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2600 rare game - $500K !?!?!?!

Curt Vendel

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Hey Curt!


I think the worst part is the embarrasment it brings to 2600 collector's as seen by

the comments on here.


Gregory DG pointed out the article and it makes me shake my head whenever I look at it.

It's not exactly positive press for our hobby. :sad:

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So... Is this game really that rare? Would a game that only produced 20 copies back in the day really be worth $500,000? Or is this just another one of those totally ridiculous auctions?


It's one of those ridiculous auctions.


Don't put something on eBay unless you intend to sell it, period. It's not for bragging rights. It's not for testing the waters.

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Okay, I looked for a message thread in the marketplace area, I should've checked the 2600 forums as well...



Well, price aside, what is this game? Is it for real, whats the background, etc...???



Matt (Tempest) - care to elaborate.




Curt, you must've not visited recently, as we're still mopping up after the discovery of this cart and the brew-ha that exploded around it.


Here's the original thread that explains about its discovery and the Theater of the Absurd that went on-stage shortly thereafter:


Original Gamma Attack discovery thread


And everytime this cart is brought up and discussed, Phantom will swoop in here to post his opinion, thereby getting the thread locked. So, if you have anything to say about the situation, post quickly, as this thread has a shelf-life of less than 24 hours at this point.

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The bottom line was Phantom wanted to know what someone would be willing to pay for it should he ever desire to sell it via the 'offers' button. He will put the offers back into the safe with the cart and maybe some day contact one of the folks who made an offer and sell it. But its not for sale unless someone hits that $500,000 button

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That such an item would fall into the hands of someone like Phantom is mind-blowing.


I didn't even know about this issue during our recent tiff. I was too easy on him. I would have been 10 times as pissed. But I guess I know now why he was so quick to go off on me, being called (or exposed as being) greedy and selfish recently would put anyone on edge.


A find like this deserves, nay, demands to be shared with the community.


"My Precioussssssssss, my Preciousssssssss!" Ring any bells?


50 cents, such an investment to protect! A decent community member would have knocked themselves out hurrying to find a way to release the ROM.



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That such an item would fall into the hands of someone like Phantom is mind-blowing.


I didn't even know about this issue during our recent tiff. I was too easy on him. I would have been 10 times as pissed. But I guess I know now why he was so quick to go off on me, being called (or exposed as being) greedy and selfish recently would put anyone on edge.


A find like this deserves, nay, demands to be shared with the community.


"My Precioussssssssss, my Preciousssssssss!" Ring any bells?


50 cents, such an investment to protect! A decent community member would have knocked themselves out hurrying to find a way to release the ROM.




I say it again that all is said about it so far........I prefer if the members here act like adults......

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That such an item would fall into the hands of someone like Phantom is mind-blowing.


I didn't even know about this issue during our recent tiff. I was too easy on him. I would have been 10 times as pissed. But I guess I know now why he was so quick to go off on me, being called (or exposed as being) greedy and selfish recently would put anyone on edge.


A find like this deserves, nay, demands to be shared with the community.


"My Precioussssssssss, my Preciousssssssss!" Ring any bells?


50 cents, such an investment to protect! A decent community member would have knocked themselves out hurrying to find a way to release the ROM.



The sad thing is he is not alone with not releasing the ROM. Too many games have had their ROM held hostage. Good Luck Charlie Brown, Pink Panther, Red Sea Crossing, Birthday Mania. This happens way too often. I personally pledge this. If I ever find a rare game like this that has not had the ROM released. I will release it to the community as a whole.

Edited by homerwannabee
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The sad thing is he is not alone with not releasing the ROM. Too many games have had their ROM held hostage. Good Luck Charlie Brown, Pink Panther, Red Sea Crossing, Birthday Mania. This happens way too often. I personally pledge this. If I ever find a rare game like this that has not had the ROM released. I will release it to the community as a whole.

