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TROGBlog - Stellar Fortress v0.23


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sf23.zip ( 20.64K )

Number of downloads: 0


New Features:

sf22.asm 3/2/08

- Added preliminary title music.

- Reorganized bank data. All kernels will now live in bank 2. Bank 1 contains the VBlank and Overscan.


sf23.asm 5/24/08

- Changed cannon graphics. Uses lower vertical resolution. Cannon is larger. Now has 16 rotational animation positions instead of 8.

- Added Title Screen mode. Press the fire button to begin the game.

- Added Title graphics.


To Do:

- Rewrite the kernel to squeeze out more cycles and allow for some extra features.

- Improve the Plasma Cannon graphics. Currently only 8 directions are implemented. This will be expanded to 16, as was done with the player's ship.

- Design the Stellar Fortress destruction animation.

- Title screen and title music.

- Targeting computer for missiles.

- Add starting level selection and gradual difficulty increase per level.


Development Notes

I broke a lot of game features when I moved the banks around and added the title mode. Most of the work I did for the last 3 months was cleaning up everything that was broken. But the original functionality it back, and the reorganization will make future development cleaner.


I also beefed up my copyright notice, so none of my games will get Hozed. For clarification, the games that I post in this blog are not open source, nor are they public domain. I will retain all copyrights. People are welcome to look through the code for ideas, and can reuse individual subroutines if they find them useful. But I don't want any of these games placed on a ROM cartridge or CD without my permission first. None of these games are completed yet, but they'll get there eventually.



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