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Jackpot! - Comp Thrift Shop in NH -- Store info added --I AM NOT DOOMMASTER


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Seems as though retro gaming/puting is alive and well in New Hampshire (somewhere in the US) Perhaps the store owner would like to branch out (like over into London) The only retro shops i've seen in London only deal with anything Snes/Megadrive or Later


There was ONE 'decent' retro shop that also dealt with A8 stuff, unfortunately, according to AA member Mayhem UK...He said it had closed down, it used to be based in Shepheds bush, which is the other side of London for me (i'm more west central/north London)


Both of the other 2 shops that do, do retro gaming/puting things...did stock A8 stuff, but not since 2000, I got a working 1050 from 1, sold a working 1050 to another and bought an indus gt (an obscure US 3rd party A8 compatible Disk Drive) from the same shop i sold a 1050 to (though i had a buy a heavy duty ac/dc adapter to use for the indus gt's PSU

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Does Jason still have a shop, or is he online-only nowadays?


He got some cool stuff, expensive though.



edit, here you go:

>>>>>Alternatively items can be brought to our London shop to be sold or exchanged, but please email to confirm you are coming. <<<<<


There is a shop out there in London somewhere!!


Driving into London costing GBP25.00 pretty soon, you might as well order from Jason, is the same difference.



Edited by thomasholzer
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Thank you; I believe you have been the first one (since my initial introduction post) to welcome me to the community. My stay so far hasn't been the greatest but I hope that people start realizing that I am not who they think I am. I'll even go as far as posting my ugly mug on the forum / profile if that helps!


I am sorry you got a bum rap. There are a lot of good and talented people here, I hope you stick around to find that out. Wecome! I appreciate you looking to see what you could offer. Thanks!




Thank you. It wasn't fun but I am over it.


I agree! This place is full of talent and it's very exciting to see all these projects for my favorite systems!

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If your comments to Rob Fulop are any indication of your maturity level, your ability to articulate yourself courteously and/or your reading comprehension, it's no wonder you got a "bum rap." It appears as if your attitude has improved a bit, which is a good sign. If not, I don't think anyone would mind if you were to fly back to TeenagerLand, conjuring animosity in forums where people of your age group congregate, and where it's perhaps more fashionable to be vindictive.

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If your comments to Rob Fulop are any indication of your maturity level, your ability to articulate yourself courteously and/or your reading comprehension, it's no wonder you got a "bum rap."


I got a bum rap based on mistaken identity; attitude had nothing to do with it. You did read the thread didn't you?


My comment in the Rob Fulop thread was dead on; he can't expect to make a living off what he designed for the Atari 2600. Come on, use some common sense here. Secondly, he treated half the people in the thread like low-lives because they couldn't afford more than $50 for his unfinished project. He had it coming. I'm sorry but his status doesn't excuse his conduct.



It appears as if your attitude has improved a bit, which is a good sign. If not, I don't think anyone would mind if you were to fly back to TeenagerLand, conjuring animosity in forums where people of your age group congregate, and where it's perhaps more fashionable to be vindictive.


You'd have an attitude too if people started bashing you over a simple case of mistaken identity. It's not like Retrogeek is a unique name for crying out loud. Being combative towards an onslaught of unwarranted attacks isn't the sign of immaturity; some of the people on this board act far worse and they're twice my age. Hey, you and the others can think what you like about me; it doesn't matter to me! I didn't start any of this so it's not my fault that some of you didn't like getting a taste of your own medicine.

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It wasn't "dead on," or even close to the mark; if he'd been "conceited," or deserved half the other insults you hurled at him, he wouldn't even have bothered asking what was considered a fair price; he would've just gone with the highest number, and expected people to flood him with orders. As you'll notice, he didn't.


Nobody's arm has been twisted to partake of this hobby. It's a chosen pursuit. It's not a designer's fault (nor a homebrewer's, I hasten to add) if any voluntary participant in old-system gaming doesn't have the disposable income that's necessary for enjoying every facet of the pastime. I found many of the arguments irrelevant; if you don't want the game for a higher price than X, don't get it. There's no need to whine.


Using childish terms such as "taste of your own medicine" isn't going to convince anyone that you're not the "bad guy" they mistook you for. Personally, I know nothing about that mix-up; I don't know who you were supposed to be, and don't really care. If you choose your words with a bit more tact, you might find people more receptive. That was my point. (Take it from me, the former king of the tactless know-it-alls.)

