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Hornpipe2's Blog - Table-Based Motion


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My design for the movement and joystick tables finally got implemented today, which is good news, because it makes adding sprites and defining animations dead simple. I draw the 40xN image in Paint, run it through my converter, and paste the ASM code into a free block. Then I add new information to a few tables, and the image is ready for use.


Basically what I've set up here is a series of animations, and the joystick state just chooses which one will be played whenever your player is in the standing position. Combined with an X/Y movement table, I can make my guys walk and hop around the playing field. It's pretty awesome. I haven't loaded up all the animations yet, but so far they can block, turn around, and walk. (They can jump too but the sprites aren't present so they just levitate for now). Oh, both players are working too.


Next step is defining all the rest of the animations, drawing the remaining sprites, and then marking hitboxes and damaging points for each sprite. Lots of ROM space left too, which means features like AI, multiple playfields, and sound effects will fit in easily.


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