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The paddle that still does something might be dirty,

inside there is a potentiometer, you need to open it with a phillips screwdriver, remove the back panel of the paddle and you will now see in the middle something that looks like a small electric engine but it's actually the potentiometer, you need to spray some cleaner (computer cleaner that is the one they use to clean keyboards and evaporates) in the middle of it and turn the knob several times until it feels ok, if it keeps failing then the potentiometer is worn out.

The Other paddle that does nothing could have a worn out potentiometer or the cable is shorted, inside the cable there are several wires, if one is marked badly or pulled then the paddle won't work, it wouldn't hurt to open it and clean the pot to see if it still has some juice left.


You can also swap the potentiometers inside your Paddle controllers, sometimes paddle #2 works better than paddle #1, if you swap them you will get a "new" paddle #1 good to play Kaboom or Breakout anytime, if you're not handy with electronics stuff have someone do it for you it can be done in less than 20 minutes.


Good Luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok, you'll learn I usually recommend you don't use this stuff.


DON'T use keyboard cleaner. Use potentiometer cleaner. Real keyboard cleaner is foaming, contains ammonia. That's no good. Contact cleaner is no good. Pots need to be lubricated, pot cleaner does this. DON'T use it for cleaning carts, just pots.





or in europe...





get it there ;)

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