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Xchange 360 and the Mac


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I have the Xchange 360 device that allows you to connect an Xbox 360 Memory Unit to a PC so you can transfer save games to and from a computer for archival safekeeping. The problem is that the software that comes with it is Windows only and I use a Mac Mini.


What I am looking for is a program on the Mac side, preferably Leopard compatible, that will see the Memory Unit and allow me to transfer my game saves to my Mac. I would like to archive my game saves from GTA IV for use with my GTA IV guide I am writing for GameFAQs.


Any help would be appreciated.


(BTW, if you hook up the Xchange 360 with a MU onto a Xbox 1 unit, using an USB-to-Xbox cable, you can use the MU for Xbox 1 game saves. I bought the Xchange 360 in an attempt to transfer Xbox 1 game saves to the Xbox 360. Didn't work.)

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For what it's worth, there are two issues here.


1) It's presumably a USB storage device like the original Xbox memory card. Some models but not others are recognized as USB memory cards by OS X. I think Max Memory was one of the "good" cards. Oh, and also you need a cable that will hook one up to a standard USB plug.


2) If the original Xbox is any indication, it's going to be formatted with a non-standard filesystem. So you either need a VFS installed, or you need something which can mess with the raw disk device.


It might be possible to run the Windows software under Parallels.

Edited by Bruce Tomlin
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Right now I currently have a 60GB drive and I want to get a larger hard drive before I start to play with Boot Camp/Parallels.


And what is a VFS?


Another option is what is known as XSATA, a device that is paced between the Xbox 360 hard drive and the Xbox 360 unit and allows you to directly hook up the hard drive to a computer. However, I have not seen it around any of the GameStops in a long time. Of course, the software for that is probably Windows only as well.


And do you know of any "unrestricted" sector readers/editors? I wish to place my Xbox 360 and Xbox 1 game discs in my Mac and dredge it for cutscene text, hidden text, and other interesting stuff for my FAQs. Unfortunately, most of the sector editors I have found and used will only look at files it can see or hard drives only. I want to start at the first sector and go all the way to the last sector without any restrictions just like it was on the Commodore 64.


Of course, if there is a way for the Mac to see the Xbox/Xbox 360 filesystem then that would solve my problem just as well.

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