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Thoughts on Atari XEGM?


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Hey all.

I have been thinking quite a bit about jumping a little deeper into the Atari computer gaming side of things. I have an 800XL, but from everything I have read, the XEGM is really the way to go for computer gaming in terms of Atari 8 bit. In one thread I found, someone boasted compatibility with 8 bit carts is something aroun d 99%, as there are a few 800 carts that aren't compatible. I'd run into this with the XL box, and still miss out on the XE stuff. I know a place where I can buy a complete new XEGM, and I think it would be an ok deal.


The downside is waiting a week and a half... I is the broke at teh moment...purchased a TON of random other gaming related items. I figure I can make this, and some carts my last major gaming splurge for a few months. Ha ha ha!


But seriously, XEGM...way to go?

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The XL and XE use the same operating system and anything that ran on the XL will run on the XE. Only things that won't run are some stuff that are some games that ran on the 400/800 that made function calls to the old operating system. Also any software like on the 130XE or anything using extended memory will not run on a 64k machine. The XEs also can output chroma/luma and people been able to modify that to output to S-video displays. One other option you can do is get the Atari-Max 30 in 0 Operating System modification and you can run any piece of software written for an Atari computer (except 5200 carts)

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I agree with Steve here. I have an XEGM and its pretty cheesy. I'd say the 800xl is your best bet.





I have to say I much prefer a 130XE or 800XL to the XEGS.


I just was never down with the whole 2-part keyboard thing, plus those big pastel console buttons are a PITA.



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I keep the XEGM around just because it's different (and I picked it up super cheap, 'way back in 1991, for $5 CIB at a flea market), but I've never really used it beyond making sure that it works.


I've found that, for general purposes, a stock 800XL does pretty good.

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I like the idea of the XEGS. Having an extended keyboard is great. But why did they not bring over the Start, Select, Option, Reset keys. Argg!! And yes I hate the pastel color. Someone should try to paint the XEGS with a new color scheme. Maybe just painting them grey would help or maybe cut out an XE button set and plastic weld it into the XEGS. (Hmmm... future project.) Of course the most important issue with the XEGS is the keyboard itself. It kind of sucks. Maybe sombody could put a 130xe or even a 1200 keyboard into the XEGS.


Maybe somebody could take the Start, Select, Option, and Reset buttons and add them in the XEGS keyboard. You probable have to add an extra set of wires coming out of the XEGS to the keyboard but at least they would be there to use. You could just put them along the keyboard cable and slide one of those shrink tubes over it or at least try to tape it nicely.



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Well I own an 800, 1200xl, 800xl, 130xe and an XEGS. Out of those I think I use the XEGS the most. Probably because I don't bother to hook up the keyboard and the fact that it has standard A/V outs. It works great as a game console if you have a lot of carts. :)



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I like the XEGM because there is lots of room if you like to experiment with mods and such. However, because it uses 2 64K DRAMS, the usual 65XE / 130XE RAM upgrades won't work. I do like the detachable Kb and if you get the Best Electronics upgraded key plungers its very nice to type on. I agree the pastel keys are hideous and would be much better grey.


I do use my 130XE the most, but my XEGM is probably a close second.

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In my honest oppinion, if the XE keyboards didnt suck, the XEGS would be a niuce little machine. They dont typically exhibit any of the flakiness issues that the earlier XE line did. They have pretty decent build quality at the PCB level. Overall, though, I wouldnt trade an 800XL for one. The XE keyboards are horrible.. Even with the "keyboard feel" upgrade kit installed, they dont compare with the 600/800/1200XL or 800 keyboards. If all you do is play games, the XEGS is a damn good machine...

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If all you do is play games, the XEGS is a damn good machine...

That's where I'm at, if you just use the XEGS for cartridge gaming then having a detachable keyboard is a big plus. I don't have or want a 5200, and the XEGS looks nice sitting between my 2600 and 7800 on the shelf. Agreed that the pastel color buttons are ugly, don't think I've run across one person that would admit liking them :P

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OK, I couldn't resist... and HAD to get an XEGM... found one on ebay from myatari/B&C... just over $50 shipped for the core unit. What kinds of joysticks work on the 8 bit computers? I recall using the 2600 slik stick with the 800XL back in the day. So... yeah, I am waaaaay excited. I'm gonna be digging up carts in a week and a half off of myatari.com. Anyone else know of good sources for 8 bit cartridges? What are some titles that come recommended?

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Hello guys (and gals)


Mine say Atari XE system on the sticker on the bottom of the case. I've always called them XEGS.