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It wasn't "dead on," or even close to the mark; if he'd been "conceited," or deserved half the other insults you hurled at him, he wouldn't even have bothered asking what was considered a fair price;


This is where you're wrong. Rob may have asked for a fair price but notice how he treated the people that offered what they felt was fair. This hobby may be a chosen pursuit but this doesn't give developers like Rob the right to treat his user base so poorly.


Personally, I know nothing about that mix-up; I don't know who you were supposed to be, and don't really care.


Which makes your post completely irrelevant based on the subject matter at hand.

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It's precisely relevant, given that your negative attitude apparently hasn't changed. I guess you'll learn or you won't: You can't expect to be treated like a good guy unless you act like one. If you can't word your thoughts politely, stay out of threads intended for grown-ups. (And Rob didn't treat anyone "poorly" -- this is what I meant by your evident lack of reading comprehension.)

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It's precisely relevant, given that your negative attitude apparently hasn't changed.


This thread wasn't about my attitude so again your post is irrelevant and completely off-base.


And Rob didn't treat anyone "poorly" -- this is what I meant by your evident lack of reading comprehension.)

Ignorance is bliss, Chris. It's written right here as plain as day:


For example


Rob clearly states (and I quote):

(rob fulop @ Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:35 PM) *


Obviously many people would like to do whatever they can to keep the price as low as possible, so I'm not taking a lot of the lowball comments seriously.


There wasn't a single person in the thread low-balling his precious release, Chris. These people were being genuine with their offers and he (i.e. Rob) swept them under the rug with lack-luster comments like the one in bold. He made this remark more than once and they're really hard to miss. Plus someone else quoted the above and responded:


(Mirage1972 @Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:47 PM) *

For the record, if you're including my comments in that... I, for one, am not trying to do anything to keep the price "low", and I don't feel that I'm "lowballing" anything. You asked a question, I'm telling you what I *can* pay, and others are doing the same. Not what I think I would *like* to pay you if money was no object. There may be a few ballers on here who can pay big bucks for games, but most of us are not rich. I'm sure not. We're planning a first house and a child in the very near future, adding to our responsibilities and taking away from discretionary income.


I know you'd like to get a ton of $ for your work. Maybe some would pay you what you'd like. Most cannot. That's reality. I have a feeling I've been priced right out of ever owning an Actionauts cart, and I'm fine with that. It's whatever you want to charge... charge it. Those who cannot pay the price can't have it, and that's life, no hard feelings.


Some of us aren't cheap, we're just not rich. It kinda feels like you're calling us cheap... the ones who cannot pay your ideal price. Sorry. Not cheap, just realistic.


I believe that if anything, your response is more that of ignorance than my having comprehension problems.

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Edit: I see you've changed your post. Well, that's fine; we interpreted Rob's posts differently. I disagree strongly with your reaction to his poll. I've said my 2K.


Just remember: The more time you take to articulate yourself, the less goofy your responses (even to things you don't agree with) will come out, and the better you'll be treated. If you'd like to prove me "ignorant" and "irrelevant," then stop using easy, purely argumentative words like those, and take the time to be clear rather than childish. Then people won't care who else had your nickname.

Edited by Chris++
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Just remember: The more time you take to articulate yourself, the less goofy your responses (even to things you don't agree with) will come out, and the better you'll be treated. If you'd like to prove me "ignorant" and "irrelevant," then stop using easy, purely argumentative words like those, and take the time to be clear rather than childish. Then people won't care who else had your nickname.


Just because you interpreted things one way, and I interpreted it another, doesn't make one point more valid than the other; they're two different points of view. Your post seems out of place in this thread since the subject matter is about who people thought I was. Your rebuttal to the Rob thread would have been more appropriately placed in a separate, entirely new thread addressing this subject only.

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Since you bring up validity, not only did I merely disagree with your reply to Rob (since you continue pressing the issue), but I found it boorish, arrogant -- unfounded in that sense, of course -- juvenile, exaggerated and hurtful. Again, there are more effective ways of stating disagreement than spewing insults.


