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atari2600land's Blog - Modern Guilt


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Beck has just finished making a new album tentatively called "Modern Guilt." At first, I didn't know the title of the album, only that something by him was to be released "at the end of this year". Now I hear it'll be out next month, hopefully in CD form, if not, I'll have to go over to my sister's house and download it. But I'm worried about two things. #1: This is Beck's shortest album yet - only 10 songs, and #2: He says he has no plans now. This album marks the end of his record deal with Interscope. As a big uber-Beck fan as I am (I have all his studio releases and "Stereopathetic Soulmanure" and "One Foot In the Grave"), I am eagerly awaiting this release, especially given a report that says it sounds like '60s rock, especially the Zombies. I don't think his last album (The Information) was one of his best, but I really dig the songs "Think I'm In Love," "Strange Apparition", "No Complaints" and "Horrible Fanfare/Landslide/Exoskeleton". So, hopefully I'll like this one, and will hear more of Beck down the road.



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