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top 20 most downloaded VC for North America (3/12/08 to 3/19/08)

8th lutz

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1.) Super Mario Brothers 3

2.) Super Mario Brothers

3.) Mario Kart 64

4.) Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

5.) Super Street Fighter 2

6.) Super Mario World

7.) Super Mario 64

8.) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

9.) Bomberman '93

10.) Super Mario Brothers 2

11.) The Legend of Zelda: A link

12.) Paper Mario

13.) Pac-man

14.) Sonic the Hedgehog 3

15.) Sonic the Hedgehog

16.) 1080 Snowboarding

17.) Bubble Bobble

18.) The Legend of Zelda

19.) Kirby’s Adventure

20.) Yoshi's Story


I have to say I am disappoint from a 3rd party standpoint. It is shame that DoReMi Fantasy: Milon’s DokiDoki Adventure isn't in the top 20. It is a great Platform game. It is one of the greatest Platform games on the Snes. I've played the game on the vc.


I understood the lack of genesis and Neo Geo games on the list. A good amount of them are on collections like the Sega Genesis Collection and the collections Snk has.


I think some people think a game they never heard sucks. That attitude exists forums on the internet. I see it on happening towards imports or tg-16 games.

Edited by 8th lutz
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I'm also somewhat surprised that there aren't more 3rd party games out there, even 3rd party games that were released on the NES (Konami classics, anyone? :ponder: )


And I'm also a little surprised to not see more import games either, like Sin & Punishment for the N64. As awesome as the game is (even though I myself haven't downloaded it yet for VC, I have played it via emulator years ago), it's a little strange to not see it at least in the lower numbers of the list.

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Yeah - Nintendo protecting their originals and not releasing bundles of classic games is likely the main reason so many of their titles are at the top of the list.


Not selling classic games in bundle's does help sales of these classic Nintendo games. But, I for one, feel that there is another factor. That is, the majority (not all) of people who buy Nintendo consoles buy them to play Nintendo games. The listing for the VC is just an extension of this. Just look at top 10 sales for the N64, Gamecube and now the Wii.

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I'm not surprised at all, but for me the TG-16 library is the best thing about the VC. The games are cheap, not plentiful at local Fleas, generally fun, and I no longer have a real TG-16 anyways. ;)

They are definately a selling point. I know there are more games on the TG16 that I have never played than on all the others. I think I've only got 3 right now though - Bonk 1, Battle Lode Runner, and Dragon Spirit. I at least have to grab the other Bonk titles and Ninja Spirit.


I'm actually really surprised by the lack of Punchout on the list - to me that's pretty much a must own title.

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