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Disappointed.... and a couple of questions....


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Let me start of by saying that this post is *NOT* a rant. And this post is *NOT* saying that the Wii is an overall bad system. I'm only trying to give *MY* opinion of my experience playing the Wii and to solicit the opinions of others.


After owning my Wii since launch day, I find that I'm really disappointed in the Wii. Reason: while there are features of the system I really like (the News Channel, Weather Channel, and VC Channel to name three), I've come to the conclusion that, for myself, I just don't like the Wiimote-Nunchuk controllers for playing the games. I've tried and tried and tried many many different games (Thank You, GameFly!), but the end result is that I just can't get used to, or comfortable with, using the Wiimote-Nunchuk as the main method of game control.


From my experience, while the Wiimote-Nunchuk works very, very well with some games like Wii-sports and Wii-play, there are many, many more games that the Wiimote-Nunchuk just doesn't work well with. I've played multi-platform games like Far Cry, Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, The Simpsons, and others and have found that the Wiimote-Nunchuk does nothing to enhance my enjoyment of these games. I've tried RE4 and Zelda on the Wii and found that the Wiimote-Nunchuk provided no enhanced enjoyment over their Gamecube counterparts. And even Wii exclusive games like Red Steel, Dewey, NiGHTS,and RE: Umbrella left much to be desired.


And even in the games that the Wiimote-Nunchuk do work well with, like Galaxy and Metroid, I find myself wishing for a 360 or PS3 controller to play the game with.


My latest experience: I LOVE the Destroy All Humans series of games. I've played the first two on the original Xbox multiple times. I love the humor, I love the gameplay, I love the stories. I love the voiceovers..... So I was looking forward to Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleased on the Wii and made sure I pre-ordered it just to be able to get the Bobble Head Big Willy that they were offering.


I picked up DAH last night, rushed home, and started playing the game immediately upon arrival. But disappointment quickly set in: the story was good, the humor was there, the voices were there... everything seemed right except I did not like using the Wiimote-Nunchuk for control. I didn't like the combination of buttons they used for weapon selection or how you took over a human or how you selected your PK powers or the controls for flying your saucer.. nothing seemed right and nothing seemed comfortable. And after playing the game for over two hours, I came to the conclusion that I wished I hadn't bought the game because it just wasn't fun.


I'm not talking graphic's or horsepower under the hood or online gameplay.... I'm simply talking about control. And even Nintendo themselves can't incorporate the Wiimote-Nunchuk totally as both Fire Emblem and Brawl don't even use it. So this leads me to the questions part of my post:


Are you satisfied overall with the Wii and its method of game control? Would the Wii provide a better gaming experience if the Classic Controller (or another newly designed controller) became the main method of game control and the Wiimote-Nunchuk became more of an "accessory" to be used with particular games (like Wii-sports and Wii-play)?


Maybe I'm just too accustomed to using an analog controller in my games... or maybe the Wiimote-Nunchuk really isn't the future of gaming. I'm still trying to figure it out but right now I'm just disappointed in the Wii and seriously considering selling it.




Edited by Mendon
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i played enough Wii kiosks to stay away from it, but what I did play, I share your opinion. My wife has been kicking around getting a Wii because she wants to bowl and play ski-ball (carnival games) and for those types of games, I think I may end up getting one, oh and for the VC. But I have a 360 and any cross platform game I would get on the 360, basically I'm used to the controls and the wii-mote just doesn't work for me at all, except the games like Carnival and Sports, even with RE Umbrella chronicals, the wii mote should be fantastic for that.


I just wish, and please someone correct me if i'm wrong, because I will go out and buy a wii (if I could find one) if I am wrong, but you are forced to use the Wii-mote..correct? That I don't like.


I really think the people that joked about the wii60 had it nailed down, you want some good fun pick up games, get a Wii, for everything else, get a 360.

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I find the Wii controls tolerable on game that were specifically designed for the Wii. However when given the choice between a Wii and PS3 port of a game, I always take the PS3 port because of the controller. Much like you, I just don't find the controller comfortable to use.



