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Strange Behavior

Primordial Ooze

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For some reason 1 line from my code is not being runned even though the line that precedes it is. Here is my code:


   rem Open Source Pong
  rem an Open Source Pong Remake
  rem Updated: Feburary 10, 2008
  rem Website: http://opensourcepong.freepgs.com

  goto setup
  rem include for multiplication
  include div_mul.asm
  rem set the rom size
  set romsize 4k

  rem set kernel options
  rem readpaddle - set it so the paddle controlers are read
  set kernel_options no_blank_lines readpaddle

  rem set an alias for the ball's x velocity
  dim ballxvelocity = a

  rem set an alias for the ball's y velocity
  dim ballyvelocity = b

  rem set an alias for the player1's score
  dim player1score = c

  rem set an alias for the player2's x score
  dim player2score = d

  rem set player1's inital x positon
  player0x = 140

  rem set player1's inital y positon
  player0y = 45

  rem set player2's inital x positon
  player1x = 15

  rem set player2's inital y positon
  player1y = 45

  rem set ball's inital x positon
  ballx = 80

  rem set ball's inital y positon
  bally = 45

  rem set the ball's initial x velocity
  ballxvelocity = 1
  rem set the ball's initial x velocity
  ballyvelocity = 1
  rem color the background green
  COLUBK = 198

  rem set the color of the playfield to white
  COLUPF = 14

  rem define the playfield

  rem define player 1's sprite

  rem define player 2's sprite

  rem read paddle 0, use it to position player0x across the screen
  currentpaddle = 0

  rem gamesetup is done start the game loop
  goto gameLoop
  rem start of the game loop

  rem color player 1's paddle
  COLUP0 = 140

  rem color player 2's paddle
  COLUP1 = 28

  rem draw the game screen

  rem set player1's y position to the paddle control's axis
  rem plus 8
  player0y = paddle + 8

  rem make sure the player doesn't go off the top screen
  if player0y < 16 then player0y = 16
  rem make sure the player doesn't go off the bottom screen
  if player0y > 79 then player0y = 79

  rem set the computer's y position to the balls y position
  player1y = bally
  rem make sure the computer doesn't go off the top screen
  if player1y < 16 then player1y = 16
  rem make sure the computer doesn't go off the bottom screen
  if player1y > 79 then player1y = 79
  rem move the ball
  ballx = ballx + ballxvelocity
  bally = bally + ballyvelocity
  rem make sure the ball doesn't go off the top screen
  if bally < 9 then ballyvelocity = -ballyvelocity
  rem make sure the ball doesn't go off the bottom screen
  if bally > 77 then ballyvelocity = -ballyvelocity
  rem if the ball collides with the player paddle
  if collision(player0, ball) then goto playercollision

  rem if the ball collides with the computer paddle
  if collision(player1, ball) then goto playerscores
  rem if the ball goes past the player paddle
  if ballx > 160 then goto computerscores
  goto gameLoop
  rem move the ball a bit so it doesn't stick
  ballx = ballx - 15
  rem and reverse its x velocity
  ballxvelocity = -ballxvelocity
  rem move the ball a bit so it doesn't stick
  ballx = ballx + 15

  rem reverse the balls x velocity
  ballxvelocity = -ballxvelocity
  rem increase the score by 10 points
  score = score + 10
  rem dencrease the score by 50 points
  score = score - 50
  rem and reset the ball
  ballx = 80
  bally = 45


If you compile the game you will see that even though the player0 to ball collision happens and the ball is moved, the balls x velocity is never changed even though theres code to do it. The code in question is:


  rem move the ball a bit so it doesn't stick
  ballx = ballx - 15
  **** this line never gets called ****
  rem and reverse its x velocity
  ballxvelocity = -ballxvelocity



Which gets called here:


   rem if the ball collides with the player paddle
  if collision(player0, ball) then goto playercollision


Any idea?




