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Gamma Attack? WTF?

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As the copyright holder (with or without the paperwork!), here's hoping you'll see some sort of royalty payment on the 82 or however many that are being made.


Your going along with this guy and you don't even know who he is. He doesn't have a copyright by the way as that was fully researched to all extent before hand. If he's gettingone now whatever that cool, he didn't program the game so that might behard to do. Talk about rubbernecking where you don't belong.! :roll:


I've talked to "gamecrawler" and we are cool so mind your own bees wax.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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Sorry for this mess & drama, I waited so I could be sure my IP was protected. Both the copyrights & trademarks were submitted thru legalzoom and I have been notified by the US Patent & Copyright Office & Trademark Office that they have been received. It may be months before they posted.

It's understandable that you'd want to protect your game, but you must realize that we're all friends here (for the most part!) and no one would have ripped you off had you just come out and been honest. Nothing wrong with covering your ass legally, but that's quite expensive to do as anything other than a last resort. Anyway, if you've been browsing around here for a while, I'm sure you've noticed that we have many programmers making new games for the 2600 and other systems. Most of them sell cartridges of their work and we all want to see designers compensated for their efforts.


I am done with this drama & If u guys include copyright GAM 83 as shown on the original screen and copyright Gammation 1983 on program content on box & manual, with TM marks on mascot & Gammation name if. Thats fine with me. Please send me pics of everything sent out, so I can post them on my site.


I am done with GammaAttack4, I am reducing my site to memorabilia & a free demo download.


Hopefully, I will be back with a newer version & new games.

Please do come back with more...and realize that no one here is going to rip you off. Not much can be done about the Gamma Attack cartridges that were already made, but I can assure you that no one else will make carts of your games without permission. To do so would be an insult to you and an insult to the community here.


And thanks for answering my e-mail...I sent you another and I hope you'll get in contact with me. :)

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Technically I think the original owner has the Copyright until 2010. An original copyright lasts for 27 years once it is published. Since it was sold to the public, even in extremely small numbers, it is still his game. The game screen itself says 1983 on it so this one is a no brainer as to when it was copywritten. Here is something for people to chew on. A copyright does not have to be submitted to the patten office. The fact that this was submitted to the public and he put copyright on the gamescreen is more than enough for a copyright. Now let's talk dollars and sense here. Dollars wise my guess is that Shawn and Phantom made somewhere between $1,000 to $2,000 on this project combined. Sense wise, they also spent a ton of time and effort to get this thing put together. They are in no way making a huge profit out of this. Trying to go after someone for so little would be extremely fool hardy in my opinion. I believe this project that they did was more of a service to the community more than anything else. In fact if I was the original copyright person I would be honored that there are people that still want to play this game. Remember this is obsolete technology. This is not something that is going to be sold in Target anytime soon. So to the Copyright holder, think about it, your game that you and your father made is now being honored once again by gaming enthusiasts. And instead of just 20 who want to play it. You have 82 who were willing to buy, and 300 or 400 more who want to play it online. If I were you I would just release this ROM for free to the public. More people can enjoy and understand the great work you did 25 years ago. Sides you are going to make this game complete with a couple of more levels. If you just let the rom go, then when it comes time to sell more people will want to buy the finished product. No one is going to get rich off this game, so let it go and be happy people still want to play this game. :)

Edited by homerwannabee
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Dollars wise my guess is that Shawn and Phantom made somewhere between $1,000 to $2,000 on this project combined.


About 100 hours work total and $1127 dollars to be exact.


EDIT: I forgot that is BEFORE shipping which is gonna cost another $300 roughly.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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GammaAttack was original from scratch, LaserBlast had a slight influence on a concept, but u can see nothing in the design & code came from that.

The game definitely plays a bit like a mixture of Chopper Command/Defender and Laser Blast. Not bad...nothing special, but pretty neat given the time period and the circumstances under which it was made. Definitely an interesting addition to the 2600 library. Anyway, it's nice to finally see this game. :) :thumbsup:

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Technically I think the original owner has the Copyright until 2010. An original copyright lasts for 27 years once it is published.

