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Well... I'm outta here...


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My Atari adventures over the course of my life will be remembered fondly... However I've just traded my Atari 8bit setup for a C=128 setup...


I've jumped the fence and am now a Commodore fan...


Wizardry for the Atari8bit is now on hold indefinately... Until I either get bored of the C=128 (a potential), or I buy another A8 setup...



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Do both. Despite the fact that the Atari 8-bit is my favorite I have a C128, some STs, a couple of Amigas, a couple of Apples, a VIC-20, etc. I know many around here collect classic computers and game consoles of many types. There's no reason you have to limit yourself to one.



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These days it is getting to the point that people with casual knowledge of older computer platforms either don't recognize a computer outside of the IBM clones (that are currently the standard alongside Macs) or they see Commodore and Atari as about the same.


And when you look at how both companies were run, how they exchanged presidents, yadda yadda, they kinda were the same in the end.


I currently exist in an Amiga club as a Atari 800 user. We have Jay Miner in common, the man who helped develop the Atari 800 and the Amiga.

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I have a couple of C64s, too (but don't tell anyone!), and many other 8-bit machines. Don't worry, all can be forgiven if you return to the True Path.


Just stick them in a cupboard somewhere and get back to the real thing.


Look on the bright side. It's one less person to have to outbid on ebay. :D

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Yeah, no need to choose - just get more desks. I put 3 desks together and now I have 7 classic systems (Amigas, Atari XLs and 4 monitors) all wired up and ready to go. Or you can do what this guy did, but that's pushing the boundaries of sanity.


Posted using an Amiga 500 eh? Nice. How did you manage that? I have a few Amigas but thinking of centralizing on the Amiga 500. :D


Umm.. as for that guy and his collection... just nuts, and not well maintained. I think that is what we fear when it comes to collecting... that it will get out of order and take over. It is not a matter of how much, but how much can you effectively store and use.


And as for me, I wonder when I go what kind of burden I leave behind. My wife has said she will keep my Atari 800 around, but aside from that, the rest will go, and she might not know where to send it. I'm only 36, but ever wonder what would become of all this stuff if something were to happen to us?


So for that reason I am going to widdle my collection soon to what I need.

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Or you can do what this guy did, but that's pushing the boundaries of sanity.

That's not pushing the boundaries, that's blasting through them and going so far around the bend that you're on the other side of normal. :-o :lol:


I'm only 36, but ever wonder what would become of all this stuff if something were to happen to us?

Shhh.... :P

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Yeah, no need to choose - just get more desks. I put 3 desks together and now I have 7 classic systems (Amigas, Atari XLs and 4 monitors) all wired up and ready to go. Or you can do what this guy did, but that's pushing the boundaries of sanity.



Holey crapola I thought I was bad! Damn!!!


Yeah I would not get rid of one to go to another. Just keep them all!! It's not 1985 where you have to sell one setup to afford/concentrate on the other... I collect 8/16 bits from both sides of the fence!!!

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Posted using an Amiga 500 eh? Nice. How did you manage that? I have a few Amigas but thinking of centralizing on the Amiga 500. :D


Accelerators for the A500 are super-rare and then you need to get 2Mb Mini Megi chip to make it useful. I suggest you get an A3000. I just got one and it's great. I'm actually using a stock A3000 (but 3.1, more RAM) to post this. (...so ignore the misleading signature for this post;) Actually, Amiga is the only computer I've used on the internet since 2002.


Can you post a pic? I'd love to see your setup :)


Unfortunately, you can't. I don't have a digital camera and the crap analogue Sony video camera I was using to take pictures (with DCTV on A500) died last week. You can see an old picture of my A500 setup by following the link in the signature (then in the post), but it doesn't show all the other Amigas and Ataris.


I will say that my new setup has the 800XL and 1050 prominently in the centre, surrounded by A500, A1000 and A3000. (the unfortunately yellowed 1200XL, ugly A2000HD and faceless A4000 are discretely on the side. :D


By the way, I've been all across Korea but never made it as far south as Ulsan. Someday I might go back to Korea to teach English.

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Posted using an Amiga 500 eh? Nice. How did you manage that? I have a few Amigas but thinking of centralizing on the Amiga 500. :D


Accelerators for the A500 are super-rare and then you need to get 2Mb Mini Megi chip to make it useful. I suggest you get an A3000. I just got one and it's great. I'm actually using a stock A3000 (but 3.1, more RAM) to post this. (...so ignore the misleading signature for this post;) Actually, Amiga is the only computer I've used on the internet since 2002.


