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Your Voting Data? - Everybody Votes Channel

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OK, I know that some (or perhaps most) of you may think that the vote channel thing is lame but my kids are really into it and my wife even gets involved, which is a rare thing when it comes to video games. I have been at it from the beginning and I don't think I have missed any but a few may have fell through the cracks. Anyway, if you do participate in the voting, I thought it would be neat to share your Voting Data. I know that many people are at work or whatever when they read this but next time you turn your Wii on, let us know. I'll start.....


RECORD AS OF 2/26/08


Vote Count: 162

Prediction Record - Wins: 122 - Losses: 35

Prediction Accuracy: 77.7%


How Tuned In Are You?: 461 Points


Distance From Popular Opinion: 3.3m


You can copy and paste my format or just come up with your own, I'm just curious to see how I stand against some of you. Have fun!

Edited by SpendTooMuchOnAtari
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Wow, no Wii voters? :?


If anyone knows or finds out how many total polls have been taken since the Wii launch, let me know. I am curious if I have missed any.


RECORD AS OF 2/29/08


Vote Count: 163

Prediction Record - Wins: 122 - Losses: 36

Prediction Accuracy: 77.2%


How Tuned In Are You?: 443 Points


Distance From Popular Opinion: 4.6m


One loss sure does change "how tuned in I am" and my "distance from popular opinion".

Edited by SpendTooMuchOnAtari
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Gotta agree, I hope no one spent any time on developing that channel. I can think of dozens other ways Nintendo could have spent that time and money. Sorry. I think my data would look like this.


RECORD AS OF 2/29/08


Vote Count: 3

Prediction Record - Wins: 3 - Losses: 0

Prediction Accuracy 100%


How Tuned In Are You?: Not at all


Distance From Popular Opinion: As far away as possible.



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I accidentlly clicked on that channel once and voted in a few things, but I never went back to look. the whole thing seemed pointless to me.




It is indeed completely pointless.


The kids like it and got me into it, I don't think I would like it if I didn't have anyone else in the house to compare all of my stats with. It's become a sort of family tradition in the last 15 months of owning the Wii, whoever sees that there is a new poll calls everyone in to vote quick.....

we aren't the most exciting family so it doesn't take much. :lol:

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The current Worldwide Poll question is:


Have you ever seen a UFO? :lol:


That's quite vague in my opinion, do they mean UFO in terms of what comes to most people's minds automatically, ALIENS! Or, if taken literally, a flying object that you can not identify 100%?


I see why most think this channel is a waste. ;)


Either way, I vote NO since I have never personally seen any flying object that I could not identify. However, there were those "lights over Phoenix" a while ago that even though I live here, I don't know much about. I believe the powers that be made a statement about them but IDK.

I'm rambling again!


RECORD AS OF 3/03/08


Vote Count: 165

Prediction Record - Wins: 123 - Losses: 37

Prediction Accuracy: 76.8%


How Tuned In Are You?: 443 Points


Distance From Popular Opinion: 5.2m

Edited by SpendTooMuchOnAtari
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My stats:










I used to have better stats when I was making more predictions in the beginning. But now I just vote how I want to and don't usually make many predictions.

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Vote Count: 91

Prediction Record - Wins: 65 - Losses: 22

Prediction Accuracy: 74.7%


How Tuned In Are You? 367 pts.

Estimated breakdown per category (from the diagram):

Personality: 100 pts.

Thoughts: 100 pts.

Experience: 77 pts.

Surroundings: 47 pts.

Knowledge: 43 pts.


Distance from Popular Opinion: 3.4km



For the record, yes... the voting channel is pointless. But so are a lot of other neat ideas. Besides, it doesn't take too much to entertain me, and it only takes about five minutes to run through the polls anyhow.


And too, for the "How Tuned In Are You?" section... any idea how they rate questions per category? I mean, does someone actually sit down and figure out "this is a knowledge question" or whatever? Or does a computer just randomly assign points to certain questions?

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Vote Count: 196

Prediction Record - Wins: 147 - Losses: 45

Prediction Accuracy: 76.5%


How Tuned In Are You?: 484 Points


Distance From Popular Opinion: 1.5m


I haven't checked my voting data lately so thought I would revive this fascinating thread that I started. ;)

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