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Tickled_Pink's Blog - Music Site Development - AAAAAAARRGH!


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I've been reminded of why I don't actually like programming that much. On a PC anyway.


A project had been on the back burner for the past 12 months but a few weeks ago I finally decided to plunge into it. As it turned out, it's put all other projects on hold. I'm not a graphics artist or designer so I enlisted the help of a work colleague of my sister's, who runs his own web design business. He's been very enthusiastic throughout but my enthusiasm has started to wane a little because of the amount of work needed just to get all the admin panel forms done.


That's what I don't like about web development. Okay, that's one of many things I don't like about web development. It is probably one of the least likeable areas of software development. Not only do you have to be proficient in the programming language of choice, but also of database scripts, security issues, limitations of web-based applications, etc ... There is also a great deal of repetition involved when you have several forms on the system. It gets tedious and tiring. I just hope the end result will be worth it.


The site is a complex musicians/band community site. We're trying to incorporate all the decent bits from other music sites while at the same time introducing features that gives artists greater control over their IP (Intellectual Property). There will also be the usual video and music streaming but with Silverlight rather than Flash - it's being developed in C# and MSSQL. There are a few ideas that we haven't quite worked out how we're going to implement yet, such as the P2P streaming to allow bandmates/musicians to Gig/Jam online and the DRM. There'll also be additional collaborative systems in there, as well as the usual band/musician profile pages, venues, ticket sales, discography, tabs, a forum, and anything else we can think of.


It's been pretty slow going so far. The site is Ajaxified from the ground up using the Telerik suite of ASP.NET controls. They're much more feature-rich and offer greater flexibility than the standard .NET controls, but that in itself adds extra problems. There are so many ways to solve the same problem that I spend too much time playing around with ideas before I finally decide on one idea and one method of implementing it.


This is a mega project but also a pain in the arse.


I hate web development!



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