Open Source Pong

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   **** this line never gets called ****
  rem and reverse its x velocity
  ballxvelocity = -ballxvelocity

Change it to the following:


   **** this line never gets called ****
  rem and reverse its x velocity
  ballxvelocity = 0 - ballxvelocity

I think that should do it. bB doesn't have negative integer byte values per se, but if you subtract a byte from 0, you will get the equivalent of the negative value. For example, 0 - 1 = 255, since 0 is equivalent to 256, and 256 - 1 = 255. And if you add 255 to a byte, the result will be the same as if you had subtracted 1 from it. Likewise, 254 = -2, 253 = -3, etc.



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Nope, it still exibits the same behavior. Any other ideas?


Updated Code:


   rem Open Source Pong
  rem an Open Source Pong Remake
  rem Updated: Feburary 10, 2008
  rem Website: http://opensourcepong.freepgs.com

  goto setup
  rem include for multiplication
  include div_mul.asm
  rem set the rom size
  set romsize 4k

  rem set kernel options
  rem readpaddle - set it so the paddle controlers are read
  set kernel_options no_blank_lines readpaddle

  rem set an alias for the ball's x velocity
  dim ballxvelocity = a

  rem set an alias for the ball's y velocity
  dim ballyvelocity = b

  rem set an alias for the player1's score
  dim player1score = c

  rem set an alias for the player2's x score
  dim player2score = d

  rem set player1's inital x positon
  player0x = 140

  rem set player1's inital y positon
  player0y = 45

  rem set player2's inital x positon
  player1x = 15

  rem set player2's inital y positon
  player1y = 45

  rem set ball's inital x positon
  ballx = 80

  rem set ball's inital y positon
  bally = 45

  rem set the ball's initial x velocity
  ballxvelocity = 1
  rem set the ball's initial x velocity
  ballyvelocity = 1
  rem color the background green
  COLUBK = 198

  rem set the color of the playfield to white
  COLUPF = 14

  rem define the playfield

  rem define player 1's sprite

  rem define player 2's sprite

  rem read paddle 0, use it to position player0x across the screen
  currentpaddle = 0

  rem gamesetup is done start the game loop
  goto gameLoop
  rem start of the game loop

  rem color player 1's paddle
  COLUP0 = 140

  rem color player 2's paddle
  COLUP1 = 28

  rem draw the game screen

  rem set player1's y position to the paddle control's axis
  rem plus 8
  player0y = paddle + 8

  rem make sure the player doesn't go off the top screen
  if player0y < 16 then player0y = 16
  rem make sure the player doesn't go off the bottom screen
  if player0y > 79 then player0y = 79

  rem set the computer's y position to the balls y position
  player1y = bally
  rem make sure the computer doesn't go off the top screen
  if player1y < 16 then player1y = 16
  rem make sure the computer doesn't go off the bottom screen
  if player1y > 79 then player1y = 79
  rem move the ball
  ballx = ballx + ballxvelocity
  bally = bally + ballyvelocity
  rem make sure the ball doesn't go off the top screen
  if bally < 9 then ballyvelocity = 0 - ballyvelocity
  rem make sure the ball doesn't go off the bottom screen
  if bally > 77 then ballyvelocity = 0 - ballyvelocity
  rem if the ball collides with the player paddle
  if collision(player0, ball) then goto playercollision

  rem if the ball collides with the computer paddle
  if collision(player1, ball) then goto playerscores
  rem if the ball goes past the player paddle
  if ballx > 160 then goto computerscores
  goto gameLoop
  rem move the ball a bit so it doesn't stick
  ballx = ballx - 10
  rem and reverse its x velocity
  ballxvelocity = 0 - ballxvelocity
  rem move the ball a bit so it doesn't stick
  ballx = ballx + 10

  rem reverse the balls x velocity
  ballxvelocity = 0 - ballxvelocity
  rem increase the score by 10 points
  score = score + 10
  rem dencrease the score by 50 points
  score = score - 50
  rem and reset the ball
  ballx = 80
  bally = 45

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Nope, it still exibits the same behavior. Any other ideas?

Okay, I see what the problem is. playercollision, playerscores, and computerscores are subroutines that end with return, but in your if statements you're doing a goto them. Change those three goto statements to gosub statements, and you'll be back in business! :)



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