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Gamma Attack? WTF?

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I'm still curious as to where the manual and ads were found? Did phantom find just a cart or was there paperwork too?

It's funny that you brought that up. I asked a similar question (about the manual) in the for sale thread of Gamma Attack, and got vague silence. A few days later all this happens with the manual on this website.

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This entire Gamma Attack thing is all a scam, folks. Phantom "finding" this game is a scam. The whole ROM dump nonsense was a scam. This eBay auction - scam. The website - scam.


All a scam, and getting more boring by the minute.

Dude You are out of line. I have the original you dope. It is no scam. if anyone's scamming, its This guy. Patent or not. The game is real . I dont care if this is the real dude or not at this point. Go pay $150 or $50 for the ROM if you want, if this is indeed the real dude. But to say Im a scammer, youre way out of line and if I didnt have to bite my tongue, I'd bite your head off.


Show us an original MR copyrghted owner and guess what, whatevers sold is being delivered and I am posting the ROM for FREE shortly. So come and SUE ME! As for you that are saying I dont have the original. Youre wrong and I couldnt make a cart or a hack if I wanted to. I cant even do magic brite so what are you implying?


This dude took my pics from here. I dont care what he wants to say later, now or ever. I asked him for info months ago about his claims and he was silent and all orders will be filled out of this batch. Youre welcome to go spend $150 if he is real, but its still a reproduction. I have the only real copy and I would love to see this owners copy of the real game. That would make 2. I will get to the bottom of this one way or another and if its someone trying to pretend, I will find out who you are. Either way, Im releasing The ROM to the public so go get a lawyer and sue me and if you are for real, the real Maker of this game (that is supposedly dead), you should have answered my emails months ago. So sue me. I've had enough of this BS and I have the original. As far as Pant Loads comment, everyone that has dealt with me, and thats is MANY here, knows I am no scammer and you can kiss it for that comment.


Edited for Spelling

Edited by Phantom
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I have added the 1983 artwork

of the box back ( never published) & the rapidfire adptor to "About Us" at www.gammation.com.


I also went thru and changed all photos of the screen to my screen capture.

I opened my site in early Feb. & somebody else lifted the instruction page as a manual and the front box art.


This is not a hoax and I once again request everybody to obey my copyright.



Edited by gamecrawler
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I have added the 1983 artwork

of the box back ( never published) & the rapidfire adptor to "About Us" at www.gammation.com.

I also went thru and changed all photos of the screen to my screen capture.

That's nice, but you still haven't answered my e-mail or explained yourself.


Feb and he or somebody else lifted the instruction page as a manual and the front box art.

Huh? :?


This is not a hoax and I once again request everybody to obey my copyright.

Do you really expect anyone to obey some mystery person who comes onto a message board and sends cryptic messages to people, speaks in vague general terms, and refuses to identify and explain himself?


Do you really expect anyone to give you a penny?

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What exactly do u want from me ?



Gamcrawler, if this game came out, and did not sell well, why did it take 25 years or so for someone to find ONE copy of it? WHo did you sell the carts to anyway? How many were produced? Why are you selling repros and not the real one? And isn't Xenia, OH in the same area as the guy that made all those hacks of the horror homebrews?

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What exactly do u want from me ?


A small selection of unanswered questions...


Are you going to be selling original copies of your game as you did in 1983 and why aren't you using your own photos?


Gamecrawler, since you are a programmer I'd like to ask you how many registers does the 6507 have, and what are they?


Could you post some television screen shots?


What exactly are you selling in your auction?


Do you really expect anyone to give you a penny?


How many were produced?

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What exactly do u want from me ?

Well, you can start by telling us who the hell you are.


Gammation was started by Robert L. Esken, Jr. of Enon, OH. If that's you, why don't you prove it and stop playing games? If that's not who you are, then who is/was Robert Esken and who are you?

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What exactly do u want from me ?

Well, you can start by telling us who the hell you are.


Gammation was started by Robert L. Esken, Jr. of Enon, OH. If that's you, why don't you prove it and stop playing games? If that's not who you are, then who is/was Robert Esken and who are you?

Robert Esken was my Dad, he died in 1993.

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What exactly do u want from me ?

Well, you can start by telling us who the hell you are.


Gammation was started by Robert L. Esken, Jr. of Enon, OH. If that's you, why don't you prove it and stop playing games? If that's not who you are, then who is/was Robert Esken and who are you?

Robert Esken was my Dad, he died in 1993.

Good, so I was right...so far we're in agreement. So who are you?

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Robert Esken was my Dad, he died in 1993.

My condolences for your father.


I have to ask:


1. If you don't want this rom to be public domain then why release a demo?

2. How did you hack it?




The demo displays my web address as a hook to my site.


U forget I have my source code and used DASM to reassemble.

I added the start up screen, cut off scoring and set the level to 3 only.

I also changed the CopyRight from 83 to 08 & flash the DEMO sign.


I also am selling a BIN for $19.95, in which u can not start unless u enter an unlock code

which get upon order conformation & approval.



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Robert Esken was my Dad, he died in 1993.

My condolences for your father.


I have to ask:


1. If you don't want this rom to be public domain then why release a demo?

2. How did you hack it?




The demo displays my web address as a hook to my site.


U forget I have my source code and used DASM to reassemble.

I added the start up screen, cut off scoring and set the level to 3 only.

I also changed the CopyRight from 83 to 08 & flash the DEMO sign.


I also am selling a BIN for $19.95, in which u can not start unless u enter an unlock code

which get upon order conformation & approval.




You do realise that a copy of your dad's game has been found and copies are currently being distributed???

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Robert Esken was my Dad, he died in 1993.

My condolences for your father.


I have to ask:


1. If you don't want this rom to be public domain then why release a demo?

2. How did you hack it?




The demo displays my web address as a hook to my site.


U forget I have my source code and used DASM to reassemble.

I added the start up screen, cut off scoring and set the level to 3 only.

I also changed the CopyRight from 83 to 08 & flash the DEMO sign.


I also am selling a BIN for $19.95, in which u can not start unless u enter an unlock code

which get upon order conformation & approval.




You do realise that a copy of your dad's game has been found and copies are currently being distributed???

I am pretty sure he knows check post 159


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Where is an original copy? Thats what I would like to know. Do you have one and do you have a pic?

This is all a waste because I am dunping the ROM regardless and you can come sue me if you want.

Why you wouldnt contact me back months ago besides once with one line short word answers is beyond me if you are in fact the real deal.....

that still isnt stopping me from sharing the original ROM. Tootles ;)

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Robert Esken was my Dad, he died in 1993.

My condolences for your father.


I have to ask:


1. If you don't want this rom to be public domain then why release a demo?

2. How did you hack it?




The demo displays my web address as a hook to my site.


U forget I have my source code and used DASM to reassemble.

I added the start up screen, cut off scoring and set the level to 3 only.

I also changed the CopyRight from 83 to 08 & flash the DEMO sign.


I also am selling a BIN for $19.95, in which u can not start unless u enter an unlock code

which get upon order conformation & approval.




You do realise that a copy of your dad's game has been found and copies are currently being distributed???

I am pretty sure he knows check post 159



It was a rhetorical question.

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