Also concerning your mention of validity, you'll notice that my initial post in this thread exactly regards "who people thought you were" -- i.e. a guy with a "bad rap." My point was that your continued attitude isn't helping your case. It was (believe it or not) intended as a suggestion. If you begin a thread on a message board, you'll have to expect that anyone has the "right" to reply in any way he feels is appropriate. Whether you agree or not is besides the point, as it's a public forum. I'm not sure what you hope to gain from repeating your statements; a better strategy would be to take the advice.

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Since you bring up validity, not only did I merely disagree with your reply to Rob (since you continue pressing the issue), but I found it boorish, arrogant -- unfounded in that sense, of course -- juvenile, exaggerated and hurtful. Again, there are more effective ways of stating disagreement than spewing insults.


Also concerning your mention of validity, you'll notice that my initial post in this thread exactly regards "who people thought you were" -- i.e. a guy with a "bad rap." My point was that your continued attitude isn't helping your case. It was (believe it or not) intended as a suggestion. If you begin a thread on a message board, you'll have to expect that anyone has the "right" to reply in any way he feels is appropriate. Whether you agree or not is besides the point, as it's a public forum. I'm not sure what you hope to gain from repeating your statements; a better strategy would be to take the advice.


See above.

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Seems as though retro gaming/puting is alive and well in New Hampshire (somewhere in the US) Perhaps the store owner would like to branch out (like over into London)

Actually it sounds like the owner barely wants to sell anything out of his own shop.


I've got to say I've dealt with two 'eccentric' shop owners in the past in the same sort of ancient product area, and neither really went anywhere positive. Both were barely willing to accomodate any buyers, or to sell items for anything approaching a reasonable value - lots of 'yes I know it has as sticker on it from 15 years ago that says $59.95, it is however only worth $5 now' One owner wanted to sell everything in a package deal for something like 50x its actual worth, both were in love with stone age MSRPs. And I wasn't making lowball or unfair current market value offers either.


In one case I actually found the one gents entire store stock several years later. He sold it to another 'eccentric' shop owner who maintained the yellowing original retail sticker prices.


Of the two shops I know one was eventually all thrown into the landfill, and I suspect most of the second was as well.

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It'll definitely take more effort on retro's part to get this guy to sell his stuff, unfortunately.


I was doing something similar with a thrift store. Noone knew how to post online like I was here, and I volunteered to do this for them. I did and had pretty good results, and I was up front about all of it. The only thing I did differently was tell everyone that I was representing an all volunteeer store, so those guys at the store qualified as eccentric since noone wanted to learn about posting/selling.


Sometimes personality quirks stop things from happening. That's where folks like retro and I (who will work with odd individuals) come in. Takes a lot of petience, tho, so give retro some time and leeway.


I cleared them out posting though. I should probably go back, when time permits...


Got your PM, retro, roger that.



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Sometimes personality quirks stop things from happening.

To put it mildly yes. :)


The people I dealt with were 100% in person, no online component even mentioned or suggested. You would fall to the ground and weep at all the goodness that almost assuredly was landfilled. I can still see the one entire store now in memory. :|

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It's precisely relevant, given that your negative attitude apparently hasn't changed.


This thread wasn't about my attitude so again your post is irrelevant and completely off-base.


And Rob didn't treat anyone "poorly" -- this is what I meant by your evident lack of reading comprehension.)

Ignorance is bliss, Chris. It's written right here as plain as day:


For example


Rob clearly states (and I quote):

(rob fulop @ Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:35 PM) *


Obviously many people would like to do whatever they can to keep the price as low as possible, so I'm not taking a lot of the lowball comments seriously.


There wasn't a single person in the thread low-balling his precious release, Chris. These people were being genuine with their offers and he (i.e. Rob) swept them under the rug with lack-luster comments like the one in bold. He made this remark more than once and they're really hard to miss. Plus someone else quoted the above and responded:


(Mirage1972 @Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:47 PM) *

For the record, if you're including my comments in that... I, for one, am not trying to do anything to keep the price "low", and I don't feel that I'm "lowballing" anything. You asked a question, I'm telling you what I *can* pay, and others are doing the same. Not what I think I would *like* to pay you if money was no object. There may be a few ballers on here who can pay big bucks for games, but most of us are not rich. I'm sure not. We're planning a first house and a child in the very near future, adding to our responsibilities and taking away from discretionary income.


