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Gamma Attack? WTF?

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Where is an original copy? Thats what I would like to know. Do you have one and do you have a pic?

This is all a waste because I am dunping the ROM regardless and you can come sue me if you want.

Why you wouldnt contact me back months ago besides once with one line short word answers is beyond me if you are in fact the real deal.....

that still isnt stopping me from sharing the original ROM. Tootles ;)



well, he doesn't have to have a hard copy, he could have just had the source code on some media. If this is for real, I'd be wary of doing anything production wise till this is figured out.


If you wanna dump it or have carts produced, and force him to sue you, go ahead, but you do expose ourself to the legal consequences. Also, if this guy is the true copyright owner, you're kinda pissing on him.


Granted, this is all only valid if this guy turns out to be real, and such. I'd just side with caution on this one. Obviously he plans to make the cart public with his own BIN and Repro, so it's not like he's not going to make it public himself. Really, the only thing he's done remotely wrong to this point is not communicate with you the way you wanted him to. He's not hoarding the game or even responding harshly considering the abrasiveness of some people here.

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Has anyone actually checked if the game copyright has been re-registered?




I ran a search last night and did not find it. ots of other games fro 1978 a the way up to 2008 but no gamma attack. I guess if it was done very recenty it may not show up yet but I don't know.

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Has anyone actually checked if the game copyright has been re-registered?




I ran a search last night and did not find it. ots of other games fro 1978 a the way up to 2008 but no gamma attack. I guess if it was done very recenty it may not show up yet but I don't know.

looks like the auction is gone too.

Edited by midnight8
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Mr. Esken.


The Atari collector community is very small and as you can see cautious about any claims that don't seem to be substantiated. The fun of our hobby is more than just owning the original games or reproductions,it is knowing the stories about them. Please consider answering a few questions to add to the knowledge of this game.


1. What prompted you to bring Gammation back? A phone call, email, letter, or something else? If it was a letter,and you kept it, what is the date in the top left? I sent a letter to your attention but never heard back.


2. Just to clarify for everyone who thinks you're dead, you are the Jr. that started the company, correct?


3. So how did Gammation get started? How old were you? Was this a first business?


4. What is the story on how the company name and mascot were chosen?


5. How did you learn to program for the Atari 2600?


6. What tools did you use to do the programming back then? And how did you produce the cartridges (cases, chips used, etc.)?


7. What is the story on Gamma Attack? Was this a hack of another game or an original from scratch?


8. How many copies did you sell? If you had leftover stuff, what did you do with it?


9. What are your memories of the video game crash?


10. Would the new levels you mentioned be a separate cartridge or somehow incorporated into the original game?


11. Anything else geeks like us would find interesting?

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I just checked with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office...no (live or dead) trademarks on Gammation or Gamma Attack.

Stuff like this makes me wonder why people try to screw with the Atari community so much. One day these idiots will learn don't screw with a hobby where most people are more intelligent than the scammer, and there is very little reward involved. You are better served going to the Coin, Baseball card, or comic industry. Much higher chance of success with bigger reward. To put it simpy "This is the wrong hobby to screw with."

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I just checked with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office...no (live or dead) trademarks on Gammation or Gamma Attack.

Stuff like this makes me wonder why people try to screw with the Atari community so much. One day these idiots will learn don't screw with a hobby where most people are more intelligent than the scammer, and there is very little reward involved. You are better served going to the Coin, Baseball card, or comic industry. Much higher chance of success with bigger reward. To put it simpy "This is the wrong hobby to screw with."


Forget Gammation. The real question is who or where the heck was that hack/pirate MENAVISION company?

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Forget Gammation. The real question is who or where the heck was that hack/pirate MENAVISION company?

What does that have to do with anything?


Gammation existed...I have a copy of their business filing with the state of Ohio. That's not the issue. I'm simply saying that there has been no trademarks filed on the Gammation or Gamma Attack names (as this 'gamecrawler' person claims).

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Forget Gammation. The real question is who or where the heck was that hack/pirate MENAVISION company?

What does that have to do with anything?