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The controller itself i personally find very easy to use and comfortable, but i like it no more or less than a regular controller.


I too have had a Wii since launch, and have been sorely dissapointed with owning one, the VC is being misused and needs drastic changes (Prices are wayyy too high in europe, and they missed a bomb of an opportunity by not release unreleased games such as the Contra series, which was released here, but majorly censored and underwent a name change to Probotector)


I have/dont want or feel the VC games are too expensive, so while i bought a few, i am not happy with it overall.

I feel Nintendo's first major Wii effort (Twilight Princess) was a shot in the foot for Nintendo, it made atrocious use of the Wii controls, looked bad for a graphical representation of the Wii's power, and just played as any other Zelda game.


While Mario Galaxy was soooooo much better, and is in my opinion the BEST Mario game since Super Mario World, thats it, that is the only game worth buying on the Wii except maybe No More Heroes. Everything else is either better on another console, or only fun if you have 3 friends at your side each time you play it. (Wario Ware and Raving Rabbids for example, brilliant games but i wouldnt want to play them on my own)


I would love to see more games developed properly with the Wii controls, but given the choice of a port, the ONLY game i chose on the Wii over the 360 was Marvel Ultimate Alliance because its so much fun multiplayer. But even then i want to buy the 360 version for the extra characters and points.


Ports are simply not worth bothering, developers have been for the most part very lazy, and simply ported the PS2 version of whichever game it is most of the time, not even bothering to take advantage of the extra power the Wii has over the PS2.


Although the casual market couldnt give two hoots about that it seems. I only have 4 Wii games, and 3 of those i regret buying. (One i had and was so disgusted with, i sold 3 days after launch, Call of Duty 3, it was exactly the same as the PS2 version, but with Wii controls.)

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I've had the Wii since launch, I enjoy the system and I'm basically satisfied with what's there. HOWEVER, I think most the games out right now (and in the foreseeable future) are not taking advantage of the wiimote. Tacked on "shake the wiimote instead of pressing a button" or "force you to do some crazy motion instead of button" doesn't improve the games, and often makes them worse. The main thing for me is that wiimote controls CAN add to the game, but they can also make it play worse. Too many developers force them in regardless whether they make the game play better or worse. On the other hand...


Godfather's hand-to-hand combat makes the best use of the wiimote I've seen - it's responsive, natural and fun, and totally makes the game better. Metroid Prime 3 and Medal of Honor Heroes 2 control wonderfully with the wiimote & nunchuck. They're both fantastic. The wiimote makes 1st person shooters better when the controls are done right (i.e. forget every FPS from the first 9 months of the Wii). I also like the mini-resurgence of light gun games on the Wii, because I really enjoy that style of game and it's nice to not have to dish out $40+ for a light gun that you can only use with one game. For "pointing" types of games, the wiimote is great. RE: Umbrella Chronicles is excellent.


There are a bunch of games that I enjoyed on the Wii, but aren't necessarily better or worse than standard controls: Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, MK: Armageddon, Sonic, Zelda, Super Paper Mario, Mario Galaxy, etc. While the Wiimote controls don't really add a lot, they're still pretty fun games in their own right.


I'm waiting for someone to do a good fantasy adventure - swords swinging, flails... flailing... I'd also like to see a Star Wars game with really well done light saber combat. I'm curious to see how some of the "big" tennis games turn out: Sega Superstar Tennis and Namco's "realistic" tennis (forget the name). In short, there's a lot of untapped potential. We haven't seen publishers put the time/effort/money into their Wii titles to really see what's possible. Hopefully that will happen, but I'm not holding my breath.

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If the Wii was my only console, I'd be one bored and gravely disappointed gamer. Third rate ports of games from other systems, games with 'tacked on' controls and a severe lack of depth for most of its library. And a bunch of stuff I have zero interest in as well. (Mario XXX) would be a good general example.


