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Jackpot! - Comp Thrift Shop in NH -- Store info added --I AM NOT DOOMMASTER


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(I posted this in the Atari ST forum but I don't think many people will see it there)


You wouldn't believe what I found! Up north in the New Hampshire area is a small computer thrift shop that specializes in old computer equipment. He has your standard fair of PCs sitting around, but what makes this store different from the rest is the enormous collection of Atari hardware and software he has for sale. He has every Atari 8-bit computer known to us for sale in mint / near-mint condition. His selection of Atari ST equipment is mind-blowing. He has multiple 1040sts for sale, Monochrome and color ST monitors, originally boxed ST software, hard drives, manuals, user guides, and who knows what else. He is also a big Atari fan.


I discovered his store one day while taking a road trip, but when I stopped by he was closed. I wrote down the number and left a message on his answering machine. He called me late last night and we must have had an hour long conversation about Atari. During our conversation he mentioned that someone recently traded in a new (I said new!) Atari 800xl in retail box for a PC tower system. He said the person who traded this system in didn't know what he was giving away and I have to agree. I tried to talk the owner into selling the new Atari 800xl but he refused. He said it’s going to sit alongside his Atari 520st -- which is the original one he purchased in 1985.


If anyone has a wish list or is looking for something in particular, I'd be happy to look for it when I visit his store today at 1pm EST.


No charge for the service; I just want to help out fellow Atari fans.

Edited by retrogeek
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I also want to add that he has a very large selection of Atari 8-bit software for sale. I'm not sure what these titles are but I will find out later this afternoon.


Wow! Nice find. I might be interested in xf551 drives if the price is resonable. Did you invite him to join Atariage?


I am also curious about the software list he has.

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I also want to add that he has a very large selection of Atari 8-bit software for sale. I'm not sure what these titles are but I will find out later this afternoon.


Wow! Nice find. I might be interested in xf551 drives if the price is resonable. Did you invite him to join Atariage?


I am also curious about the software list he has.



I'll add the xf551 drives to my list of 'things to find" before I venture up there this afternoon. I offered him an invitation to atariage.com and apparently he's been here before but didn't realize there was a message board. He's a small shop so I wonder if he'll find it offensive if I brought a notepad with me and wrote down what he has. :D I'll try to convince him to post on the boards; I'm sure people here would love to purchase from him.


I'll mention what I find in this thread later in the day.

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Any 1050 with a Happy chip installed, or an XF551. How about an SIOPC cable?


Can you get a list of the 8-bit drives he has availble?


Software? M.U.L.E., Seven cities of Gold, Archon, BattleCruiser, Warship, Cosmic Balance, Cosmic Balance II, Imperium Galactum, Universe Alternate Reality, SpartaDOS.





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Software? M.U.L.E., Seven cities of Gold, Archon, BattleCruiser, Warship, Cosmic Balance, Cosmic Balance II, Imperium Galactum, Universe Alternate Reality, SpartaDOS.

Any other requests besides some of the most expensive A8 software known to man? :P :D


How about Synapse boxes? ... Alley Cat, Dodge Racer, Shadow World?





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Sorry for the delay in response, guys!


This is what's going on at the moment:


He has boxes upon boxes of Atari software sitting in storage behind his counter. He wouldn't let me dig through all the boxes when I was there. I guess I can't blame him; he probably didn't want me trashing the place. :D I brought a list (albeit small) of software requested by some of the members here, and the only one he did claim to have was Alternate Reality for the 8-bit Atari computers. I asked for a price but he didn't have one; he asked me what I thought it was worth. lol I guess it depends on what someone else is willing to pay for the game.


He didn’t seem too keen on the mail order idea. Why? Who knows… maybe he’s just set in his ways.

His stock includes some of the following:


Atari 1200xl computers x 2 (Mint condition; he doesn’t have a price and wanted me to make an offer)


Atari 800 systems x 3 (Again he wanted me to make an offer)


Atari 2600 (wood panel version; wanted me to make an offer)


Atari 2600 joysticks (more than you can shake a stick; between $5-$10 dollars)


Atari 2600 paddles (between $5-$10)


1025 printer accessories (cables; $25)


Unpopulated Atari 1040st boards $20


Atari 1040st (working) $100


Atari ST monochrome / color monitors ($50 each)


Atari 7800 system ($50)


1500 software titles and the price vary depending on the title. My question is: how does he expect us to buy any of his software if no one can browse through all the products? Lol

Non-Atari related items:


Silicon Graphic workstations x 4 ($50 each)


Alpha workstations (no price, he wanted me to make an offer)


Classic Mac computers (I didn’t ask for a price)


He has a large assortment of hard drives (small in capacity), CD-Rom drives, MFM hard drives, etc. for around $20 each.


There is so much stuff packed inside this little store it boggles the mind.

Edited by retrogeek
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