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what's the deal with K-Razy Shoot-Out


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It is listed here as an r4 but I never see it. Why is that? It seems like it never pops up on ebay.


It shows up from time to time. In my opinion the AtariAge rarity guide could use some updating. K-Razy Shoot-Out was on of the last 5200 games that I needed. It is much rarer than a rarity 4.


do you have all the 5200 games? I have about 60 right now.

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I was thinking (hoping?) it was more on the commonish side, but now that you guys mention it, I don't think I've never seen a copy, even on eBay. But then again, I never really looked out for this title in particular, until last weekend when I got K-Razy Shootout for my Atari 800.


Awesome game, by the way.

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I was thinking (hoping?) it was more on the commonish side, but now that you guys mention it, I don't think I've never seen a copy, even on eBay. But then again, I never really looked out for this title in particular, until last weekend when I got K-Razy Shootout for my Atari 800.


Awesome game, by the way.


I've been looking for it for a while. I have seen it come up on ebay once. It only went for about 25 bucks but I forgot to bid until an hour after it was over. Just seemed odd cause most of the times items listed a r4's are usually all over ebay. So is the game any good?

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So is the game any good?


I've only played the 400/800 version, but yeah, it's good. Like Berzerk but faster, and there are only three enemies on screen at a time (and if you're not careful of your position on the screen, they may spawn right where you're standing and kill you). Maybe in later levels there are more, but I've only gotten as high as level 4. And since there's no Evil Otto, you can kind of take your time, hide out and take potshots at the robots. Don't take too long, though, because there is an energy/life/time meter that slowly dwindles during the game (it resets after every level). I've never waited for it to deplete itself, but I can only presume that it kills you if it does. I almost forgot: walls are still deadly to the touch, as in Berzerk.


Hope that helps. :)

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It is listed here as an r4 but I never see it. Why is that? It seems like it never pops up on ebay.

It shows up from time to time. In my opinion the AtariAge rarity guide could use some updating. K-Razy Shoot-Out was on of the last 5200 games that I needed. It is much rarer than a rarity 4.

DPG has it rated as a 6.

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You know there is that USB cart from Classics that can allow you to play all the carts. Thats the way I go! Krazy shoot out is ok, maybe about equal to berzerk. But I get bored of it quick. I wish they would just make Frenzy for the Atari 5200.


I may buy one of those later but right now I want to get as many orig carts as I can. Just something about being able to look at the games. The 5200 is probably the system I pay the most.

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