Gammation existed...I have a copy of their business filing with the state of Ohio. That's not the issue. I'm simply saying that there has been no trademarks filed on the Gammation or Gamma Attack names (as this 'gamecrawler' person claims).



It has nothing to do with it, that's the point. Gammation is out there, Menavision info is not, so I was just throwing that up in the air.

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Gammation is out there, Menavision info is not, so I was just throwing that up in the air.

I see. Yeah, but there's no information on Panda either (that I've been able to find). :ponder:


But those were pirate companies, so it's understandable. :pirate: ;)

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Again if this is a publicity stunt and nothing more, than go ahead Omega and buy it. Again you are not trying the checkout to buy it. So again some part of you as well thinks this could be a scam. My point is this. Put up or shut up. If you really think this is a hoax go to the checkout and buy the thing. Again, much talk, no action.

Woah, calm down Homer! Why are you getting so riled?



I have already ordered and paid for a cart from Shawn so I'm not going to pay double. Honestly I only buy from places that have been around for awhile too as I don't know how good their security is. I wouldn't want to see my bank account cleared if someone hacked their account.

I am getting riled because I get tired of people spouting off their opinions as fact. I personally have a feeling it is a scam. For those who think this is hoax, the easiest way to remove all doubt is to actually use the checkout. If it does not link to your Paypal account, or it refuses to let you buy the thing, than you win the argument plain in simple. Yet so many people come off so cocky when spouting off their opinions it starts to get aggravating. Here we have a moment of truth(Lousy Fox show by the way). Do people really believe what they say. If you have no doubts it is all some stupid hoax than try to buy the thing. Because if this was a elaborate hoax. The people of the hoax would not try to rip you off. This has more than this argument I am talking about. I am so riled because this is the one time I can say prove it. The one time I can put someone talking arrogantly in their place. I usually don't have that opportunity. But with this argument and this situation I do. I am stressing this point so vehemently because their are larger issues involved. I am basically shoving the mirror in peoples faces and saying "Take a freaking look at yourself, your opinion is not fact, so don't come off like it is."

If that is all it takes to get you riled up then you have problems.Ive been on these boards for a long time and seen my share of hoaxes. If the facts don't add up then it points to being a hoax. Like I said before, we should all believe that after all these years the founder of Gammation or his son, magically appears and has carts available for sale. Even though people tried contacting him without success. And, coincidently, its at the same time someone else has made carts and is getting ready to distribute them. Yes, you are right, how could I possible believe this is a hoax.

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1. Your letter & web search with AtariAge threads showing great interest in my game

2. Yes, I am Jr.

3. Gammation got started by me building a rapidfire circuit FP-1 "Fire Power" that could be easily installed in the 2600

joystick. ( sold less than 250).

Also,I was an an avid 2600 gamer starting in the late 70's, I bought my brother a 2600 cartridge that would allow u to write small programs in the 2600. The associated manual gave out ATARI information on it's graphic & sound registers. Being an early 6800 assembly programmer and hardwarer. I bought an appleII plus(6502) from a guy at work & designed & built a ROM emulator (wire wrapped) board that resided in the Apple II and cabled into the 2600 cartridge port.

After a hard year of writing assembly code on the AppleII, downloading and debugging "GammaAttack" was born.


Yes, first business, I was 34-36.


4. I don't remember how I came up with the name, but "Gammy" is my wife's artwork & we both share the trademark

registration on both.

5. like I said I already had a 6800 assembly background, it was hard because Atari kept all details close.


6. a 6502 assembler, my homebrew rom emulator ( limited to 2K RAM), and many late night candles.


7. GammaAttack was original from scratch, LaserBlast had a slight influence on a concept, but u can see nothing in the

design & code came from that.

8. sold less than 20 copies, still kept one ROM and several source listing, and the original box art which was never used.


9. I got out before the total crash, magazine ads were very expensive compared what I was selling, barely broke even


10. Not sure yet I am relying on BB right now, to avoid having to totally become a assembly coder again, I have been writing C++ flight simulation code for the past 25 years, not ready to go all the way back.

