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Flack's Daily Smack - I... am... Iron... Man...


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Took the boy to go see Iron Man yesterday after school at the local theater. $10 for two tickets, which (I guess) isn't bad these days. Personally I'd rather watch it at home, but the boy's getting wise to me. "How come everybody else gets to see new movies at the theater and we have to watch them at home? And why do all our movies have words at the bottom in other languages and why are people always walking in front of the camera?" I think the real reason he likes to go to the theater is that they have better snacks there than we have at the house -- plus, if we had watched it home no one would get to see him wearing his matching Iron Man shirt and shorts and his Iron Man toy in hand. Plus, schedule wise, these early afternoon movies work out pretty well -- Mason and I get home around 3:45pm and Mommy and Morgan don't get home until around 6pm. There are a slew of movies that start between 4pm and 5pm that we could hit and get home around the same time as the girls.


As far as the movie went, I'd say it was one of the best comic book based movies I've seen. They did a good job of keeping the film interesting for both adults and kids. Hulk was terrible in that aspect (Mason was asleep before the Hulk ever appeared) and some of the other comic book films got either too violent, too scary, or too boring -- which is funny, considering they are making movies inappropriate for little kids and then spending millions of dollars marketing directly to them. I highly doubt tweenagers are the ones collecting toys out of Burger King kid's meals (although I do remember eating my share of them when the Star Wars toys were released. Nevermind ...) Despite the film's PG-13 rating I don't remember anything inappropriate for kids as young as Mason. Most of the sex and violence was either implied or fleeting. No nudity, no four-letter words ... just two hours of good clean robotic ass-kicking. Can't beat that for five bucks a head.



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