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atari2600land's Blog - Squared Away


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As most of you already know, I pump out a whole bunch of bB games without really having a chance to make them shine. But this one I think is really nice. And I think I'll keep working on this one to the end. I know I say that about every game, but I didn't really have the programming skills necessary to make ToobBin' a great game. So, I present to you the first of many versions of my new game, Squared Away.



At the title screen, press fire to start a new game.

You are the yellow square. Your job is to collect as many red squares as possible without bumping into the green square. The red square counter is the blue number at the bottom of the screen and the life counter are your squares at the bottom there. You have three lives to start with. If you touch the green square you lose a life. Once you got all the squares, a new level appears.



= If you go off the board, you'll reappear on the other side. Use this to your advantage to increase the amount of time the green square uses to catch up to you.

= The green square can move diagonally, just so you know.


Right now, there are only two levels. If you want to design a level, have this in mind:

Squares may not be in the border (x lines 0 & 31, y lines 0 & 10), and each level must have 135 red squares (I may change the number of squares per level, but for now, it's fixed at 135.) So have fun!




Attached thumbnail(s)




















Attached File(s)



square.bas.bin ( 4K )

Number of downloads: 0


square.bas ( 3.42K )

Number of downloads: 0






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