Based on the current threads not sure why I should continue with new levels and games, if they will be stolen without

giving me credit or renumeration.


11. I used 2600IDE & BB /DASM to program my demo & BIN file opening pages. 2600IDE to Stella is amazing compared

to my AppleII Plus & 2K homebrew rom emulator.


12. I re-instated the auction.


Mr. Esken


The Atari collector community is very small and as you can see cautious about any claims that don't seem to be substantiated. The fun of our hobby is more than just owning the original games or reproductions,it is knowing the stories about them. Please consider answering a few questions to add to the knowledge of this game.


1. What prompted you to bring Gammation back? A phone call, email, letter, or something else? If it was a letter,and you kept it, what is the date in the top left? I sent a letter to your attention but never heard back.


2. Just to clarify for everyone who thinks you're dead, you are the Jr. that started the company, correct?


3. So how did Gammation get started? How old were you? Was this a first business?


4. What is the story on how the company name and mascot were chosen?


5. How did you learn to program for the Atari 2600?


6. What tools did you use to do the programming back then? And how did you produce the cartridges (cases, chips used, etc.)?


7. What is the story on Gamma Attack? Was this a hack of another game or an original from scratch?


8. How many copies did you sell? If you had leftover stuff, what did you do with it?


9. What are your memories of the video game crash?


10. Would the new levels you mentioned be a separate cartridge or somehow incorporated into the original game?


11. Anything else geeks like us would find interesting?

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1. Your letter & web search with AtariAge threads showing great interest in my game

2. Yes, I am Jr.

3. Gammation got started by me building a rapidfire circuit FP-1 "Fire Power" that could be easily installed in the 2600

joystick. ( sold less than 250).

Also,I was an an avid 2600 gamer starting in the late 70's, I bought my brother a 2600 cartridge that would allow u to write small programs in the 2600. The associated manual gave out ATARI information on it's graphic & sound registers. Being an early 6800 assembly programmer and hardwarer. I bought an appleII plus(6502) from a guy at work & designed & built a ROM emulator (wire wrapped) board that resided in the Apple II and cabled into the 2600 cartridge port.

After a hard year of writing assembly code on the AppleII, downloading and debugging "GammaAttack" was born.


Yes, first business, I was 34-36.


4. I don't remember how I came up with the name, but "Gammy" is my wife's artwork & we both share the trademark

registration on both.

5. like I said I already had a 6800 assembly background, it was hard because Atari kept all details close.


6. a 6502 assembler, my homebrew rom emulator ( limited to 2K RAM), and many late night candles.


7. GammaAttack was original from scratch, LaserBlast had a slight influence on a concept, but u can see nothing in the

design & code came from that.

8. sold less than 20 copies, still kept one ROM and several source listing, and the original box art which was never used.


9. I got out before the total crash, magazine ads were very expensive compared what I was selling, barely broke even


10. Not sure yet I am relying on BB right now, to avoid having to totally become a assembly coder again, I have been writing C++ flight simulation code for the past 25 years, not ready to go all the way back.

Based on the current threads not sure why I should continue with new levels and games, if they will be stolen without

giving me credit or renumeration.


11. I used 2600IDE & BB /DASM to program my demo & BIN file opening pages. 2600IDE to Stella is amazing compared

to my AppleII Plus & 2K homebrew rom emulator.


12. I re-instated the auction.


Mr. Esken


The Atari collector community is very small and as you can see cautious about any claims that don't seem to be substantiated. The fun of our hobby is more than just owning the original games or reproductions,it is knowing the stories about them. Please consider answering a few questions to add to the knowledge of this game.


1. What prompted you to bring Gammation back? A phone call, email, letter, or something else? If it was a letter,and you kept it, what is the date in the top left? I sent a letter to your attention but never heard back.


2. Just to clarify for everyone who thinks you're dead, you are the Jr. that started the company, correct?


3. So how did Gammation get started? How old were you? Was this a first business?


4. What is the story on how the company name and mascot were chosen?


5. How did you learn to program for the Atari 2600?


6. What tools did you use to do the programming back then? And how did you produce the cartridges (cases, chips used, etc.)?


