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atari2600land's Blog - Near-death grandpa


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My grandpa is about to die. :( Apparently, it'll be soon. He checked into the hospital about a month ago and hasn't left since. Right now he's so weak he can't get out of the bed, and he has difficulty breathing, so me and my mom figure it's only a matter of time before he dies. Which is sad for him because he didn't really want to die. Oh well, you have to die sometime, right? Sure, I'll miss him, but not as much as I did his wife (grandma died about the same time 3 years ago.) But, I guess this is kind of a good thing, as he won't be suffering anymore.

And, I made some changes to Squared Away. Now, it's 136 squares per level instead of 135, and you can put squares on the borders now. I've also added 4 new levels and a hidden level (at the title screen, press left, then right, then fire to get to it.) Also, I slowed down the game a tiny bit, and you can't move diagonally any more (if you try to, nothing happens.)


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square2.bas.bin ( 4K )

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square2.bas ( 9.75K )

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