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Help with disk editing and PC cable


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I am in need of a disk editor. One that will allow me to change specific characters on the disk. I used to have a copy of SPARTA DOS that had such an editor, but no more. Can you recommend any other programs?


Also, I have a cable to hook up my PC to my 1050 drive, but something no longer works. It's a simple cable with a serial port on one end and the SIO port on the other. We used this years ago to read and store a few atari disk images to the PC. Perhaps I am not remembering how to use the program properly (I've tired it using two different PCs and two different 1050s). What program do you recommend to read and write to you Atari drive from your PC - or Apple?






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I am in need of a disk editor. One that will allow me to change specific characters on the disk. I used to have a copy of SPARTA DOS that had such an editor, but no more. Can you recommend any other programs?


Also, I have a cable to hook up my PC to my 1050 drive, but something no longer works. It's a simple cable with a serial port on one end and the SIO port on the other. We used this years ago to read and store a few atari disk images to the PC. Perhaps I am not remembering how to use the program properly (I've tired it using two different PCs and two different 1050s). What program do you recommend to read and write to you Atari drive from your PC - or Apple?







One way to do it is via MPDOS Pro available at http://www.krishnasoft.com/SPS.htm. It comes with utility to extract or write files to image disks or to use them directly and you can use the DEBUG on the PC end to modify the hex or ASCII stuff.


Let me know if you are interested in this method... I haven't been auctioning much recently since ebay started eating up around 20% of the sales.

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One way to do it is via MPDOS Pro available at http://www.krishnasoft.com/SPS.htm. It comes with utility to extract or write files to image disks or to use them directly and you can use the DEBUG on the PC end to modify the hex or ASCII stuff.


Let me know if you are interested in this method... I haven't been auctioning much recently since ebay started eating up around 20% of the sales.


The link above is 4o4!


Edit: actually this does work: www.krishnasoft.com

Edited by bf2k+
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One way to do it is via MPDOS Pro available at http://www.krishnasoft.com/SPS.htm. It comes with utility to extract or write files to image disks or to use them directly and you can use the DEBUG on the PC end to modify the hex or ASCII stuff.


Let me know if you are interested in this method... I haven't been auctioning much recently since ebay started eating up around 20% of the sales.


The link above is 4o4!


Edit: actually this does work: www.krishnasoft.com


Thanks for pointing that out. I just listed the MPDOS/cable for Atari 400/800/XL/XE on ebay in-case anyone is interested:



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If you already have the 1050-2-PC cable or the SIO-2-PC cable, then you are pretty much ready to go... oops you said it didn't work, well buy a new one from Atarimax as well! Get something like APE (http://www.atarimax.com/) and then download a disk editor (Disk Wiz II should work for you.) Either turn your disk into an ATR first, and then edit it, or just hook up your Atari disk drive as well and edit the disk directly.

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