I know you'd like to get a ton of $ for your work. Maybe some would pay you what you'd like. Most cannot. That's reality. I have a feeling I've been priced right out of ever owning an Actionauts cart, and I'm fine with that. It's whatever you want to charge... charge it. Those who cannot pay the price can't have it, and that's life, no hard feelings.


Some of us aren't cheap, we're just not rich. It kinda feels like you're calling us cheap... the ones who cannot pay your ideal price. Sorry. Not cheap, just realistic.


I believe that if anything, your response is more that of ignorance than my having comprehension problems.

Wow, you really are still taking me to the mat for using these forums in the way they are intended ... as a place to have a discussion? I came on the forums to learn about the current 2600 cart market. What I found out pretty quickly was that there are TWO distinct groups. One group consists of people like yourself, people who like to play 2600 games, who typically purchase such at thrift stores and flea markets for less than the price of a latte, and who really get into playing the games themselves. For people like yourself, it really doesn't make sense to spend more than $25 on a cartridge .. and if you do ... you expect a GREAT play experience. Let's face it, you can buy Pitfall for $1 and play one of the best games ever made for the system.


The other group consists of the true "collectors" ... people with both the disposable incomes, ingrained nostalgia, and historical perspective (ie, they grew up playing these games and have a deep connection with them). This group is typically older, with more disposable income ... they think nothing of shelling out $80 for an Xbox game .. they can afford such and feel that such is good value. This group really represents the 'customer base' for Actionauts. As I stated many MANY times, this is an UNFINISHED WORK ... there is ALWAYS a reason that any creative professional chooses to not release something they made. Such a reason is pretty much always comes down to the fact that they do not deem the piece 'worthy' at the time. Such was the case with Actionauts, when I decided not to finish it in 1984.

The thread where you first posted was very valuable to me .. in this thread I learned the above information ... and arrived at a price point that makes Actionauts a "no brainer" purchase to the customer base for the game. You are NOT a target customer for this game .. there is no hard feelings whatsover ... you would be DISAPPOINTED in this game at a $30 price point. You do not value what the game is ABOUT .... it's hardly personal. It's just not "for you", end of story. I don't take it personally in the slightest that you are not my target customer. What I have to offer is not of interest to you in the same way that a guy who likes to eat Fish N' Chips is not interested in eating Sushi ... he can buy four Fish N' Chips meals for the price of ONE sushi dinner, and he enjoys the Fish N' Chips more ANYWAY!


The term I have for 2600 fans such as yourself is "lowballer". Do you have a better term, one that doesn't cause you offense? Would you feel better if I used the term "low price game enthusiast?" This is just basic economics .. if you don't value something ... vote with your wallet ... don't buy it. I found your aggressive attitude sort of nostalgic ... sadly .. I'm no longer young enough to know everything. Curious, how old were you in 1984, when I decided to put Actionauts aside?

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I'm giving up on the thrift store in Lee, NH. The owner is a real asshole and he is no longer deserving of our time. He never got back to me with the list and when I called him back he acted like I was putting him out. It really irritates me to no end! Here's this store filled with all these Atari goodies and he isn't willing to sell them at 1.) Reasonable prices and 2.) He is hardly accommodating. I'm sorry for even mentioning this place.



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The term I have for 2600 fans such as yourself is "lowballer". Do you have a better term, one that doesn't cause you offense? Would you feel better if I used the term "low price game enthusiast?" This is just basic economics .. if you don't value something ... vote with your wallet ... don't buy it. I found your aggressive attitude sort of nostalgic ... sadly .. I'm no longer young enough to know everything. Curious, how old were you in 1984, when I decided to put Actionauts aside?



Hello Rob,


I was 9 years old in 1984 and I was a very big fan of your games back in the day (they were some of my favorites). Money is no object to me; you're talking to someone who spends $300+ on Neo-Geo AES games. I was more offended by the way you treated some of your fan base than I was with your term of lowballer. Even though you disagreed with their offers you didn't have to act like they were below you. You mentioned that you made a living from developing software and I was just pointing out that the Atari 2600 may not be the best venue to achieve this on (especially if you were deciding to continue with 2600 development after Actionauts). I hope you made your quota during the pre-order process and hopefully the people who ordered enjoy the game / reap its value in the collector's market. Please excuse the brash nature of my recent post in the Actionauts thread; that was a trying week for me and it obviously poured into some of my posts.

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