Good for you. Same goes here. (Hypothetical, though, don't think there was any devel going on in Wisconsin...)


Have the other hostage-holders taken such obvious glee in gloating about it?


(I really don't know, I am asking.)

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I prefer if the members here act like adults......

That's asking too much apparently.


The biggest mistake Phantom made was telling everyone about this in the first place before he fully decided what to do with it. This produces a situation that allows endless whining and speculation and is why you just can't share information with people. Of course, excitement got the better of him I suppose.

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The sad thing is he is not alone with not releasing the ROM. Too many games have had their ROM held hostage. Good Luck Charlie Brown, Pink Panther, Red Sea Crossing, Birthday Mania. This happens way too often. I personally pledge this. If I ever find a rare game like this that has not had the ROM released. I will release it to the community as a whole.


I think that a best approach would be for those that have a rare ROM to find a programmer that they trust. Dump the ROM keep a copy for yourself and give another to the programmer to "watermark". It should be possible to rearrange the ROM in subtle ways that change nothing in how the program runs, but which make the released ROM immediately identifiable versus the original. If you know assembly language programming, then you know what I am talking about. ;)


You could even print out the original and watermarked ROMs in HEX format and have a notary public witness the differences if you want to get severely anal about protecting your original's authenticity.


That way the uniqueness of the original remains, but mass produced repros are also possible. Am I missing something in this proposal?

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If I was ever lucky enough to find a new game, I would do the following:


Make exactly 50 numbered copies of the game with a cool label and maybe manuals.

Sell them through the AtariAge store.

Get some fun press for Atari, Atari collectors, and AtariAge.


I would get to keep #1 for myself.


One year after the sale, I would release the ROM to everyone.


While it would be cool to have a unique game, I would rather have boxed Quadrun, Rescue Terra, etc. so I personally would

probably sell it to the highest bidder and bulk up my collection.


I don't think any "illegal" copying of the cart would be an issue at all.

The numbered carts would be the ones to have. And the original would still be worth the big bucks.


People get a little nutso when they see $$$$$$$$$$$.


To me, this plan makes the most sense, but what do I know?

Edited by therealred5
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If I was ever lucky enough to find a new game, I would do the following:


Make exactly 50 numbered copies of the game with a cool label and maybe manuals.

Sell them through the AtariAge store.

Get some fun press for Atari, Atari collectors, and AtariAge.


I would get to keep #1 for myself.


One year after the sale, I would release the ROM to everyone.


While it would be cool to have a unique game, I would rather have boxed Quadrun, Rescue Terra, etc. so I personally would

probably sell it to the highest bidder and bulk up my collection.


I don't think any "illegal" copying of the cart would be an issue at all.

The numbered carts would be the ones to have. And the original would still be worth the big bucks.


People get a little nutso when they see $$$$$$$$$$$.


To me, this plan makes the most sense, but what do I know?

Very sound plan IMO.


Only I would release the ROM six months later, instead of one year later.



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If you read the LAST thread on the matter, you would see I answered all your questions posed here for the umpteenth time and again, the reason its this price is because Im not selling it.

The bad press it is causing is absurd. Who cares what these dolts have to say? If they arent smart enough to realize its not for sale, then they are just that, dolts! You think that theyd be glad to know it existed as thats the main point of showing it to the masses without having to sell it. If it was where it should be priced in many of your minds, A: It may sell and B: it wouldnt have garnered as much attention as this. I thought more than the AA community may want to know about it.

Ive almost taken it down many times because Im tired of hearing the BS about it.

No ones going to buy it so what is the big deal? And thats the entire point.

If I want to waste $4 on a listing and it is about $4 with the xtra pics and 2 cats, then that is my right to.

It wasnt .20 as stated previously and I decided it was worth $4 to show it.

How else would it be seen by this many people?

And those that are petty say things like "how does it fall into the hands of someone like Phantom?"

