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Motion sickness..........1st person games & GTA IV


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Call me a wimp but my old ass can't seem to handle 1st person shooters any more it seems.


After playing a bit of Resistance and Bioshock it seems I start to get sick after maybe 15-20 minutes....


Now during a drunken mess in GTA IV I had to stop and put the controller down for a bit. (The part when you drink)


Anyone here have this issue? Any ideas to help with this? Take more breaks etc?


I dont wanna have to take supplements and pills and stuff but it sucks that I'm limited to play only non 1st person games because of it.



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I have the exact same problem. I wear those motion sickness wristbands when I play 1st person games and it helps a lot but I still get a little nauseous from them. There are some games that I can't play at all even with the wristbands like Timesplitters 2 on the GC. That one just moved too fast for me.


It also helps to use a smaller TV screen, have a light on and sit as far back from the TV as you can.


It's one of the reasons I prefer older games. I can play them for as long as I want and don't feel like I'm going to throw up afterwards.

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I don't normally have this problem but honestly, after playing any GTA game for any length of time I start to feel kind of like I have a hangover. I get a headache and feel kind of dizzy. It's even moreso with GTAIV because now I'm playing in HD on a big screen.


It's not that I can only play for 20 minutes or that I have to put the controller down at any point, but I can really only play for 3 hours or so at most and then afterwards I usually need to take some ibuprofen or something.


For me I don't think it's strictly motion sickness, although that may be part of it... it's also that the game to me just feels sort of dark and oppressive and it just gives me a headache. The graphics don't help, especially all the lighting effects - that bright washed-out sunlight going into dark rainy night, etc. I have fun playing it, but I've never really enjoyed that particular aspect of GTA games.

Edited by spacecadet
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If I have proper controls like in GTA: SA, I don't have a problem, but GTA 3 and Vice City make me want to puke if I try to play them. There was also a flying game on the PC back in 2000 that made me want to puke. For me, it all seems to be related to the controls.


I also used to get car sick and those wrist things helped, but a negative ion generator plugged into the cigarette lighter works even better. I wonder if a negative ion generator in the room while playing games would help? I need to try that whenever I can afford the extra money.

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I get sick sometimes as well but it really depends on the game. Certain computer games do it to me. Dramamine works but I agree with Joe in that who would want to take pills just to play a game? If I am not feeling well it's worse. Never have tried the motion sickness wristband however and do try to keep ginger drops around.

I do vaguely remember *I think* something about vertigo and that it can also be linked to a mild seizure disorder?

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You can get Dremamine patches to put behind your ears too (are little circles, like a little band-aid) Also what works when someone gets sick in a boat its to look at the horizon, maybe looking away from the TV for a few seconds might help?

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you are experiencing simulator sickness, assuming you aren't wearing a vr type helmet. it is common among pilots who come off of flying planes and are put in a simulator esp when there is no motion.


basically, you are seeing motion but you aren't feeling it. it can also be caused by a lag from your inputs into the game and a lag in rendering the scene itself. as your brain gets confused, you get nauseous, eye strain, fatigue, sweat and a whole host of symptoms.


smaller screens would probably be the biggest help other than stop playing. ginger is known to help. i have heard others use the shocking wrist bands with success.


when they come out with collimated, autostereo, wide screen lcds, people will be puking there guts out.

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Only game that would make me feel woozy in parts was Crackdown!

Not enough to quit playing it of course, but more like your stomach drops out when you leap off a tall building.

It's actually pretty RAD!

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Only game that would make me feel woozy in parts was Crackdown!

Not enough to quit playing it of course, but more like your stomach drops out when you leap off a tall building.

It's actually pretty RAD!


Heh...I notice that very same thing when playing that game. Its the only game I've ever played where jumping down long distances actually gave me that feeling.

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Only game that would make me feel woozy in parts was Crackdown!

Not enough to quit playing it of course, but more like your stomach drops out when you leap off a tall building.

It's actually pretty RAD!

Heh...I notice that very same thing when playing that game. Its the only game I've ever played where jumping down long distances actually gave me that feeling.

If I get a 360 this year, I need to rent that game so I can see what that is like.

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If I get a 360 this year, I need to rent that game so I can see what that is like.


Its a purchase game, not a rental. Even after I beat all the bosses. I've respawned them and beat them again! Sometimes alone, sometime in co-op. (The game has FULL co-op from begining to end if you wish) The good news is it was very popular so buying the game on the secondary market will cost you like $10-$15. I've notice dozens of kick ass games going for these prices. If you get a 360 this year, you're going to be swamped with AWESOME cheap games.

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If I get a 360 this year, I need to rent that game so I can see what that is like.


Its a purchase game, not a rental. Even after I beat all the bosses. I've respawned them and beat them again! Sometimes alone, sometime in co-op. (The game has FULL co-op from begining to end if you wish) The good news is it was very popular so buying the game on the secondary market will cost you like $10-$15. I've notice dozens of kick ass games going for these prices. If you get a 360 this year, you're going to be swamped with AWESOME cheap games.

OK, thanks. I'll buy it then. I have a strong feeling that this is the year I'll get a 360 (maybe around June or July). I went to the mall the other day and a used copy of the game of the year edition of Oblivion was over $50. It's $60 new, so I don't know who is going to buy that.

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Sometimes i get motion sick as well from playing games.

Back when gta III came out for the pc i bought it, but couldn't play it on the pc without getting sick. On the ps2 i didn't get sick. Maybe it has to do with the frame rate? I also got motion sick after watching somebody playing a 3d game like wolfenstein return to castle wolfstein.

Sometimes i also get sick when playing call of duty 2 on the pc. I play mostly with little light so maybe this could be the problem.

In the end get more motion sick with pc games then with console games.

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Doom II on the GBA - couldn't play it for more than 5 minutes.


Katamari Damacy - I love this game - but I found that after playing it a half an hour, the horrible killing sickness had whooshed up, and turned the like joy of battle into a feeling I was going to snuff it.


GTA IV on the other hand has been aokay. The only "problem" I have with this game is my lack of effort towards the missions - I have probably put about 20 hours into it and almost all of it has been stunt driving... ;0

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I guess I'm not the only one. Cripes.


It's kind of like a "fishbowl" affect.


I don't know about taking pills although it seems everyone tries different things. The lighting is definitely something I'm going to try.


It's odd for me because older games like Doom and Descent had no affect on me because I ran those games on old crappy monitors. Desecnt was a crazy 360 degree space shooter but for some reason I was just fine.


I think the higher resolution and HD screens are to blame too.

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