Can you post a pic? I'd love to see your setup :)


Unfortunately, you can't. I don't have a digital camera and the crap analogue Sony video camera I was using to take pictures (with DCTV on A500) died last week. You can see an old picture of my A500 setup by following the link in the signature (then in the post), but it doesn't show all the other Amigas and Ataris.


I will say that my new setup has the 800XL and 1050 prominently in the centre, surrounded by A500, A1000 and A3000. (the unfortunately yellowed 1200XL, ugly A2000HD and faceless A4000 are discretely on the side. :D


By the way, I've been all across Korea but never made it as far south as Ulsan. Someday I might go back to Korea to teach English.


I need some ideas for setting up my systems. Anyone care to post some pics of your setups?

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Well maybe... though... it was a trade... I'll just have to buy some more Atari gear I guess... Besides, hacking away at a game on the 'ol 8bit for the past year has been fun, plus, I'd like to see it finished...


It's also a square-footage issue... I'm gonna need a bigger place if I start collecting like you guys... :pirate:

Edited by dwhyte
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Ouch! I hope he gets the 128 fixed, they are neat machines. Um, ask him how much he wants for it broken, just the computer, no accessories.


Anyway, welcome back to the fold, though my Vic 20 is kinda looking at me funny.


Boat, I'd post pics but I don't keep everything set up all the time, and most of it resides in boxes.



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Ouch! I hope he gets the 128 fixed, they are neat machines. Um, ask him how much he wants for it broken, just the computer, no accessories.


Anyway, welcome back to the fold, though my Vic 20 is kinda looking at me funny.


Boat, I'd post pics but I don't keep everything set up all the time, and most of it resides in boxes.




Yes, a neat machine.


FWIW -- There is a lot of info on the C128's development in the "On the Edge..." book about Commodore. Great book! Lot's of stuff that I'd never seen before, even in "Home Computer Wars" although H.C.W. is primarily focused on the VIC-era. "On the Edge" covers pretty much the whole history -- and goes on to the fall of Commodore.


There are several books about Apple ("West of Eden," "Apple Confidential," etc.); a couple about Commodore; but little about Atari computers. Wish someone would write one about Atari in the Warner-era and the Tramiel-era.



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There are several books about Apple ("West of Eden," "Apple Confidential," etc.); a couple about Commodore; but little about Atari computers. Wish someone would write one about Atari in the Warner-era and the Tramiel-era.

I too would love to buy a book regarding Atari similar to Commodore's "On the edge".

I hate the fact that computer story is written by the winners (Microsoft and Apple).

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You should check out the boards at lemon64 , not as busy but still a good little community to score a working Commodore. Unless you live in a small apartment there is no reason not to have both! What is it about $50 for a setup?

I'm going through the 'commodore purchasing process' now and it's not as fun as one would think. C64 prices have skyrocketed on ebay, to the point where my $20 expectation had to be increased to $50--and even then I was being outbid every freaking time. The internet shops offering computers for less than ebay seem to be mostly dried up, but I posted on the lemon marketplace and I found somebody willing to meet my pricepoint.


Of course that's not a $50 'setup' that's a working system and power supply. No cables, drives etc. And if you want to see awful, check out their SD drives... I know a lot of hard work went into them, but there's no real equal to sio2sd in their scene, and what comes close (1541-III) is quite expensive. The less expensive solution (mmc2iec) can't handle things like multi-disk games, or even games that hunt for data after the initial load. Because of this, most of the commodore community is still using 10lb floppy drives...


So really my commodore 'setup' ran me just a bit over $140 (mmc2iec, jiffydos, cables, commodore) and I'm thinking I still need a floppy, and some way to write disks to it with a PC. I wouldn't go through with it if the grass wasn't looking so green over there in terms of games. Space Rogue is calling me. And I'd rather spend $140 on a commodore than anything current.

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By the way, I've been all across Korea but never made it as far south as Ulsan. Someday I might go back to Korea to teach English.


Ulsan's a mixed bag. If you live outside of the industrial areas, the urban sprawl is all less than 10 years old, so it's pretty nice and modern. If you live close to the shipyard (the biggest in the world) or any of the refineries, it's as polluted as Pittsburg in the 70's. I'm teaching English here now, actually. It's a pretty sweet gig as long as you don't mind adjusting to a new culture. Of course, if you live in Seoul you don't even have to do that :)

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