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Games I'd like to see ported to the A8


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Just to avoid wasted resources: Is anybody here allready busy with a 'Sentinel' conversion?

Or should I continue? (Originally I planed an announcement here just before I finished this project...)

Hi Irgendwer,

I'd gladly hook up with you to progress work to date, I'll send you a PM with details (probably not until late tonight or tomorrow morning as sources etc are at home)



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A last mockup :




Okay, so that's the "sad" version, now where's the colour for the "happy" one? =-) And where is the black coming from for Mayhem's outline?

...not to mention the hi-res collectable stars :-) The magic of Mayhem is the beautiful and colourful graphics - other than that, it's just an ordinary platformer. After converting it to atari the eye-candy would be gone - and guess what's left?

Moreover, IMHO Crownland already makes for absence of Mayhem on the Atari.

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The magic of Mayhem is the beautiful and colourful graphics - other than that, it's just an ordinary platformer.


Well, i'd disagree there because i think it's a very good platformer... but part of what makes it the game it is would be the graphics and the speed it shifts around at, yeah.


Moreover, IMHO Crownland already makes for absence of Mayhem on the Atari.


Agreed... i wonder what people'd say if someone ports Crownland to the C64? =-)

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A last mockup :




Okay, so that's the "sad" version, now where's the colour for the "happy" one? =-) And where is the black coming from for Mayhem's outline?


Blablabla.... :twisted:


That silly GIF filter turned the darkest colour into black. So ofcourse the darkest colour has the same hue than the rest of the colours.




May I remind about the limitations of the A8 and that those limitations can be influenced?






This time I'd say that the MiM Mockup is worse to what is possible...




Ofcourse Mayhem can be created this way...

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Mayhem would definitly need a LOT of work without the sources, without the level editors without without.... i doubt that someone can do that in his spare time... maybe the guys who wrote mayhem plus one talented and experienced atari coder would do it... but in this way... no way...


that's why I ment we should go ahead and discuss more "quicker" possible ports...

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Exactly! If we want a scrolling-platformer then someone should take up the gauntlet and resume A.M's SMB port :cool:


So, who would that be? ;)


Humpf, I'd need to document it all, as I completely forgot what all the code was meant to do exactly, and how it interacts.



I'm considering a rewrite


I'm voting for finishing this one too ;)

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Aside from games, I think GEOS would be interesting on Atari, as everything is drawn to the screen... would that work ;-)


If it's taken from the Plus/4 version, the only issue i can see would possibly be the juggling around in memory to make it work...

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Rambo on the C64 always looked to me like a title the Atari could handle:



Would Anarchy be possible?



Of the two, i'd say Anarchy would be the more workable title with only a few concessions required...

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I would like to see more side scrolling action games myself and think that Mayhem is possible. Look at what I have been doing with my Pitfall type game, using DLIs to boost more colors and multiplex the player/missile graphics. I am working on another project and hope to finish that Jungle Quest project soon. Another technique is switching between colors in alternate tv frames boost more colors, currently being used for Space Harrier. Has anyone experimented to see how color switching works on a scrolling screen (2 color sets, 2 fonts, using Antic 4+Hscroll+Vscroll)?

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I would like to see more side scrolling action games myself and think that Mayhem is possible. Look at what I have been doing with my Pitfall type game, using DLIs to boost more colors and multiplex the player/missile graphics.


It'd be quite a bit more complex than using DLIs to get more colours on the screen.

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