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B-Sphere on ebay


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Holy!! And that is just Battlesphere. LOL!


Well the developers of Battlesphere have a good thing going. They can now make individual carts now if they wanted to, and kick them out every so often when they need a little more cash now and then. At the rate the cartridges are going up in value, they now don't have to make them as often to make the same amount of money.


Pretty soon the money they would have made selling four carts they can do with one cart.


Not to say this isn't going to a good cause (Diabetes, the cycling cause, etc) but just that they don't have to sell as many to make the same money they made before. :D

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It's a very rare game ! About 150 copies on the market and 150 others in the Tbird garage : one sell every month ... :D


Why not go say this ridiculous crap at JSII where T-Bird can defend himself against

your completely bogus claims? Easy to through a punch through a one way window. :roll:



If T-Bird is selling it, he is giving the moeny to charity to fund diabetic research.

How dare he!



Edited by Gorf
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I've a question maybe someone here can answer for me; if all monies are donated to charity by the seller, would buying the game from them also qualify as a charitable donation that is tax deductable? Or does the seller only claim that right? If the latter is the circumstance, the seller should make the donation in the buyers name so the buyer can claim the deduction. I bet if they did that it would sell for even more than now, as the buyer could be much more generous knowing it's tax deductable. Or even submit the charity under both buyer and seller names so at least 50% could be deducted from taxes for each entity.

Edited by Gunstar
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Holy!! And that is just Battlesphere. LOL!


Well the developers of Battlesphere have a good thing going. They can now make individual carts now if they wanted to, and kick them out every so often when they need a little more cash now and then. At the rate the cartridges are going up in value, they now don't have to make them as often to make the same amount of money.


Pretty soon the money they would have made selling four carts they can do with one cart.


Not to say this isn't going to a good cause (Diabetes, the cycling cause, etc) but just that they don't have to sell as many to make the same money they made before. :D


Just to be accurate...


The seller is neither....it is SSFU. Both Scott and Doug are 9-5ers+ and even if they did sell them at these prices,

it's the least they can do to get back for all they put into the game and I know most if not ALL of the proceeds fund good

causes like diabetic research. Scott is working on a shit load of patents and hardly has time to E-Whore BS. Doug does

this maybe once a year.

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I've a question maybe someone here can answer for me; if all monies are donated to charity by the seller, would buying the game from them also qualify as a charitable donation that is tax deductable? Or does the seller only claim that right?



Im no CPA but I can bet the later is the case.

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If you read carefully the auction texte, it is written :



At the close of this auction, the winning bidder will be directed how to make payment directly to the Tour de Cure fund raising page. DO NOT pay through by any other means.



So, in my understanding, this is not the seller who give money to charity, but the buyer. So as long as this is eligible to tax deduction, the buyer is the one concerned. In France, from time to time, a friend is making such action for fund raising by selling boardgames. He sells his games a bit more expensive than usually. He ask buyer to donate to the association and send him a proof donation has been made. Then the buyer is eligible for tax deduction, and finally, he got the game for cheaper than original price...

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If you read carefully the auction texte, it is written :



At the close of this auction, the winning bidder will be directed how to make payment directly to the Tour de Cure fund raising page. DO NOT pay through by any other means.



So, in my understanding, this is not the seller who give money to charity, but the buyer. So as long as this is eligible to tax deduction, the buyer is the one concerned. In France, from time to time, a friend is making such action for fund raising by selling boardgames. He sells his games a bit more expensive than usually. He ask buyer to donate to the association and send him a proof donation has been made. Then the buyer is eligible for tax deduction, and finally, he got the game for cheaper than original price...



That is a different auction than the SSFU auction. YEs that is T-Bird and yes the donation

info is right there. Unlike SSFU's auction which only funds her favorite charity...herself.

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No wonder Scatologic don't make another cart run. Who needs this shit? :(

They don't owe anyone any favours, and clearly the money is going to charity.


Maybe if people stopped hassling them over BS, they might actually want to do another cart run....

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Why not go say this ridiculous crap at JSII where T-Bird can defend himself against

your completely bogus claims? Easy to through a punch through a one way window.


LOL... In fact I'm ready to buy a copy of BS but not on Ebay... I agree that the money help diabtic research... Where is the TBird's garage ? what's the price ?

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