You may want to research things some more first, before posting legal information on public boards. Since the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act do copyrights in the states last for

life of the author plus 70 years and for works of corporate authorship to 120 years after creation or 95 years after publication, whichever endpoint is earlier

Fine that this seems to steer towards a happy end. If I calculated right, then Bob Esken should be in his 60s now, so that might explain some of his behaviour ;)


Kudos if he's still programming the VCS this age!

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As the copyright holder (with or without the paperwork!), here's hoping you'll see some sort of royalty payment on the 82 or however many that are being made.


Your going along with this guy and you don't even know who he is. He doesn't have a copyright by the way as that was fully researched to all extent before hand. If he's gettingone now whatever that cool, he didn't program the game so that might behard to do. Talk about rubbernecking where you don't belong.! :roll:


I've talked to "gamecrawler" and we are cool so mind your own bees wax.


Hi Shawn,


I'm just trying to support someone who seems to care about what he feels is his property.

Rubbernecking... it's an open forum, as far as I know. I assume varying opinions and bees wax are allowed on the board. ;)

Anyway, I'm glad that you and gamecrawler have talked and are cool.




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Fine that this seems to steer towards a happy end. If I calculated right, then Bob Esken should be in his 60s now, so that might explain some of his behaviour ;)

Yes, AFAIK he's right around 60.


Kudos if he's still programming the VCS this age!

Indeed...and hopefully we haven't chased him away. It'd be nice to see him polish up Gamma Attack with some additional levels or do something totally new. 8)

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Indeed...and hopefully we haven't chased him away. It'd be nice to see him polish up Gamma Attack with some additional levels or do something totally new. icon_cool.gif

Yer then charge $150 for it :roll:

I doubt very much that will be the case. Either way, give the guy a break. He's new here and not used to this sort of thing, and as things stand now he hasn't really made any money from his game (even though other people have)...so let's be fair here.

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Indeed...and hopefully we haven't chased him away. It'd be nice to see him polish up Gamma Attack with some additional levels or do something totally new. icon_cool.gif

Yer then charge $150 for it :roll:

I doubt very much that will be the case. Either way, give the guy a break. He's new here and not used to this sort of thing, and as things stand now he hasn't really made any money from his game (even though other people have)...so let's be fair here.


Thank U & Thank U, I still will support 2600 gaming. Any new additions to my site, I let u guys know, www.gammation.com


bob e

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Indeed...and hopefully we haven't chased him away. It'd be nice to see him polish up Gamma Attack with some additional levels or do something totally new. icon_cool.gif

Yer then charge $150 for it :roll:

I doubt very much that will be the case. Either way, give the guy a break. He's new here and not used to this sort of thing, and as things stand now he hasn't really made any money from his game (even though other people have)...so let's be fair here.


Thank U & Thank U, I still will support 2600 gaming. Any new additions to my site, I let u guys know, www.gammation.com


bob e


I'll be watching for updates. Hope everything turned out well.

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I just got to this thread...............What in the heck did I just read and what in the heck is going on????? I'm soo CONFUSED??


What's happened is Bob E., gamecrawler, a gentleman claiming the copyrights to Gamma Attack, has caused a huge stink over the game putting a halt on Shawn Sr.'s progress. All seems cool now but we got a bunch of skeptics who really think that Bob. E. can't say or do anything about what Shawn has done. Bob E. and Shawn Sr. have come to an accord and the game Shawn Sr. has put together for us guys who bought a copy of Gamma Attack from Shawn Sr. is going to happen with no problems. I feel as if I just explained an episode of a soap opera. :D

Edited by ninermaniac
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I just got to this thread...............What in the heck did I just read and what in the heck is going on????? I'm soo CONFUSED??


What's happened is Bob E., gamecrawler, a gentleman claiming the copyrights to Gamma Attack, has caused a huge stink over the game putting a halt on Shawn Sr.'s progress. All seems cool now but we got a bunch of skeptics who really think that Bob. E. can't say or do anything about what Shawn has done. Bob E. and Shawn Sr. have come to an accord and the game Shawn Sr. has put together for us guys who bought a copy of Gamma Attack from Shawn Sr. is going to happen with no problems. I feel as if I just explained an episode of a soap opera. :D


That's what this thread sounded like.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm looking forward to get a closer look at the original cart and its inner works.


Also, can you please tell to me where exactly that b&w paperwork came from?






I can pretty much garuntee he's not gonna take it apart.

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