I've got two of those, because the first I bought didn't work (Guus Assmann fixed that years later/ago) and when I exchanged this one, I bought the defective one for something like 7 euro's. The shop selling them was based in the cellar of a two family house. They once sold Amiga's but now sell PC's. They had bought a bunch of XEGS, that wer intended for the Italian market. Meaning the power plug had to be replaced. They had no clue about Atari 8 bit computers. Unfortunately, I never asked if more XEGS were faulty. I might have been able to buy a lot of them. :-(


The one that worked from the get go is the one that has my 1MB memory expansion, by the way.


What I do not like about the XEGS:


- Joysticks etc. are hard to plug in

- The MMU has been changed. Which means one of the signals you need for a parallel bus (the thing you'ld plug the BlackBox into) is no longer present. IIRC the XEGS misses the MPD signal.


But I like the way they look. And because they are boxy, they can be put inside a shopping crate and taken to a meeting easily.


BTW if you compare the XEGS schematics to the Super Video mods by Ben Poahland, you'll see that some resistor values are different. Another one of Atari's little errors?





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I have read that the XEGM referes to the core computer unit, while XEGS refers to the whole set-up of computer, keys, controller, light gun, and teh bundled games. Could have been a sales pitch, not sure. Still got an ok price. I am not complaining.

I will be using it primarily as a game base, as I cannot think of too many vintage computer apps that I would need to use.

I also took a look at the computers that I already have (had to dig through the garage), and aside from the 800XL, I also have a 130XE. So, I will now have 3 8 bit machines.


I've started hunting for game carts... which I find rather fun. The only games I remember playing were Superman, and Plaque Man. So, there is a LOT that I missed out on. Necromancer, Blue Max, and Dark Chambers sound fun. I am also wondering how the Star Raiders games improved on 8 bit?

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Lots of Atari's here at Poobah's Home for Wayward and Orphaned Computers. The 8 bit that sees power the most is the XEGS, it is hooked to the composite in on my flat panel... Nothing like a little old school 8 bit gaming in a PnP window =]

The detachable keyboard is a plus, and the system take up very little desk real estate.

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I can't back this up with any hard evidence, but in my experience XEGS units seem much more prone to failure than the other machines in the XL/XE series.


Over the years I'd say about 30%-40% of the XEGS units I've picked up were DOA for one reason or another.



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I like the idea of the XEGS. Having an extended keyboard is great. But why did they not bring over the Start, Select, Option, Reset keys. Argg!! And yes I hate the pastel color. Someone should try to paint the XEGS with a new color scheme. Maybe just painting them grey would help or maybe cut out an XE button set and plastic weld it into the XEGS. (Hmmm... future project.) Of course the most important issue with the XEGS is the keyboard itself. It kind of sucks. Maybe sombody could put a 130xe or even a 1200 keyboard into the XEGS.


Maybe somebody could take the Start, Select, Option, and Reset buttons and add them in the XEGS keyboard. You probable have to add an extra set of wires coming out of the XEGS to the keyboard but at least they would be there to use. You could just put them along the keyboard cable and slide one of those shrink tubes over it or at least try to tape it nicely.



If you take apart your XEGS keyboard, you will find that all those keys are already there. For some reason only the "Help" was made accessible from the top of the keyboard. The XEGS uses the same standard keyboards as the rest of the XE line.

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Mine has always been fully functional, but has to be turned off for like 10 seconds to reboot. If you just throw the switch off and then back on it whatever I had previously been doing remains. Its a pain when trying to boot up a different disk of some kind. It reminds me of how the Apple II's worked.


However, as a system for just playing carts I'd say its a decent choice.



I can't back this up with any hard evidence, but in my experience XEGS units seem much more prone to failure than the other machines in the XL/XE series.


Over the years I'd say about 30%-40% of the XEGS units I've picked up were DOA for one reason or another.



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If you take apart your XEGS keyboard, you will find that all those keys are already there. For some reason only the "Help" was made accessible from the top of the keyboard. The XEGS uses the same standard keyboards as the rest of the XE line.


That would be an easy upgrade. Just add the three missing switches.


I was thinking about that before, just never got around to it. Don't know why Atari didn't do it themselves. I know you need them on the console if you don't use the keyboard, but it wouldn't have hurt to have them on the cousole and keyboard. :)

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If you take apart your XEGS keyboard, you will find that all those keys are already there. For some reason only the "Help" was made accessible from the top of the keyboard. The XEGS uses the same standard keyboards as the rest of the XE line.

I am guessing it would have required three additional wires in the cable which already has quite a few since option/select/start are not read like the other keys.

Edited by kenfused
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