those titles.


As it stands right now , at least in Indiana, I coudln't find a 3DO or Sega Saturn in this state if my life depended on it! I went to 4 Flea Markets, Pawn Shops don't/won't carry that stuff around here, 3 different video game x-changes (they had saturn games, but were way too expensive! like $14 used and it's all beat up! ahh)

I did see about 4 different 3DO titles but they didn't have the machine else I would have bought it.


I just won Enemy Zero for the Sega Saturn for $8 from eBay (NEW) pretty sweet deal IMO!

I also won a Sega Saturn package with 2 guns and 2 controllers from eBay last week for $54! Hopefully it'll be in my mailbox sometime this week!


eBay is a dreaded place, but you actually _can_ find some good deals if you lucky enough! I just hate it when you have a cd game and they sell it at $.99 cents and it's like $6.99 to ship? argh , outrageous! I only charge $2.00 for media and $4.25 for priority with tracking!


Also gonna watch out on that Sega Sattelite Cartridge to play any import title! (which is interesting as well!)


Keep in touch Atariken, we're taking this Saturn ride toghether
I'm hoping Enemy Zero lives up to my expectations.

Anyone else got any games in mind that would be a MUST aside from Daytona, VF,VF2 and Sega Rally?




Clint Thompson


I wouldn't really consider Daytona a must-have title...not even the revised Daytona: CCE.


Sega Rally and VF2 are definitely the best of the bunch. Get Gungriffon if you can find it...it's not a great mech title, but it does its best considering the hardware it runs on. Nights is a much-hyped title, though I own it and could never get into it. Sonic R is fun, Resident Evil is a worthwhile title (though noticeably worse than its PS version...longer loading times, no transparent smoke, blockier polygons and more slowdown), Legend of Oasis is a HARD Zelda-inspired RPG, but worth playing. Panzer Dragoon 1 and 2 are very good and worth tracking down. I personally need Sega Touring Car for my own collection, but I've heard that it's pretty horrendous.


As for the import convertor cartridge, you can easily get these from any online game store that deals in imports like Lik Sang or my personal favorite (but pricey) www.playthegames.com. They usually have them in stock and they offer models that have the RAM cart built-in to allow you to play games like Metal Slug without having to purchase the 4MB expansion cart. On ebay you may get a slightly better price, but you may do well to check out some online stores first before spending your money.

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Well, I've heard some things about Daytona, either way I'll probably end up with both before it's all over with =)


About that import/1MB - 4MB option, I think I'll go with that Pro Action Replay that does the cheats, 4mb, imports, saves and one other thing (dont' remember) haha, but it's $35.00, not too bad. Probably a good thing to get later down the line when my games are a little more established.


I know Shenmue was in the works for the Saturn and seen some screenshots, pretty interesting! The unreleased stuff always grabs my attention tho! I'm sure the Dreamcast version will do what it needs to without having to go and hunt for the Saturn version (however it is appealing)


Toys'R'Us shut down near where I live

I can't pick up a good DC like I could a few months ago! (I figured they even may have a few Saturn games lying around)

out of business, hmmm



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I just thought about this...


I'm looking to sell some of my personal Saturn collection, if you (or anyone else) is interested. I have:


ST-Key 1MB-4MB RAM Cart

Some blueish RAM cart that I don't know what it does

Dracula X (import)

Marvel Super Hereos Vs. Street Fighter (import)


If anyone is interested, email me at loosen@execpc.com and give me an offer, and maybe we can work something out

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Originally posted by Clint Thompson:

I know Shenmue was in the works for the Saturn and seen some screenshots, pretty interesting! The unreleased stuff always grabs my attention tho!


Where did you find Saturn Shenmue pics?!?!?


I know that it started its life out on the Saturn (known as Project Berkely--which is coincidentally spray painted graffiti style in an alley in the final DC version) where it was to be a Virtua Fighter RPG. I didn't realize there were screens... Show me!!!


As for Daytona, it's a really common game and one you can get really cheap (check ebay for those "3 free" promo pack things with Daytona/VF2/Virtua Cop which stores were giving away when the Saturn died. The problem with Daytona is it's abysmal 25 fps speed and the fact that the control (especially power slides) are horribly broken. You'll feel the effects of the altered controls on the more technical 3rd track.

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Those images are from the video that is available on the Shen Mue 2 DC - which becomes available when you finish the game.


I have the entire video on my HD. It is about 26 megs...but I can't remember where I got it. It may have been from GameSpot.


I'll put it in my share folder... if you have Kazaa do a search on "Saturn Shenmue".

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Originally posted by Clint Thompson:

Yea, shenmue on saturn=)


Here's the link for the pics man:




I want that damn disc now!!!


Take care,






I can't believe that is the SATURN generating those graphics! They look very similar to the final DC version, albeit a littler blockier! The DC versions scenes are practically identical, especially the dojo scene and the various characters like young Ryu, Chai, and that mystery girl. I'm amazed at how similar the early Saturn version is compared to the final DC version...it's almost as if the game was all set to ship on the Saturn but held and graphically improved for a DC release.


Looks like some of the Hong Kong elements from Shenmue II are in there as well! I wonder what the scene with Ryu and the donkey are supposed to be?


If this thing does indeed exist as a disc, I'd LOVE to get my hands on it!

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Originally posted by Lost Monkey:

Those images are from the video that is available on the Shen Mue 2 DC - which becomes available when you finish the game.


I have the entire video on my HD. It is about 26 megs...but I can't remember where I got it. It may have been from GameSpot.


I'll put it in my share folder... if you have Kazaa do a search on "Saturn Shenmue".


How long is the video? I wonder if it will be incorporated into the XBOX version when it comes out in the fall?


I don't have Kazaa, but I'll look into getting it for the video.

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Originally posted by Adrian M:

How long is the video? I wonder if it will be incorporated into the XBOX version when it comes out in the fall?


I don't have Kazaa, but I'll look into getting it for the video.


The video is 3:30 and pretty good quality.


There is soooo much detail in some of the scenes I really doubted the legitimacy of this when I first saw it... but then it was confirmed by Sega..


If you D/L Kazaa, make sure to check on this thread from last week.



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