Because I am a collector and I spend every free minute playing or looking to buy more for my colection. Maybe if some of you did the same, maybe you would have found it but no, you post barbs like "how does it fall into the hands of someone like Phantom?" because you choose to be petty as usual.


Personally I dont care about what people collect or how big their collection is, it doesnt mean youre more of a collector to me because each person collects for their own reasons but to say Im not a "true collector" and all this BS thats spewed about me is just that, BS. All one needs to do is go look in my Gallery to see how much of a collector I am. Its only about 25% of my collection in there right now and of course Atari is my main hobby of choice so there will be more Atari than anything. I have every repro I ever bought and the only one I sold was a duplicate for winning last years Fantasy baseball league and I asked Steves permission to sell it because I think thats the right thing to do. Ask Steve if I lie. Why else would I ask him to OK me selling it if I didnt respect this hobby? Most wouldnt give a freaking care in the world and would have just sold it and some buy just to resell, yet Im less of a collector somehow? Get real! I have every Repro ever bought now why would I buy them if I wasnt a collector? I have a Krok and a CC2 and I still buy repros of games I want. And it fell in my hands because every week if not every day Im looking to find items to add to my collection. Thats how, hard work, time and money. Thats how it came into my hands.


And for those of you reading the original thread on Gamma,

Theres alot that Im not even going to get into about it but the jist of it is that I was being attacked one morning by people telling me I will get sued if I make repros or even dump it at all. This was all within about a half an hour that morning and I had been swamped with emails about the game for days at that point and it was very stressful. So I was tired of hearing the BS that morning in the thread and said "ok it wont be released then if Im going to get sued and attacked" hoping they would just go away for a few days and then I could get back to posting about the game and how it played. Al obviously was reading and posted his dimay at what I stated but he should have known I had every intention of dumping the ROM which I still do, because I talked to him privately about just that and had made it clear I planned on sharing it so I was quite astounded when he jumped on board and decided to post on the matter. I wouldnt still be having a dumper made if I wasnt going to share it. And Im sorry that it hasnt been FAST enough for many of you to have me dump it but I dont know how to dump it and its going to take some time regardless.


So in the end it will be dumped so you can stop making derogatory or insinuating negative comments about me because of that even though some of you dont deserve to have it available to you for attacking me for no reason. Take your petty personal gripes with me and keep them to yourself.

I wont be posting unless Im attacked like I am again here as I am back to being a read only member like I was for years before I decided to actually post. I dont intend for this thread to be locked as I havent said anything wrong here as I havent in my last post in the similar thread. So if they are being locked, It is not of my doing. Im not looking for an arguement but I wont have my name bandied about carelessly and cluelessly because you have a personal disagreement with me. Thats it on the matter. If you dont like me how about you just keep that to yourself and I wont voice my displeasure about you neither. After all, what is this Highschool?


So in the end, this game is not for sale. It wasnt the best idea on how to get legit offers to determine its value, I grant you that, but the listing served many other purposes and even if a few people at some site like joystiq want to complain about it, then who cares? They obviously have nothing better to do with their time. Im tired of hearing Im not a collector as well. Go look in my gallery and when I have more time, all of it will be eventually posted. I have plans to move in about 6 months so that is why they are in boxes right now as it makes alot more sense to put them in boxes now organized so when i move, they can come right out in order and be displayed easily and I dont have all this extra packing to do when i do move. I had to re-organize because I had so many new items that Ive obtained over the past year and more importantly recently, it was a must that I get my collection in order. I collect CIB for Atari Text and Pic labels and if thats not a sign of a "true collector" than I dont know what is. So look there if you want to see some of my collection and it will be updated when I have more time like this weekend possibly but to the attacks and petty BS, can we please just end the BS? Im tired of it. I dont plan on selling Gamma Attack. I do plan on dumping the ROM. I am a read-only member as long as I am not attacked anymore and if Im not posting, I see no need to bring me up at all. Thanks

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