But, I have the luxury of owning many game systems and I bought the Wii knowing pretty much what I was getting into. There are also some fine examples of gaming and good use of the different controls available on the Wii. RE4 (as mentioned) is a great game but turns out to be an extra special experience on the Wii due to the control scheme, and MP3 also shines with the control scheme and gameplay. And I enjoy a quick 'minigame' experience now and then, that the Wii offers in spades. Mostly it sits collecting dust, waiting for company to come over though. :)

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Everything else is either better on another console, or only fun if you have 3 friends at your side each time you play it.


Tried every last game, have you? :P



Ports are simply not worth bothering, developers have been for the most part very lazy, and simply ported the PS2 version of whichever game it is most of the time, not even bothering to take advantage of the extra power the Wii has over the PS2.


That, I agree with on so many games! It was bad enough when they didn't take advantage of the GameCube (compare Resident Evil 4 on GC vs. PS2) let alone the Wii hardware.

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Are you satisfied overall with the Wii and its method of game control?




Would the Wii provide a better gaming experience if the Classic Controller (or another newly designed controller) became the main method of game control and the Wiimote-Nunchuk became more of an "accessory" to be used with particular games (like Wii-sports and Wii-play)?


There are some games which would be salvaged by a conventional control scheme. But there are also quite a few which are unsalvageable and serve only to demo the gimmick of the controller.


But yes, of the games which have any merit, a conventional control scheme would improve them greatly.

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Ports are simply not worth bothering, developers have been for the most part very lazy, and simply ported the PS2 version of whichever game it is most of the time, not even bothering to take advantage of the extra power the Wii has over the PS2.


That, I agree with on so many games! It was bad enough when they didn't take advantage of the GameCube (compare Resident Evil 4 on GC vs. PS2) let alone the Wii hardware.

I've played games on the Wii and there is just too many "cute" games for my taste. Why do so many games have the "Mii" art style? The Wii is more powerful than the Gamecube and I really would expect games as nice as RE4 to be the baseline for Wii graphics. But the sad fact is that there are too many "quick buck games" on the system. I'm truly happy that Nintendo has found a "niche" to make tons of money in. But this system isn't for me. A friend of mine picked one up at a local Best Buy before Christmas and offered to sell it to me at his cost. I turned it down because there is no interest in it at my home. But then again we're a family of gamers who want quad core cpu and SLI gpu pc systems! :twisted:

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I think the controllers are great on the good games, although for the most part, I probably would enjoy the games just as much with traditional controllers. Most games don't REALLY take full advantage of the controllers like they could.


The biggest problem I have so far, and it's pretty much the same as with the DS, the library kind of sucks. There are a handful of really great games, but the vast majority just do not interest me at all. I guess that's maybe just a problem with the video game industry in general.


I think we've actually gotten the most bang for our buck out of the Virtual Console games. My son and I have been playing old SNES games all the time!

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Everything else is either better on another console, or only fun if you have 3 friends at your side each time you play it.


Tried every last game, have you? :P



Pretty much, friend of mine is a Wii nut and has everything, pretty much.


The only other game out at the moment (I currently have MUA, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, TP and Mario Galaxy) i would play is No More Heroes. There are a lot of great multiplayer games, but not a lot of good single player games. I really wanted to enjoy Red Steel, but it was just rubbish, and Metroid Prime 3 i just couldnt get into.


Looking forward to Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Dragon Quest Swords though.

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When done well (Super Mario Galaxy), the Wii's control scheme can be brilliant. SMG was the best game I played last year, and the controls were a large part of the experience because they "made sense." They were a seamless part of the gameplay, not tacked on or gimmicky like so many Wii games.


I love the Wii for the few great games it has, but for someone that plays games almost daily, its a good thing the Wii is not my only console.

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I can't help but compare the problems some people have with the Wii remotes to the problem some people had with gamepads back in the NES days. Lots of people still don't like gamepads and prefer a joystick. It's the same thing for remote vs. regular controller. The thing is, a whole generation of kids grew up using the NES pads and can't get comfortable with joystick. The same thing will happen with the Wii remote. That doesn't make anybody right or wrong, it's just a personal preference formed by what you got used to.

