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Kjmann's RMT Music


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Cool. Thanks Miker. I'll check it out.


Cool, The New SAP player is much better. I was just wondering though is there an update coming soon for the SA_POKEY.DLL?

Does anyone know?


I'd like to be able to get a better playback emulation with Raster.


Was just curious. =)


while I'm here. I might as well post an update to Trans Atlantic. it's still not complete, But I'm getting closer. I'm having trouble makeing the MINOR CHORD instruments for the song. The Original was not in TUNE so to speak. translating it has been a Bit#h. =)


Here You go Guys. any suggestions would be welcome.

WARNING: You will hear some pretty sour notes in spots. =)


Songs are Now Available for Download At: http://webpages.charter.net/windwar/

Edited by kjmann
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