7. What is the story on Gamma Attack? Was this a hack of another game or an original from scratch?


8. How many copies did you sell? If you had leftover stuff, what did you do with it?


9. What are your memories of the video game crash?


10. Would the new levels you mentioned be a separate cartridge or somehow incorporated into the original game?


11. Anything else geeks like us would find interesting?


So was your father the owner or you? It was you that did the programming?

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please remove this bin & replace with my demo version.

This my property, and it is copyrighted and not in the public domain.









OMG, I dontcome on Atariage for 24 hours and shit explodes? Anyhow here is the REAL Rom:





You have no copyright dude, it's been looked into and you said yourself you don't have a copyright. Thanks for coming out though.

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1. Your letter & web search with AtariAge threads showing great interest in my game

2. Yes, I am Jr.

3. Gammation got started by me building a rapidfire circuit FP-1 "Fire Power" that could be easily installed in the 2600

joystick. ( sold less than 250).

Also,I was an an avid 2600 gamer starting in the late 70's, I bought my brother a 2600 cartridge that would allow u to write small programs in the 2600. The associated manual gave out ATARI information on it's graphic & sound registers. Being an early 6800 assembly programmer and hardwarer. I bought an appleII plus(6502) from a guy at work & designed & built a ROM emulator (wire wrapped) board that resided in the Apple II and cabled into the 2600 cartridge port.

After a hard year of writing assembly code on the AppleII, downloading and debugging "GammaAttack" was born.


Yes, first business, I was 34-36.


4. I don't remember how I came up with the name, but "Gammy" is my wife's artwork & we both share the trademark

registration on both.

5. like I said I already had a 6800 assembly background, it was hard because Atari kept all details close.


6. a 6502 assembler, my homebrew rom emulator ( limited to 2K RAM), and many late night candles.


7. GammaAttack was original from scratch, LaserBlast had a slight influence on a concept, but u can see nothing in the

design & code came from that.

8. sold less than 20 copies, still kept one ROM and several source listing, and the original box art which was never used.


9. I got out before the total crash, magazine ads were very expensive compared what I was selling, barely broke even


10. Not sure yet I am relying on BB right now, to avoid having to totally become a assembly coder again, I have been writing C++ flight simulation code for the past 25 years, not ready to go all the way back.

Based on the current threads not sure why I should continue with new levels and games, if they will be stolen without

giving me credit or renumeration.


11. I used 2600IDE & BB /DASM to program my demo & BIN file opening pages. 2600IDE to Stella is amazing compared

to my AppleII Plus & 2K homebrew rom emulator.


12. I re-instated the auction.



Ok, then when the market in general is bad, and Atari games are sold from 12-35 dollars usually, and some times lots more (Atari Charles) but with very harsh criticism from the board.


How can you justify your price?


I guess the labels might be able to have a addition to give credit, if its not in the game already, if credit was so important then it should already be in the game.


You never really stood to make money on this, the lowest estimate to make a cheep crappy cart is between 5-6 dollars (Hoozer), a nice cart cost more then that (10-15) ... the rest is lost in unexpected production cost and time to make and put the cart together.


Why did your wife say you were dead? If you poke around there are threads that are against thieves all over, we are an honest community, however 150ish dollars for a 24 year old game that is going to be labeled to make it clear its a repo and not an original cart ...


1) cannot heart sales of the 'real thing'

2) shouldn't suddenly bother you after 20 something years... after all YOU had/have a ROM burner too.


To us, from our stand point you MUST understand that this reeks of day old sushi ...


1) attempted contact failed by post

1b) relationship to the project was denied verbally by someone in your house calming to be your wife.

2) production was started, money changed hands.

3) you show up.

4) you charge 'unjust price' for antiquated hardware that the Copyright office isn't going to care about.

5) you make demands of us, well after we started working on this, not right way when it was first brought up.

5b) A better way to handle it would have been to ask for a preproduction copy to ok the content, and ask that you be given due credit on the label.




6) you stole pictures rather then putting up your own on your own hardware.

Edited by FireTiger
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