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The same thing will happen with the Wii remote. That doesn't make anybody right or wrong, it's just a personal preference formed by what you got used to.


I seriusly doubt this. The controllers only works especially well with a small number of games. This explains why games like Wii Sports and Wii Play are the top selling Wii software even now. Most people are buying the Wii for those two games. They feel very natural when using the Wii-Mote. Most other games do not. The Wii-Mote isn't going to take the place of a good old hand held controller. Hell some of Nintendos top releases in 2008 are going to be geared for the classic controller. This is because even Nintendo knows the game will suck otherwise. No one is going to get used to suck.

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The same thing will happen with the Wii remote. That doesn't make anybody right or wrong, it's just a personal preference formed by what you got used to.


I seriusly doubt this. The controllers only works especially well with a small number of games. This explains why games like Wii Sports and Wii Play are the top selling Wii software even now. Most people are buying the Wii for those two games. They feel very natural when using the Wii-Mote. Most other games do not. The Wii-Mote isn't going to take the place of a good old hand held controller.


I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about kids who start out with a Wii. They have no habit to break, you do. A 4 year old kid who has only used a Wiimote to play games and continues to do so for 3-4(maybe more) years is going to feel plenty natural using it for pretty much any game. You don't feel natural doing it because you have 20+ years of joysticks and gamepads. It's not the same thing.

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I can't help but compare the problems some people have with the Wii remotes to the problem some people had with gamepads back in the NES days. Lots of people still don't like gamepads and prefer a joystick. It's the same thing for remote vs. regular controller. The thing is, a whole generation of kids grew up using the NES pads and can't get comfortable with joystick. The same thing will happen with the Wii remote. That doesn't make anybody right or wrong, it's just a personal preference formed by what you got used to.


I agree to a certain extent. I had a 2600 and 7800 well before I had an NES, but with me there was no transition and even to this day I prefer the regular pad over say an NES advantage. But I can also very easily play a 5200 and not wish I had a pad. I think the stock controller is part of the experience. Now with a 2600, forget it, Genny pad all the way.


But I look at it with my Neo geo's as well. My MVS is obviously arcade stick, but my Neo CD is a pad and I have no desire to get a stick for my Neo CD, I am comfortable with both.


I agree with the personal preference, but even from pad to joystick or vice versa, there's not that much of a difference in functionality, unlike going from a standard pad to a 100% fully motion sensing 2 handed control system. It's apples and oranges.


And I don't know if anybody is like me or not, but I tend to be a graphics whore at time. And if I ever own a Wii, already owning a 360, i can tell you that unless there's some awesome control scheme or something that cannot be compared to a 360 version, cross platform games I am always going to choose the 360 because I will want the prettiest version.

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I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about kids who start out with a Wii. They have no habit to break, you do. A 4 year old kid who has only used a Wiimote to play games and continues to do so for 3-4(maybe more) years is going to feel plenty natural using it for pretty much any game. You don't feel natural doing it because you have 20+ years of joysticks and gamepads. It's not the same thing.


Nintendo has millions more consoles in peoples living room, but sells less accessories and software. I doubt the Wii-Mote will ever become standard. I don't think any video game company wants a controller that only sells very certain types of games. I understand what you are saying. Kids can get used to the crap control for sure, I just don't see anyone waiting that long. If anything I see Nintendo starting to pack in a free classic controller and gearing more games towards it in an effort to move software. I have to imagine Nintendo as a company is more interested in making money then converting kids who only own a Wii and never have used another systems controller to the Wii-mote.

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The same thing will happen with the Wii remote. That doesn't make anybody right or wrong, it's just a personal preference formed by what you got used to.


I seriusly doubt this. The controllers only works especially well with a small number of games. This explains why games like Wii Sports and Wii Play are the top selling Wii software even now. Most people are buying the Wii for those two games. They feel very natural when using the Wii-Mote. Most other games do not. The Wii-Mote isn't going to take the place of a good old hand held controller. Hell some of Nintendos top releases in 2008 are going to be geared for the classic controller. This is because even Nintendo knows the game will suck otherwise. No one is going to get used to suck.

