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Christos' Blog - Mega STE tweaking.


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As I said on my previous post, I got a Mega STE from my good friend Beetle whom I met at Outline 08. As one would expect the Mega STE is in top form. I'll add pictures in my gallery (heh, I just found about this feature :)).

Now, I need to install the necessary software so that the machine becomes at it's best.

Let's say a few things about it and compare it to the falcon.

The MegaSTE is pretty fast, sometimes more so than the falcon. BUT it can only take up to 4 MB's of RAM. So, mirroring my falcon isn't a real option. Well let's start:


1. I need a boot manager:

STOOP, XBOOT or Start-IT. XBOOT I have original, STOOP I don't, Start-It I got from an STFORMAT cover disk. I think I'll go to the last, if only for the something new factor, plus it seems nice.


2. I need GDOS.

Luckily I have version 2.5 of NVDI. But I could just as easily go for SpeedoGdos. NVDI offers screen acceleration too. I think I'll go for NVDI.


3. I want Multitasking. MiNT+ XaAES will leave me with 1.5MB's free. So what if I use an old kernel and Geneva? Interesting project I think :)


4. I need a desktop. That's easy: Teradesk!


5. I need a text editor. Here we have a lot of options. QED (fully featured but...slow). Everest (I really like that one). Others I need to look for. Any suggestions?


6. I need a music player. There is a problem here. I don't know of an all around music player for the STE, so it will be Player v1.0 for mods, snd player for sndh. I think I am covered.


7. I need something for my uber drawing skillz. Crackart or Dpaint? I'll ask!


8. I need demos! I'll start from here. Only problem is I only have 1gb of HD.


9. I need games... D-BUG!!!!!! You all know the link and if you don't you should! ;)


10. I need to code! GFA GFA GFA BASIC!


That's about it. Any additions? Please comment!




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