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atari2600land's Blog - Another hot one


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Well, today was another hot day. I'm looking forward to Tuesday and Wednesday, where the highs will supposedly not reach 60. I'm not sure what the high was today. Last time I was awake, it was 89, although that was around 3pm. You see, if you fall asleep when it's hot, you won't feel hot. I guess that's the strategy of our dog and cat, as most of the day they look like they're dead. My cat is 15 years old, so I wake her up occassionally to see if she's still alive. In the morning when it wasn't so hot, I went to the video game store (same old garbage), and Best Buy, where I got the MST3K movie on DVD. It's my favorite movie released in theaters. The weird thing about the DVD is that there's no scene selection, just 'play movie' and 'language selection' options. And, judging from the box, the only languages are English and subtitles for the hearing impaired. Well, anyway, I'm glad to see it got released on DVD again (apparently the old print is very rare), so I won't have to rely on my VHS tape of it whenever I want to see it again. I tried to record the VHS tape on to DVD, but I couldn't, which is weird because I could with my retail VHS Planet of the Apes, Joe's Apartment, Monty Python, etc. How strange. Well, today I'm going to Value Village. They probably won't have anything, but I want to make sure. I guess I'm obsessive when it comes to collecting anything Atari. That's where I got the 5200 that works fine except for the controllers. Argh!



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