Yes - Wii Sports and Wii Play are the top selling software - one is included with the system everywhere but Japan and the other is a no-brainer purchase based on it being essentially $10 if you were already buying a Wiimote. Since just about everyone needs a second Wiimote every shop worker I've heard pushes them to get Wii Play because it just makes sense (and the tank game is hella fun).


Seriously though - how exactly would you like another game to become the top seller on the Wii versus the system's packin title? By definition Wii Sports would sell at a one to one ratio to hardware - that's kind of hard to top...


Look at other systems with packins historically - NES with SMB, SNES with SMW, Genesis with Sonic (at least that's when it started selling alot) - they are the games people bought those systems for. Nintendo knew that they had a good game in Wii Sports and took advantage.


The Wii software to hardware rate in Dec was the highest of all platforms - the idea that Wii owners aren't buying games other than Wii Sports is just a misconception.

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The controllers only works especially well with a small number of games.
I think the wiimote/nunchuck can be used well for a wide variety of games, it's just that developers felt the need to tack on horrible waggle controls to everything, regardles whether or not it worked. It's like the trend of tacking on functionality to the R-stick - perfect for some things (Fight Night), but no more than an uncomfortable button press in others (sports game juking/jumping/etc, see also: Grabbed By The Ghoulies).


The biggest problem with the wiimote is lag - I don't know that it's ever going to be quite as responsive as we'd like. That could limit its usefulness for some games.

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Overall I am happy with the wii. The controls for the most part are fine and it's only when the developers do a very terrible job of the controls like in Mini Desktop Racing.....that game has the most bizzare setup for a racing game....or when the controls decide to momentarily stop working (Madden 08). The system has too many mini games and ports for my liking and I wish developers would lay off of that. The wii has a lot of "shovelware" but if you research enough and find out what games are worth owning the system really ain't bad.

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Seriously though - how exactly would you like another game to become the top seller on the Wii versus the system's packin title?


Ummmm Its easy. Nintendo just has to sell MORE of one particular title than they do consoles. Simple.


Take Sports out of the picture if you want. Wii Play is the second consistent top seller (For the reason you stated...It's a $10 game thrown in when you buy a controller) December was a strong month for Nintendo for sure, I think there was a holiday in that time frame and a MARIO title released prior to that month (I've stated before Mario Galaxy is a bonified hit..very popular, Guitar Hero has proved to be popular on the Wii as well. Still... in spite of having millions of more consoles in consumers living rooms than PS3. The software to console tie is around 4.6 on the Wii compared to the PS3s MUCH smaller (half) install base of 4.2. Sad numbers for a console that has such a large presence in "gamers" living rooms. I wont bring up the 360s since it’s had a years head start. I will say this. If the trend in December continued for Nintendo, they would be a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately I think the 360 has been dominating lately with Devil May Cry 4, Lost Odyssey and the outrageously popular Call of Duty 4. A 3rd party title which to date has sold more than Nintendos biggest 1st party franchise. Maybe I'm misconcepted...but I don't see how.

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Only issues I've had with the controls is certain button combo's can be uncomfortable. Particularly trying to press the dpad while holding the B button. I don't like where the +/- buttons are located, much less the 1 & 2 which are way at the bottom. Plus the dpad is to small as far as I'm concerned for the VC games.


As far as available software. I think there is a decent selection available. Certainly nothing to turn me off. I just think those people expecting to be able to run thru 5-6 titles in a month or two probably find it lacking. I'd say my wish list on the Wii is about as high as the one for my 360 and both higher than the one for the PS3.

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I hated the controls at first (for games like Resident Evil and Zelda) but then I got used to it and I dont mind them at all now.


I totally agree with the posts that say I would get bored with just this system.


I'm lucky enough to have all three systems. If the same game comes out on all three I'll pick the PS3 version.

If a game is more suited for aiming and firing like Raving Rabids, I'll pick the WII version every time. :)

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