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s0c7's Blog - Seek ye the grail...


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Fairly big update. Hopefully this will help with those having problems with the end game.


What's new:

- The princess will be outside the castle if you've freed her (just don't expect her to be happy to see you if you haven't completed the entire quest :P ).

- New location that leads to a new level. Somewhere on the lower levels is a randomly placed cave entrance. Hit fire to enter the "Cave of the Dead" (so named because it is populated only with ghosts). Hidden somewhere in the cave is the Holy Grail. If you find it and drink from it nice things will happen. ;) Not required to win the game, but a nice little side quest that can help you out.

- Some more behind the scenes cleanup.


As usual, let me know if you find any bugs or see any screen rolls (so far I haven't seen any, but I haven't had much time to test).


Attached File(s)



dungeon_v22.bin ( 32K )

Number of downloads: 0






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